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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I am posting here for my two year old son. He was generally healthy during his first one and a half years of life. The only significant observation is that his skin has always been very dry. He was in the US thill he turned 13 months and then went to India for about five months. Ever since he came back to the US from India, he has been falling sick.

Here is the sequence of events –
When he came back, we first noticed that his eyes were watery. And then he developed running nose ( most of the times it was colorless ) which lasted for about two to three weeks. And then he developed very small acne like rashes. It first started in the face and then went to the body and then spread to his legs. It also vanished in the same order after a week. We initially thought it was measles. But the pediatrician didn’t feel so and said it could be viral. He also had a similar episode when he was in India and my mom said they thought it was measles. He was given the MMR vaccine at the right times. This rash was not itchy.

After this, we shifted apartment, and he developed terrible hives which lasted for three weeks. He used to get up in the middle of the night and itch all over his body and head and cry for an hour and then go back to sleep after two hours or so. It used to come in some areas, stay there for a day or two and then he used to get in a different areas. He didn’t get it in his face but. We gave him Benadryl, Zyrtec. The Pediatrician and Dermatologist again said it could be viral. At this time, we went to a homeopathy doctor and he suggested that we give our son Sulphur. The hives has not returned. But he has been having continuous running nose , terrible nasal congestion which lasted for a month and a half. He always used to open his mouth and snore in the night. He started daycare in the middle of his hives episode. He has been having watery eyes for most of this time.

With his continuous running nose, he developed terrible ear infection. He was on antibiotics twice for ten days each and the pediatrician said he has allergic rhinitis and prescribed Singulair. He has been on it for more than a month. Ten days after he started Singulair, his congestion totally cleared up. At about the same time, we stopped giving him milk because I felt that it was increasing his nasal congestion and mucus production. In the middle of all this, he kept getting small acne like rashes which used to last for few days in different places like back, upper chest area.

Again we started him on Sulphur because the homeopathy doctor believed that it is treating him. One other observation is that he used to keep getting up in the middle of the night and itch around his neck and cry for like ten to fifteen minutes. This kept happening sporadically for few days at a time. It happened recently for four to five days continuously. I gave him a warm bath in the nighttime and applied cream liberally over his neck and body and he seemed to sleep peacefully after that. I don’t know if it was the pollens stucking on to him that itched or just mere dryness.

We live in an area that is high in pollen count and allergy.

About my son – He is a very happy kid, smiles a lot, also cries a lot for the past four months since he has returned to the US. I sometimes think that he is not very active as the other kids his age since he tends to sit often when in parks when the other kids still keeping running around.

I really hope I have not missed any symptoms and if any of you have a question, please ask me.

I would really appreciate if anyone can put all this together and find out that is happening with my son.

  omega123 on 2009-11-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
sulphur is not remedy 4 ur son bcuz the sulpur pt has aggrivation wid water and ur son gt relief after bath with warm water.

i think the psoranium would work best but u must also apply olive oil at night on his body..psoranium30 twice a day.

isha_dr last decade
Thanks Dr.Isha for responding to my post.

I forgot to mention this - my son prefers room temperature water to hot water. Even with slight heat, he says the water is very hot.

Will psoranium address his dry skin or also address his always leaking nose/watery eyes.

I dont know if he has a very mild form of eczema but whenever we have been to the pediatrician, he has never said that he has it. For the dry skin, they have always advised us to use either Vanicream or CeraVe which is like Eucerin.

omega123 last decade

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