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New Symptoms: to David, Sameer and Niel Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes I agree a differential would be Carcinosin, which is also an animal remedy.

As there is no way to know a remedy is right for you until you try it, you may want to be cautious with your gratitude (although the gesture is much appreciated from all of us who dedicate our time here).

As with all cases where multiple prescribers make different suggestions you will have to make up your own mind.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
but which strength, in case?
acnevictim last decade
You first need to make up your mind about which remedy you will take, Colum-p or Carc.

If you chose to go with Carc, I would recommend a 30c.
sameervermani last decade
30C, how often and for how long?

I'll think about it and I'm not sure about what David said: 'In the situation where I suggest a new remedy, there may be no consensus on this forum either.'

But as you both agree on Crcinosinum , sounds like a good start.
acnevictim last decade
3 doses for 1 day only. After that no more.

1 pellet or 1 drop of Carc 30c can be dissolved in 250 ml spring water, and 1 spoon from there is 1 dose.

Report in 10 days after that.
sameervermani last decade
Well I don't agree that Carc is the remedy, only that one would need to differentiate between them. Confronted with such a case in clinic I would prescribe Colum-p first and then wait to see what comes up to decide on a second remedy. Carc and Staph are two main differentials for Colum-p though.

But this is not my clinic, it is a public forum so you will have to decide which way to go.

Carc may work, Colum-p may work, another remedy may be needed. No-one can tell you a remedy is right until it proves itself after taking it. However once you make your choice it is important to give it time to work on you.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Sure, although I will be never able to have a complete picure of any of them...
It's at my own risk, I know.

What would YOU do?
I'll also look for the Columba.
acnevictim last decade
Sameer is a competent prescriber and you can see on this forum that he also sucessfully treats patients. It is difficult for me to advise you on which way to go, only that my opinion is that Colum-p seems appropriate. I have no issue with Sameer's prescription either as it is a sound one. Which one will work though - only time will tell.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
NEW Symptoms:

I havan't taken the remedy yet.

But this is new: I have been noticing recently that I misspell a lot of words or even omit some.
Today I was re-ordering the house and exchanged the places of two couples of objects (my cell phone in my my bathroom at the place of my hand-mirror and vice-versa; my boyfriend's shoes with his flip flops).

OLD SYMPTOMS returning:

Noises from the abdomen after dinner.

Vegetables undigested in the stool.
acnevictim last decade
I randomly found and read this:


and it fits me word after word.

I'll tell you this episode, which I omitted because I was under the effects of self-prescribed Lyco and I thought it was unattendible.

I have had violent outbursts of rage in my life, so strongly expressed that I could not believe it was me and I singularly remember them, because I tend to repress anger or any unpleasant feeling.

A month ago my boyfriend insulted and humiliated me before an audition, after I told him that I felt very insecure when i had to perform. He was so hard to me that I totally blew it. I wasn't myself, I had never ever sung so badly in my life.
I told him for the first time in our relationship that I was considering breaking up with him. He used to do that often, threatening me and pushing me to please him in every possible way.

In the next days I kept being depressed about the whole situation and he kept torturing me with more psychological abuse.
All of a sudden I aggressed him and slapped him more than one in the face (so hard that I broke his eardrum WITH MY LEFT HAND!!!). Right after I felt releaved.
I was impressed by my strenght: one of my recurrent dreams is trying to slap someone and not getting to hit him/her (often my mother) because my arm is sort of impaired (like moving in a fluid, in the sea).

I obviously felt like a monster when I realized that I had hurt him and the weird part is that he became much more gentle with me right after, as he always does when I have strong reactions of independence.

I have had a few violent rage outbursts in my life and i was so shocked by myself and by the event that I remember them all.
They come out without my permission, I never have the guts to express anger because I tend to understand other people's reasons, because I think it's no use, because I think I have brought it to myself and because I AM TOO SCARED OF PEOPLE'S REACTIONS (they might hurt me more).

One of my boyfriends once pushed me to the floor, made me fall and spit in my face. He said he had never had such a reaction in his life before and I believe him.
Seems like I can transform my boyfriends in torturers.

Said this,

I recognize myself a lot in the carcinosinum too, so...

How to pick one to start with?

Thank you.
acnevictim last decade

the only person that makes me yell like a desperate, with no control of myself is my mother.

during our last fights I started throwing objects on the floor, breaking them and saying 'see what happens when you hurt me with your words, see what happens when you play with fire'.
And i said the same to my boyfriend before I slapped him.

I think it would be healthier breaking up with him, but I am so confused that I don't know what I feel right now.
And I am afraid that the same situation will repeat itself with someone else.

I cannot understand if behind the sick dynamics there is a love to save and at the same time i am scared that not breaking up will get me more sick and weak and in trouble.
acnevictim last decade
Feels tortured, abused, sudden violent rage, rage followed by guilt - from a traditional point of view that could also be Lyssin. To me this all points to an animal remedy over a plant one (lyssin is a remedy made from the dog).

This is the problem with internet forums - while I can get a feel for what the core problem is for a patient in person, here it is much more difficult.

Colum-p is the animal analogue of Staph so they will seem a lot alike. Carc and Staph resemble each other in many ways as well, especially around the repressed emotions. Both Carc and Staph belong to what we call the 'cancer' miasm - perfection, order, repression, domination.

Let's see what Sameer says with the new information.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

The rage is not followed by guilt, but rather
1)by self-commiseration 'Oh my god, I am insane' and preoccupation for my mental state.
I am more concerned for what the rage means in my situations, that for its actual consequences.
2) by the fear of an eventual revenge (which usually inhibits the rage, even if it would be necessary)

And the immediate reaction is of relief, like I can finally free my repressed energies (of all kinds).
The guilt comes when I fear the consequences (I'll be arrested).
But it's hardly guilt against the other person, either because my actions are never terrible

Another episode:
I went dancing with friends and a guy started touching me and molesting me. I started to move around the place to avoid him and he kept following me and doing it.
I DON?T KNOW HOW I COULD FIND THE COURAGE TO DO IT, but I pushed him away so hard that he would have fallen if the place was less crowded.
it was sudden, uncontrolled, perfect.
I felt good, I had defended myself.
But then I spent the whole night and the following days fearing that he would have come find me - possibly with 'firends' - and hurt me with a knife, or raped me.

Thank you.
acnevictim last decade
'But it's hardly guilt against the other person, either because my actions are never terrible '

I forgot to write the end of the phrase :)

I meant that I hardly feel guilty for the practical consequences of my actions because they either dont cause excessive damage and they also are usually well proportioned to the situation, they're the 'good payment' for what I received.
(I obviously didn't want an eardrum broken, that was an unfortunate accident and I felt really sorry about the excessive damage)

Not to forget that the same rage is usually addressed against MYSELF (a few days before the slap, after a fight with my boyfriend, I hit MY OWN computer with my fist and broke it).

Form time to time, I address it somewhere else and for a second I feel great. Physically, like after sport, for the tension relief.
acnevictim last decade
It's a tough call. Generally speaking, there are a lot of scattered symptoms which are going towards different remedies. What I see is the history of abuse and repression, like a Staph case, the rejuvenating effect of sleep (contradictory to Staph) like Phosphorus, and love of rythm like Sepia, the extreme sensitivity to seeing cruelty (like Calc), threatening behavior in anger (see what happens when you play with fire) like some other remedies. It is this paradoxical nature of the symptoms, that would push me to go with Carc.

I have a feeling that it will most probably move the case forward in some way.

Mercurius is another remedy which comes to my mind.
sameervermani last decade
Are there questions I could answer to better address your diagnosis?

The Sepia has been tried, LMK daily for 6 months, so I guess at leats that one is out.
acnevictim last decade
I do not mean to say the above remedies I wrote are indicated. None of the ones above except maybe Staph will fit the case in any more than a superficial way.

I was just saying when you have partial indications of many remedies, and some contra-indications of each, Carc is a good choice.
sameervermani last decade
Ok, now I understand. Thank you very much.

acnevictim last decade

prescribe me something that forbids my mother to tell me that so far I have achieved nothing in life, she does every single time I talk to her and it always had the same effect!!!!

acnevictim last decade
This is the materia medica of Colum-p, since you probably wont be able to easily find it. These are just many of the themes and feelings pulled out of the proving, they are not all directly related to your case.

This is very different from the other birds
Great sensitivity on an interpersonal level.
The world as a harsh place, violence and injury.
This is the animal analogue to Staphysagria. People are cruel.
Guilt in the sense of self. Usually the person who feels really bad about himself when he's been abused in some way. It's been indicated that who you are is a pile of sh*t.
Judged, criticized
Too gentle for the world, so appear retarded or delayed. But they aren't really. This is not Baryta. They've withdrawn from the harshness of life.
Religion This is a little more religion. The birds that fly high are more spirit. The dove comes often in the Bible, and the olive branch of peach
Sex and Sexual abuse:
Urinary problems
Staphysagria, Carcinosin, Baryata - these are the similar remedies. The overlap with Carc. Is the sensitivity to reprimand. Also since Carc. is an animal product, it has certain animal qualities: abuse, sensitive (to the stage of the world).
Lac-c. is also used like this by Linda Johnston. To JS, dogs are very different. They bite and are more aggressive. JS feels at first they feel so bad, they try really hard. Their compensation is in a perfectionistic way. But there's aggression in it: I'm going to do it.
In the doves, there's not the anxiety about health or thought that they have a disease. Rather, there's more shame and guilt. Also JS hasn't seen the perfectionism at all. The compensation is a withdrawal into my own world.
The big thing with dogs is they really want to please you. They try so hard - harder than horses even. All you have to say is 'Bad' and they quake and think to themselves, 'I did it!', even though they may only be able to think up something from ten years ago. That's why they're man's best friend: no matter what you do, they keep trying.
It's the dove of peace. If you put them in a little space, they peck at each other. But that's the human problem. In a tree, they don't peck at each other.

Anger and mood swings
Jaw muscles tense up
Repressed or suppressed anger
Always being a victim
Love for humankind
Heart is open and tremendous softness originates from it
Lump in the throat
Flooded with feelings of inferiority
Feels fat, stupid, ugly
Anger, aggression, hate
Must sing or they will scream
Soft people that are violated
Lack of discipline and enthusiasm
Longing for death
Feel their life is to serve
Fear of serious illness
Feeling of being an outsider
Want to impress, to please
Soft Tender Gentle
Not having any space, makes her angry
Disgust for meat
Longing for freedom, feels her wings are clipped
Tired, sluggish, resigned
Lose their sense of time
Strength from surrendering - non-violent protest
Manipulated by outside influences, and the strength to resist that
Awares of the divine
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

I think you got it and I have no idea how you could.

I'll go for it.

Which dosage?

PS: does a remedy from the swallow exist?
acnevictim last decade
I don't know about the Swallow - I can research that if you like.

If you are able to procure 200c I think that is where I would like to start with you.

Let me know when you have it and I will tell you how best to take it.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I'm a bird,I'm a bird.
It sounds so obvious.

Singing, spirituality, persecution, light bones, no rancor for anybody, outsider, empathic with people, animals, PLANTS!, the whole environment, love for the human kind.

We have to find out which bird.

I have some jonathan livingstone (in my artistic research part) and some ugly duck/swan (as meant in the story).
I think I'm white.
I could never be a predator.

I am an individual bird, with clear overviews on the world, desiring nothing else but sharing his wisdom and capacity to 'read' the world, deepening the knowledge of it by the daily practice of her art discipline, having a warm nest to come back to.

I was thinking of the swallow because in the past I researched a lot on the bird for reasons too long to tell...
acnevictim last decade
Nice that you have made a decision to go with Colum-p.

I hope things work out. All the best.
sameervermani last decade
Be cautious - while that is interesting to draw those kinds of parallels in your life, it is risky to get attached to the idea of the substance. Once this happens it becomes difficult to get away from the idea. The only remedy that matters is the one that works. Many times the substance that you need as a medicine is something unpleasant, uninteresting, or something it is difficult to relate to.

The Sensation Method does explore the connection between substance, remedy and human but it should never be taken too literally or superficially.

Having said that, it is sometimes seen that people needing a particular animal remedy will have some kind of interest, connection, fascination or fear with that animal (or animals like it). I have seen this in some patients needing particular plant and mineral remedies too.

Some patients however can have connections to things that do not point to their remedy directly. It then needs to be understood in terms of what it means to that patient.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am holding the situation for some more days without taking anything because I want to observe which symptoms, old and new) areoccurring now that I am no longer taking anything.

The insomnia is starting to worry me.
I fall into a light sleep and then I wake up around 4am and keep lying with my eyes closed, hoping to get a little more, but I feel my body light and trembling, pervaded by a subtle restlessness.
Same when I wake up: my muscles are not relax and feel trembling and shaking.

I have some job deadlines (a concert and the beginning of a production) shortly and this scares me a lot.
The happened to me already in analogue situations. When my first show opened i slept 2 hours a night for a month.
I am really scared and not sleeping obviously influences the quality of my performance and of my voice.

The mind is going better, though.
I am not fighting with my boyfriend, I seem to be able to ask for what I want, although I avoid sexual intercourse and will keep doing so till I am sure I want to be with him, I still like him and sex will be a deep connection and not just something mechanical.
No self-hurting illusions (much less), no deep despair.

And I have to say that talking with you guys is helping me a lot.

I often feel sharp pains in the upper and lower abdomen.
My lower abdomen, roars, bloates and aches around 9pm, independently from what I have eaten. I can see the boils pushing from under the skin.

That always happens when I am with my boyfriend: can it be a nervous reaction? Like I have to tighten up to be perfect and therefore my bowels are chocked.
When I am with him I feel like he poisons me. The fact that he's a smoker might have some real affection on my body.

The stool is incredibly frequent, (3-4 times a day), so my bowls are empty. The metabolism is really fast.

The acne is medium/bad.
Some pimple are either painful cysts (red, on a comedon free, soft skin) or tiny dots of pus of the size of a pore.
The angular chieilitis is slowly healing.

The appetite is good but not excessive and I am naturally re-oriented myself towards fruits, vegetables, vegan stuff.
acnevictim last decade

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