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16-year old daughter sick for 6 months inner ear problems

My daughter got sick about six months ago with vertigo and vomiting. She's been dizzy and nauseas ever since. Had lots of tests done, MRI, CT Scan, shows nothing. Tried lots of conventional meds such as Serc and Gravol. Now taking Ativan once a day when the situation gets overwhelming. Cocculine is the only thing helping the nausea. Doc wants her to try Stemetil but looks like it has lots of side effects. I tried her on a homeopathic remedy for labyrinthitis - it made her really dizzy and her head feel funny. I tried her on Lightheaded homeopathic rememdy and it made her more sick to her stomach. Any ideas out there? She can't write or use the computer or she gets a lot sicker. She's housebound and getting trouble with anxiety.
  dargc on 2005-03-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What happened in her life 6 or 8 months ago? Does she remember? There was something to cause this extended problem. Try to remember. Something happened, something changed.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Could go back even further - normally I ask people what has had impact over the last 18 months.
You need to 'match' her to a remedy .
For instance if she is blonde , pale , cant eat rich foods or wear woollen garments - easygoing up to point then stubborn.... the remedy would be Pulsatilla, etc , etc.
passkey last decade
Please try some PHYTOLACCA 1M. 3 doses per day for 3 days and we need constant reporting. You may give dry or place one dry dose in water and give by the half spoonful.

I have an odd feeling that there was something suppressed and this is the result. SO, this means that she may show some increased symptoms. OR odd symptoms seemingly unrelated.

This is why the often reporting. We may have to have a longer period between doses so she is not uncomfortable. Please report anything!!!

Please let us know.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Thanks for your responses. In the fall of 1999, at age 12, my daughter started to get sick. Started with a cold virus, then she was left with dizziness, like she had a virus all the time, headaches, ear infections, low grade fever, became allergic to cats and environmental triggers and chronically fatigued. Stopped school and was home schooled or three years. Went to high school last year with 1/2 course load. Got progressively worse all year but went again last fall. In October, this inner ear stuff hit and the rest you know. She's off school, can't write or read much, watch much TV, and now has had a first panic attack in the doc's office because of many people being there and her being sick and dizzy. Also, stomach is bad now, takes two stomach meds for reflux and esophagus spasms. Plus Ativan s/l for anxiety and dizzy spells. And the newest, she can't do a bowel movement more than just a bit. She's been using suppositories but not helping much. She's a mess.
dargc last decade
Did you try the PHYTOLACCA as I suggested?

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
I will try it. Her constipation has now become a big problem, going on for 8 days without a bm. She has tried conventional remedies and not much has happened. Can I give her Nux Vomica and the Phytolacca together? I live in a rural area and am curerntly in the City, I will probably be able to find these remedies. Thanks.
dargc last decade
Go to health store to get some CASCARA SAGRADA. This is a natural supplement for bowels. Not homeopathic.

We do not suggest both remedies together, ESPECIALLY in the case of your daughter that has too many problems that are confusing. If you want the NUX for the constipation, use this first to see, and wait a few days before the Phytolacca 1M.

WHAT happened to your daughter before she was 12? Something happened I assure you. A serious illness with antibiotics? A trauma of some sort? Was she raped?

Please keep us posted. I would really like to see your daughter re-connect in her life again.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
I realize she had a cold virus, but this doesn't ring a bell with me.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Hey Dargc, how are you doing?

Here are a list of disease or disorders associated with vertigo and vomiting:

M'enie're's syndrome: Loss of balance and severe vertigo, noises in ear, increasing deafness, nausea, vomiting, inability to place finger on an indecated part of the body.

Motion sickness: Vomiting, greenish pallor, dizziness.

Botulism: Symptoms appear from 18 to 36 hours after eating contaninated food. Fatigue, blurred sight, double vision, dry mouth, speaking and swallowing become difficult, weakening of the muscles (especially of the trunk) causing difficulty breathing. There may be nausea, cramps, diarrhea and dilated, fixed pupils.

Contraception (the pill): nausea, vomiting sore breast, vaginal bleeding, dizzy spells, varying general puffiness over the body.

Diabetes (diabetic coma, ketoacidosis): Breathing is rapid, deep, hungry. Severe dehydration, dixxiness, poor skin tone, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, sunken eyeballs, stupor, shock, and finally, coma.

Adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease): Bronzing skin, dizziness, freckles, piebald spots, intolerence for cold, dehydration, easily fatigued, weight loss, vomiting, craving for salt, abdominal pains, fainting, nervous and mental disorders, loss of hair.

Cerebral palsyF: Infants, children: twitching muscles, tremor of limbs, loss of equilibrium, spasticity, lack of muscle control, lack of alretness, partial paralysis of the face, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, jaundice, convulsion, and susceptibility to infections.

Best wishes,
bkdaniels last decade
I believe you know how to apply pressure to your ear by shutting your nostrils and build up pressure.

A technique which is quite opposite. Shut your nostrils and apply vacume.

Alternate it with pressure.

This way trapped mucus and stale air will come out. It will assist in healing further.

Most ear infections start with blocked eustachion tube which connects inner ear to the throat.
kuldeep last decade
K, Most people in US do not understand this, Make more of a picture. I am having trouble with "vacume" in or out?...still holding? Sabra
sabra last decade
Dear Dargo, how is your daughter? Anything to report?

Please disregard bkdaniels. He seems to always be having trouble with his allopathic wings.

Kuldeep, we talk to.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We tried the Nux for a few days and it seems to help somewhat. I cannot find the Phytolacca anywhere. Do you know where I can purchase it in Nova Scotia? In the summer of 1999, my daughter was very, very busy with many commitments such as band and camping, etc. She got very overtired and at the end of the summer, had a cold/infection. This is when everything started. She had no other trauma. Thanks for your help.
dargc last decade
Also, for the past two weeks, my daughter has had a low-grade fever. She always has a low fever, usually 95F. Now it's always over 99F and she is getting a lot dizzier with this, plus her skin hurts with the fever and her head aches. Tylenol helps her some but I'd say she's gotten a lot worse in the past two weeks overall. She's eating prunes and flax flour but the only thing that makes her bowels move is a glycerine suppository. I don't know where to get the Cascara Sagrada. Again, perhaps you know of someone in my area? The last thing her doctor told us to do was exercises for BPPV and she's having trouble doing them because they make her dizziness so much worse. We are getting so worried for her and frustrated with our doctors. Any help you can give would be appreciated.
dargc last decade
which homeopathic remedies for labrynthitis did you try?
erika last decade
We tried something called "Pellets Ear Labyrinth of" 4 c Dizziness -from Dolisos Laboratories, LA, USA. And also something called "Lightheaded" from BHI - Heel Inc. Said it contained Conium Maculatum 5x, Cocculus Indicus 6X, Phosphorus 6X, Petroleum 8X, Ambra Grisea 12x. This just didn't seem to do anything but the first one made her more dizzy and she's now afraid to take it again.
dargc last decade
Hi Dargo, Have you asked ABC? Phytolacca is a most common remedy. ABC has most remedies.

Keep posting, we are watching.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Dargo, would you write me?
a1remedy at yahoo.com

have something to say.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
I have found a pharmacy that will order in the phytolacca decandra 30 for me, thank God. It may take a week or so. I am from Canada so I couldn't order any from ABC. My daughter now has a new symptom of stomach pain, which even with the nausea this whole time, she hasn't had a lot of stomach pain. This comes in waves and subsides after about an hour and then reoccurs after about 1/2 hour. She is very discouraged. Her allopathic doctor prescribed Stemetil and this pain occurred after taking one so she doesn't want to take it again. I will keep writing. Thanks so much.
dargc last decade
I am a certified ear coning specialist and would recommend using ear coning. This is not an uncommon experience after having a cold, esp. severe cold. You may be able to find a practitioner (recommended) or you can do this yourself. You will probably have to do this every week for a month. Do not use ear cones more frequently than once every 5-7 days, as more frequent use can cause irritation.
Are you familiar wit kinesiology? If not, do some searches to learn how to use. Then you can allow her body to tell you what she needs in terms of supplementation. Each person is different and kinesiology allows the body to speak for itself. I hope you will find some relief!
zolabear last decade
I was just diagnosed with Benign Positional Vertigo. My doctor has advised me to drink at least six glasses of water a day, double my allergy medication, and get physical therapy for the exercises that you've apparently already tried. Are allergies a part of your daughter's profile? Could this be part of the problem? Does she drink enough fluids? I'm certain that's what's causing mine. I hope this is another avenue that you can explore for help. Ellen
ellendxyz last decade
Thanks for all your responses. My daughter has experienced 3 migraines this week and finally I got her looked at in Emerg. Her one tube is plugged and she has an ear infection, which was causing the headaches. So she's now on Zithromax for five days. Once this clears up, I will be trying her on the Phytolacca. She still cannot write or draw without getting extremely nauseas and dizzy. Will the phytolacca help with that too, do you think?
dargc last decade
It might be helpful if you would describe your daughter's migraine pain in detail. Where was the pain, did it radiate, describe the sensation of the pain (boring, throbbing, dull or sharp, etc.), what made it better, what made it worse. These specifics are what homeopaths look for in choosing a remedy.
ruth45 last decade
This is what I meant in the beginning of the posting about something was suppressed.

In this case I would suggest giving the Phytolacca during the antibiotics and continue several day past the end of them. Keep posting and we will watch the progress.

I cannot blame you, most people just do not understand this. The words are the same, but the interpretation is not there.

She had a suppression that made the diagnosis difficult, and now it has finally released itself.

Please keep in touch, I understand a lot of what you wrote. Please email me so we can get into this plethora of over-laping conditions. Keep the thread going.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
I'm not sure what you mean by suppressed? I will try the Phytolacca. Thanks for your help.
dargc last decade

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