The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Repeated middle ear infections
My 6 year old son has had year infections since he was 1 1/2 andnow (march 2005)he has been having left ear infected since December 2004. Fluid in his middle ear has not cleared. He has been on antibiotics all along. As long as he takes anitibiotics he feels better, the infection starts after about a week he stops taking antibiotics. He also takes Ferrom Phos 12X 2 pills twice daily(recommended by a friend). It is worse in the winter months.
But has not helped much.
yogita on 2005-03-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You have not told us anything about your child as a person, only about the ear infection.
Homeopathy heals the whole person, not a part of. Please describe the child. His responses.
Like: he could be screaming in pain or wimpering, or quiet and stoic. He could cough or sweat, sleep badly or sleep through it. When there is fever, does he curl up in covers or toss them off? You see, your child is an individual that acts in certain ways we need to know.
Report like you are showing his pics to a friend, and he is, and he does, and he likes. You see? This will be a long and daily thing to get him past this.
Blessings, Sabra
Homeopathy heals the whole person, not a part of. Please describe the child. His responses.
Like: he could be screaming in pain or wimpering, or quiet and stoic. He could cough or sweat, sleep badly or sleep through it. When there is fever, does he curl up in covers or toss them off? You see, your child is an individual that acts in certain ways we need to know.
Report like you are showing his pics to a friend, and he is, and he does, and he likes. You see? This will be a long and daily thing to get him past this.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
Thank you very much for the reply. He says their is no pain, just ticklish. When he is down with an infection he becomes cranky, moody, loss of appetite but loves candy(any sweet), loss of weight atleast 2 to 5 pounds each time, he does things slowly.He is episode of asthma at 1 1/5 years of age..
First day: sore throat, slight runny nose.
Second day: persistent cough (greenish yellow mucus in the morning gets whitish during the day),lots of runny nose with fever. He does not like to be curled in covers.
By the third day we usually go to the doctor and antibiotics are prescribed.
Scared of dark or play alone in a room. Thinks a monster will come out of the closet.
He has always been constipated.
He likes apples, grapes, carrots, chicken. He likes to play with his friends the most.
he dislikes eggs, most fried foods, sea food.
First day: sore throat, slight runny nose.
Second day: persistent cough (greenish yellow mucus in the morning gets whitish during the day),lots of runny nose with fever. He does not like to be curled in covers.
By the third day we usually go to the doctor and antibiotics are prescribed.
Scared of dark or play alone in a room. Thinks a monster will come out of the closet.
He has always been constipated.
He likes apples, grapes, carrots, chicken. He likes to play with his friends the most.
he dislikes eggs, most fried foods, sea food.
yogita 2 decades ago
Hey Yogita, how are you doing?
Surgical drainage of the middle ear is usually essential in severe or refractory otis media. Alert and watchful treatment is especially recommended in purulent otis media to prevent mastoiditis.
Chronic purulent otitis media is diffucult to treat because the germ is resistant to antibiotics and because the disease involve the bony margins of the middle ear. The pus in chronic otitis not complicated by cholesteatoma should be cultured to determined the type of offending microorganisim.
A foul-smelling discharge from the ear is a danger sign that warrents immediate medical investigation. It can also develop as a complication of scarlet fever, mumps, pneumonia, measles, flu, diphtheria, whooping cough, and tonsillitis.
For excellent patient education resources, see eMedicine's Headache Center and Teeth and Mouth Center. Also, visit eMedicine's patient education articles Sinus Infection and Teething.
Best wishes,
Surgical drainage of the middle ear is usually essential in severe or refractory otis media. Alert and watchful treatment is especially recommended in purulent otis media to prevent mastoiditis.
Chronic purulent otitis media is diffucult to treat because the germ is resistant to antibiotics and because the disease involve the bony margins of the middle ear. The pus in chronic otitis not complicated by cholesteatoma should be cultured to determined the type of offending microorganisim.
A foul-smelling discharge from the ear is a danger sign that warrents immediate medical investigation. It can also develop as a complication of scarlet fever, mumps, pneumonia, measles, flu, diphtheria, whooping cough, and tonsillitis.
For excellent patient education resources, see eMedicine's Headache Center and Teeth and Mouth Center. Also, visit eMedicine's patient education articles Sinus Infection and Teething.
Best wishes,
bkdaniels 2 decades ago
Thank you very much for all the information. I took an appt. this morning with ENT who specializes in ear tubes. Lets see how that goes. I'll check out the articles in eMedicines.
thank you once again.
thank you once again.
yogita 2 decades ago
You might also want to consider taking your son to a chiropractor. Subluxations can contribute to fluid staying in the ears.
ruthla 2 decades ago
It seems that ECHINACEA 200X would fit well here. While reading, this remedy is known as E/rudbeckia/angusifolia/purpurea. All 3 names are listed with Echinacea
2 doses per day for 3 days.
Please let us know how he is.
Blessings, Sabra
2 doses per day for 3 days.
Please let us know how he is.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
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