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I need professional advice on eye tic, please Page 2 of 3

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sameervermani last decade
Dr Brisbane,

I just read very carefully what you wrote and I can relate to both remedies. I'll copy the parts that I think are related to me.


Carcinosinum people often have a history of taking on too much at a young age, having too many expectations placed on them, too strict parental control. They try to live up to these expectations and make a tremendous effort to perform exceedingly well. They set for themselves high standards or goals that are near impossible to achieve and drive themselves to try and accomplish them.

The need for control over oneself and over one's surroundings is tremendous

The need for perfection makes Carcinosinum people sensitive to reprimands, and fastidious in every sphere of life to the point of being faultless.

Carcinosinum patients often show an interest towards artistic things like music, dancing and painting. They are sensitive to and enjoy beautiful scenery, seashore, thunderstorms and lightning.

they are sensitive to reprimands and are offended easily. They can also be sympathetic, very warm and humane

Out of this need to be perfect arises an anticipatory anxiety.

Carcinosinum children are well-mannered and well-behaved.

There is also a tendency to suppression, like in Ignatia. They accept their disappointments and also their domination with a kind of resignation, and tend to accumulate all the grief within, without expressing their sensitivity.

Desire for travel.
History of suppression and guilty feelings.
Desires dancing and music.
The patient loves the excitement of thunderstorms.
Fears: Health and cancer. Exams. Crowds.
Difficult concentration.
Aversion to reprimand or contradiction.
Anxiety and anticipatory worries.

Argentum Nit

the feeling of being neglected and despised

Fear when anticipating an engagement; Hurry-time to arrive at the appointed; Anticipation ailments

Fear of failure; Diarrhoea from anxiety

They are very punctual as they have 'anxiety when a time is set' and they arrive usually quite some time before their appointed time. When they come in they sit as if ready to start running or as if though they are about to begin a race. They are quite hurried and impatient in their movements.

The dreams they have are to do with 'falling from high places'

Impulses, ranging from simple impetuosity to actual, disturbing
or compulsive thoughts.
Frightening impulses - i.e. to hurt his child.
Impulsive irritability which he excessively regrets.
Impulsive weeping. Remorseful weeping.
Hurried; impulsively walks faster and faster with anxiety finally becoming aware that he is running for no reason.
Anxiety while anticipating an engagement or test.
Anxiety in the morning on waking; feels he cannot face the day.

It seems that have a lot of both remedies...
butterfly2332 last decade
While these two remedies have similarities, and belong to the same miasm, their core state is different. The job of the homoeopath is to match your core state to that of the remedy. As you can see, just listing and matching symptoms can lead you in many directions.

Where does the anticipatory anxiety come from in both these remedies?

For Carcinosin it is about perfection - they are terrified of making mistakes because then they will be seen as being flawed. Everything must be exactly right for Carc people. They must be perfect in all ways. This creates huge anxiety in them. So being in control for them allows them to keep everything perfect and ordered.

So they anticipate events because they worry that they will not do things exactly right, making them feel a huge amount of pressure.

For Arg-nit, the issue is around crises. They feel that at crucial moments they will lose control of themselves, of their thoughts, of their actions. It is as if they cannot rely on their mind and body to do what it needs to in a moment of crisis. They could say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing. Arg-nit people don't like heights because they feel that their body might move towards the edge, or they would act on an impulse. When speaking in public, they are afraid they will say whatever thought comes to mind, or they will act without being able to control it.

So Arg-nit feels anticipation because they fear they will lose control of themselves in a crucial moment.

I don't know if any of that helps you. Perhaps the reality is that neither Carc or Arg-nit is your remedy, but another third choice that combines features of these two.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
It is not quite correct to pigeon-hole a broad remedy like Carcinosin into a concept of 'perfection'. Agreed that it is one of the prominent features of the remedy, and but that is not necessarily the top issue in every Carcinosin case. It is like saying every Sulphur case will have an 'inspired ego'.

The simillimum needs to be based on the 'totality' of symptoms, the fundamental cause and etiology. Carc fits on all three aspects. In my mind, there is no doubt between Arg-n and Carc because of reasons I have already given earlier.

Of-course, if you make the patient read descriptions of such broad polychrest remedies, they will resonate to some aspects of every polychrest. I bet the same might happen if she reads about Pulsatilla or Natrum Mur for that matter.

Butterfly, you have 2 remedy choices here. One of the prescribers is torn between the two. One of the prescribers is confident about one of the 2 remedies.

You cannot harm yourself by trying the one on which at-least one of prescribers is confident.
sameervermani last decade
I thank both of you for being there readng my posts.

Once I had already taken Arg-Nit and didn't see great improvement, and once Dr Sameer is very inclined to Carcinosin I will try it. I already ordered it and I'll report to you as soon as I take it.

Dr Brisbane the last info you gave didn't help me because I feel that I have to be perfect but I also fear that my nervousness makes me lose control of myself, so based on that info I couldn't decide which remedy is the best for me.

I also read some info about Lycopodium and Ignatia and I could relate myself to both remedies so I think I can't decide by myself which med is the most suitable for me. I'll just trust dr Sameer feeling on the Cracinosin and give it a try.

Many thanks
butterfly2332 last decade
Control issues arise tremendously in Carcinosin as well.

I'm glad you are going to try the Carc.

Good luck, and let us know how you feel in 1 week from the 3 doses. Remember the doses are to be taken just once, and from next day no more doses.
sameervermani last decade
Of course give Carc a go, it does still fit the case as Sameer has rightly stated.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
If I'm allowed to make a small contribution?
Well, as I see it, based on the patient's story, and my personal experience, she needs first Ignatia, and then, possibly, Argentum nitricum.
Argentum nitricum have, often, more trembling of the hands and legs, but Ignatia is more indicated when it comes to facial muscles, and eyes.

Sincerely Parakletos
Parakletos last decade
I also suggested Arg-nit, but she has had this before and reports that she did not well enough from the single dose she took to feel comfortable doing it again.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
'Argentum nitricum have, often, more trembling of the hands and legs, but Ignatia is more indicated when it comes to facial muscles, and eyes. '

This is not how remedies are picked :) trembling of hands -->Arg-n, and twitching ---> Ignatia..

Anyways, let the patient try the Carcinosin. We can discuss further after that.
sameervermani last decade
brisbanehomoeopath and sameervermani.

Yes, I saw that she has tried Argentum Nitricum earlier. My thought was that Ignatia came before Argentum Nitricum.
But after closer study of Carcinosium, I must say I agree that this comes out strongly.

Something that characterizes this remedy is the following:

1. Easily offended, cannot stand any kind of reprimand;

2. seeks order and control, becomes fastidious;

3. sympathetic, compassionate, feels acutely the pain of others;

4. horrible things affect them profoundly;

5. lack of self-confidence, wants to pleas everybody, guilty feelings for something they have not done;

6. lack of reaction, e.g., absence of fever etc.;

7. precocity.

carcinosinum will, sometimes, act to 'open up' a case.
Maybe Argentum Nitricum will be the next remedie.

Parakletos last decade
Hello Parakletos,
Thank you for your contribution.

Considering what you wrote I can relate to a lot of things.

1. Easily offended, cannot stand any kind of reprimand;
- I get offended when people use a certain tone to talk to me or even if they criticize what I say or do.

2. seeks order and control, becomes fastidious;
- I really feel that I have to control every situation otherwise I get really tense.

3. sympathetic, compassionate, feels acutely the pain of others;
- I am a good listener to my friends and really feel their pain.

4. horrible things affect them profoundly;
- I sometimes avoid watching the TV News because I get really sad with some of them.

5. lack of self-confidence, wants to pleas everybody, guilty feelings for something they have not done;
- I am very insecure and have great difficulty standing for my position on something. I easily feel guilty about a lot of things.

6. lack of reaction, e.g., absence of fever etc.;
- I can't remember last time I got fever. I cough and sneeze a lot though.

7. precocity.
- I started talking a lot of words before I was 1 year old.
butterfly2332 last decade
Carcinosin, it is Butterfly. Go ahead and try it :)
sameervermani last decade
Dr Sameer and Dr Brisbane,

Today I remembered that I have a rare characteristic I should share with you: I don't feel confortable expressing my feelings. I never say to people that I like them and I rarely kiss or hug them. I only do that with children but never with adults. Is this weird? I don't like being like this but I just can't help it. I don't recall when this behaviour first started but I believe it was many years ago, since I was a teenager.

I'm not sure about this info being helpful but I thought I should tell you.
butterfly2332 last decade
This should correct under the right remedy over a period of time. This is not a very odd trait.
sameervermani last decade
Dear butterfly.
I think you should take this medication; Carcinosium.
Start at 200C. Take one dose, but remember to take it at least half an hour before or after food / drink. Do not drink coffee, do not use menthol, camphor, peppermint.

Pour 4-5 pills right in the lid of the container,then directly into the mouth. Let pills melt under the tongue, then swallow.
Do you have the medicine in liquid form, 4-5 drops in half a glass of water, stir and take a spoonful of this water, let the water lie under the tongue 15-20 seconds before swallowing.(the rest of the water you can pour out)
Is it granulate / tiny pills, 10. Same procedure as with the pills.

Important! Take only one dose, wait at least a week, then you can contact one of us, or before if something special would happen.
Parakletos last decade
Note, my suggestion remains the same, i.e. 30c potency, 3 doses to be taken as described previously.
sameervermani last decade
I already ordered it at the 30ch potency. I'm just waiting for it to arrive.

Thank you once more.
butterfly2332 last decade
The remedy arrived today and I just took the 1st dose.
I'll report tomorrow. Should I notice anything until tomorrow?

butterfly2332 last decade
You should take 3 doses, as I had told you.

Just 3 doses for one day only.
sameervermani last decade
It will take about 1 week to assess progress.

But if you notice something earlier you can report back. I am here every day.
sameervermani last decade
Yes, I took 2 doses already. I'm just waiting for the next half hour.

butterfly2332 last decade
Hello Dr Sameer

I have a headache above my right eye. May I take a painkiller? Or should I take a homeopathy remedy? I have Belladona at home.
Will this interfer wth carcinosin?

butterfly2332 last decade
Please do not take any homeopathic remedy. This will interfere. We must wait and watch for 1 week, as ailments can come up, but they are a part of the curative process.
sameervermani last decade
Dr Sameer,

Before I read your post I took a painkiller. (I hope it doesn't interfere with Carc.)Anyway, the pain didn't leave me until this morning. Only after a goo night of sleep I could get rid off the headache. Today I feel quite anxious, (like I should hurry to work and do a lot of thing though I don't feel like workng) with butterflys in my belly.

butterfly2332 last decade
That's fine butterfly.

Usually, such aggravation of existing symptoms is a good sign and should pass in a few days.

Keep in touch.
sameervermani last decade

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