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How do I know how much raw meat to feed daily. She is an overweight dog at 60 lbs. but with her suposedly low blood sugar I have been feeding her three meals a day ( when she will eat them ) consisting of a rotation of chicken, livers, gizards, hearts, ground turkey and beef, canned salmon and boiled and raw eggs. I sneak in carrots when she will take them but I haven't found a vegetable she likes with her meat. I fed her two chicken thighs with 4 boiled eggs at lunch. Is this an good portion? Too much? Too small? Should I feed as much as she will take or not. She is still on 5mg of prednisone twice a day along with her thyroid meds. Thanks for any adivice!
maggiemae last decade
my dog was a German shephard, also 60 pounds, but she didn't eat much- like two raw eggs with 3 peach-size "balls"
of raw ground beef for a meal, 2 meals /a day and some snacks meanwhile (meaty bones usually).

I wish there was a way you could test her BS. maybe it is ok now.how about her thyroid? did she start the meds with prednisone?

Were there any signs of discomfort when you lowered the drug?
Astra2012 last decade
You don't want to stuff her, to keep her blood sugar balanced. That taxes the pancreas. I suggest feeding her several small meals per day to keep her blood sugar balanced. So if she wants an egg and 1/4 cup of meat for one meal, then try again in a few hours with something else.

The healthy diet should over time, help her shed some excess weight. Just keep it healthy and vary it like you are doing. Some cooked eggs, some raw, different meats, preferable raw, liver, heart. etc. too. Please try to see if you can get chicken or turkey necks from your butcher. She needs the calcium. Eggshells for now will do. Then you can move into supplements if you choose like Vitamin C, granulated kelp, alfalfa tabs, etc.

If you puree a veggie or grate it just try 1 teaspoon mixed with her food and work up from there.

Let her tell you what she wants. Most dogs new to this diet can be picky, but even more picky if they are ill. Their sense of smell is far greater than ours.

And if you are having problems getting her to eat a meal, substitute goats milk for that meal, or a couple times per day. Sweet to the taste and it is high in protein and nourishment. She should love it.

You are doing a great job, keep using your wits and take it day by day.

Namaste27 last decade
P.S. Two chicken thighs and 4 eggs is a GREAT portion of food. Unlike kibble which is like cereal and we all know we can eat bowl after bowl of cereal, the raw food fills them quicker and sustains them for longer. Think about the denseness and if she was in the wild, how much she would eat if she hunted.

Namaste27 last decade
Won't she choke on the chicken or turkey neck bones? She has been panting, could that be because I have been forcing too much food and it has put a strain on her pancreas? Thanks again for the help.
maggiemae last decade
My dogs never choke on the necks. They are vertebrae and she should crunch them into bite size pieces,or you can do it for her with a cleaver if you choose.

I don't know why she is panting. If it is not hot weather then it may be something with her heart/lungs.

Did you order the tea?

Namaste27 last decade
necks should be ok-just not the long bones in wings and logs.
panting may be caused by hot weather, too big meal (and you can't take deeper breath) or some other causes which can be determined only by the vet who examines her
by you--if you go to the library/bookstore-see books on vet medicine and check index for panting in dogs.
you may also type in search engine "dog panting" and see what comes up.
Astra2012 last decade
it's better to give her many small meals than fewer but bigger.
Astra2012 last decade
I haven't ordered the tea. I am looking for a cheaper source, I do feel guilty for not spending the $38 but I just can't right now. I will keep looking for a less expensive brand. I am also going to buy the necks and try them.
maggiemae last decade
tea for 38$?
is she panting all the time or just sometimes? when?
Astra2012 last decade
MaggieMae try www dot nowfoods dot com for the Essiac tea. Or go online and see what herbs constitute it (red clover, shepperd's purse, etc.)and order those in bulk and make your own tea. The Essiac tea is very concentrated and very effective at healing the body from cancer.

Please try to do this, she is worth it.

In the mean time I will look online and see if I can find you the recipe.

Namaste27 last decade

Here is one link to make the recipe. I guess it does not have red clover in it after all. has been some time since I have seen the ingredients. Check it out.

Namaste27 last decade

This link has testimony about essiac tea and pets.

Namaste27 last decade
I'm trying to get the ingredient together for the tea. She has started to breath very rapid and panting, waking me up at night coming to my bedroom as if she wants outside but she doesn't. She is very gassy also. She is getting three meals of 21/2 cups of meat varying form chicken, turkey or salmon. Steamed carrots mixed in when she will take them and bones when she will eat them and not keep them buried. Do you have any idea why she is panting so much. Could it be her thyroid meds. She is still on 10mg a day of steroid because I am too chicken to take her off. I don't want to kill her by my being stupid. I am not a doctor but I am doing my best. Any ideas about the panting. Is the 10 mg steroid keeping her sugar up and pain down?
maggiemae last decade
I have been going through the same thing it 1st started in December. I took my dog to many vets that could not say what was wrong, finally going to a spec. I found that she had pancreatic toumor. Now for the cure their really is none however after this past week and going to another vet (who is just wonderful) I got some help she was at the point of not walking and just could not stand anymore she was also on the prednason (not sure how to spell that) but found out that it will weakin them and bloat up the dog badly. This is a cheep fix that will only last a few mo until it gets worse again. Well the wonderful vet did much reasearch and found that their is a shot that can be given 3 times a day the cost of it was 234.00 and I had to get it a Arrow PHY its called Sandostatin. This seems to be working but STOP the Prednisone now you are actually killing your dog. They loose their strenght in their back legs. You will notice that they stop wanting to go out and then you will see more I am only on day 5 with the shots but when I saw her in the cage at the vets I thaught that she was dead when he said to come and get her to see if she would get better at home I just thaught that the vet was just being kind and letting me have one more weekend with her. Now she is far from running in the back yard but she is moving and moving faster day by day. I hope this will help e-mail me back and let me know.
swctab last decade
It is encouraging to hear from someone. I thought she was comatose this a.m. but when I waved raw burger in front of her she perked up. I have been wanting to take her off the steriod. Did your vet say the tumors would lower her blood glucose? ARe the shots from your regular vet or a homeopathic? She is on the raw meat diet instead of noodles 3xa day like my vet recommended. Her panting is still severe. Was your dog panting when she was diagnosed? Maggie was just disoriented and withdrawn. Let me know!! Thanks again!
maggiemae last decade
Maggiemae all the steroid is doing is buying her time by suppressing her symptoms and pushing the illness deeper within, it is holding her prisoner and not allowing her immune system to fight for her life. Steroids suppress that is what they do, like holding a hand over someone's mouth so they cannot fully breathe.

You have to do what is best for her, not for you. A drug prolonging her life but risking it is a lot worse than letting her take a natural route and if she passes on, then it was her time, that is the way I see it. Think of her as a wolfe in nature and keep her as natural as possible. Remember my story about my cat with the hyperthyroid.

My sister's ferret who was off the steroids lived an extra 3 months of a vibrant life and then she passed on after 3 days of her body shutting down. But she was no longer at the mercy of the drugs. All animals die, it is part of the cycle of life.

Read about Carbo Veg. for her panting, wanting fresh air, etc. gassiness.

Namaste27 last decade
Yes that is why her sugar is dropping when I brought in Misty her blood sugar was at 15 when it should be at 65. The shots were prescribed from my vet but I had to pick it up at a regular phcy. Now that she is off the steriods she is alert you can see the love and fight that she still has in her eyes. About the raw meat diet I dont know the vet had been giving her baby food yes real baby food for humans but that was because she was not eating when she was at the vets (she was in for 3 night) but when I got her home I gave her the baby food and she did not want to know she wanted her regular food and she ate that like nothing was wrong and that she was starving. The noodles are to put more carbs in her body and bost her sugar level but what I do is give her peanut butter cookies that I get at the store (about 3 of them 3 times a day) she loves them. Yes the panting is the 1st stage. Has your dog started with seasures (not sure how to spell that)? Does she walk into walls and not sure of where she is? Does she gag when she drinks water? I have also tried the tea thing it did nothing for her (blessed thisel) all it did was make her eat less. what you should be doing is feeding her 8x a day that will bring up her carbs and when you bost the carb intake that supplies more sugar. Write back I have much more info. I have spent over 4000.00 just trying to get the answers I would love to see someone else also benfit from all of the money. All I care about is that she gets help and lives. Hope to talk to you soon.
swctab last decade
I think I will take her off the steroid. I read today where some dog had an allergic reaction to the steroid and it was heavy panting. Are you still feeding your dog carbs. or regular dog food? I took Maggie of the carbs and have her on raw meat three times a day. What is your time schedule youre feeding your dog? She is cheery, and is happy to see me and my kids. Her panting has gotten worse however and she keeps me up at night I suspect because she feels she needs to eat more. The tea Namaste suggest is Essiac tea to cure cancer and I haven't been able to afford it yet. She was very lethargic when we took her in and other than the panting and the swelling from the steroid she is doing better. Keep the info coming and thanks to all of you for the support.
maggiemae last decade
I feed her 3 main meals a day breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then the other ones I do when the panting starts. I have her on a carb diet. Pro Plan hard dog food mixed with some soft. I have not heard of that tea. But she is doing so much better with the shots. I took home a dog on Friday that could not move and look like she gave up on life and now she is walking (not climbing stairs) but a walk like someone who has had been drinking but she is walking more and more every day and that is a blessing from GOD. I love her and found a vet here in Connecticut that was willing to help her and give me the option of what I could afford. Let me know what state that you are from. I hope to hear from you soon and I am so glad you took her off the steriod. Have a good day.
God Bless
swctab last decade
What type of carb diet do you have her on? Is the food available through a pet store or vet? Is the Sandostatin $250 per shot? Maggie is walking slow I feel due to her being so large (fat or water from steroid) Otherwise perky at times. I am thinking of going to another vet for another opinion if she improves off of steroids. Do you give your dog strictly dog food or is the diet consisting of noodles etc? I reside in Texas. Thanks for the support and advice. Anything will help.
maggiemae last decade
The carb diet that I have her on is just 3 peanut butter cookies 3 times a day(they are the reg food that you would find in you own food store human cookies) also the shots are not 250 each they are 234.00 for the small bottle that should give you 30 shots per bottle. I would think that her being slow is caused by the steriod that you are or were giving her it eats away at their mussellin their legs. Just keep her walking to keep those mussells built up. The dog food that I use is Pro Plan (weight Mang) mixed with a 1/4 can of soft pro plan. It took me 7 vets to find this one that is about 40 mi from my home but he is so worth the drive. Let me know if you have any questions I will be taking her to the vet on Wed to have her blood sugar checked to make sure that it is still up. Anything else just let me know. I wish that you were closer that maybe we could get together and talk about this. Wish you and her the best.

God bless you both
swctab last decade
She ate better today but is still sad looking and panting (but not as much) She won't eat peanut butter and I did find the PRo Plan food at the pet store. I continue to have her on the raw meat diet so is it o.k. to supplement some with the canned Pro Plan? I become desperate and try to get anything down her. She is only on her thyroid meds now and it is the 3rd day she has been off her steroid. I asked my vet about the sandostatin meds and he said he would see if it is available in the U. S. She looks weak and is overweight causing her to have difficulty moving as well. Any advice or words will be helpful.

Also is there any good remedy to rid your dog of ear mites. My lab's ears smell and I can't seem to clean the residue out with the usual meds.
maggiemae last decade

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