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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Autistic Daughter Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear vikas grower,
Do you suggest I still try the phosphourus 200 c?
I wanted to ask,as I will need to order it soon.
charville last decade
I have been thinking over but not able to reach the remedy .

Please give some time .
vikas_grower last decade
Any problem with nails .

Can she sleep on left side .
vikas_grower last decade
She does not like for her nails to be clipped.She will go into hysterics if she thinks her nails are going to be clipped.The fight or flight instinct is definitely there with the nail clipping.Now that I am thinking of it she is very strong in her legs,too.
She goes to sleep on her right side.Once asleep she will turn to her left side and sleep.
Thinking over everything and of course I am not experienced enough with homeopathy to know how many similiars she has with so many different possibilities.The few she reminds me of is,of course phosphorus,somewhat like china,too.Then again,she seems very similiar to carcinosin.She has some in common with baryta carb as well.
As I was thinking over all this,one other thing came to mind.She does not like to share her toys.
Another thing,her mind is constantly busy,even when she is asleep,the mind is busy.
charville last decade
I did not think of this being unusual because all my children have done this.The toenails curl down over the toes as the nail grows.
charville last decade
'She goes through spells of extreme giddiness,almost like she's intoxicated.If this continues very long it then turns into great sadness'

Incidentally and Interestingly only two remedies are listed against the above mentioned symptom and one of them is Phosphorus.

Hence lets go ahead with Phos 200 c.

That is Pour 2 drops of phosphorus 200 c in a 250 ml spring water bottle.

Alternatively put 2 pellets of phosphorus 200 c in a 250 ml spring water bottle and allow it to dissolve on its own which will take some time .
Once u pour the drops in the bottle/pellets have dissolved , shake the spring water bottle very gently to allow uniform mixing .

Take a capful from this bottle .This makes one dose

Then we wait & watch
vikas_grower last decade

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