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Dr. Nawaz Khan/Dr. Niel's patient need Attention 65


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Dr. Nawaz Khan/Attention Please/Dr. Niel's patient need a reply Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Please continue with the current remedies for 3 more days.

A bundle of more prayers for your daughter.

nawazkhan last decade

Sir,The skin of her eye is healing now, she had few more booils on nose which are also healing now...few white heads has appeared on same area including left eye,i just hope they wont grow in size...about sore on left corner of her lip it reduce and grow again since it started, sometime wet white coated, sometime pinkish red, does that indicate any problem? what is that not healing? at the moment mine and my son's didnt come back only my daughter n her father have the sore!

May Allah bless you
Hannah Hannah last decade

This is because Allah SWT has created her that way. You are you, your husband is he, The Choudhry Saab and your son is a beautiful soul according to his nature and creation. All of us have different responses to remedies, foods, people and environmental impacts.

Please give her Sulphur 200C, 2 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, only one dose in the morning, empty stomach, for 2 days only.

Also, please give her Arnica 200C, 2 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, at bed time before going to sleep at night, for 2 nights only.

Many prayers for your daughter's good health.

nawazkhan last decade

Sir, although my daughter is doing well at day time, but at night for 2 days she is having cough in her sleep and she also grind her teeth a lot in her sleep.
Today when she came back from school she said mama i want to sleep, now she is sleeping and again have cough that so far doesnt wake her, but she cough a lot and i can also hear sound of phylgm in her throat may be that is causing her cough in sleep.
Inshort she grind her teeth and coughs in her sleep, kindly suggest a remedy before it get worse.
Sir i also want to share this with you...i also feel there are worms in her, coz she usually doesnt eat well and have usually no appetite, she eat her nails in private coz she know that is not right but she cant help, and you already know her crossed eyes problem, though that started with a fever due to her throat infection problem but this is also true that she often have throat problem and this could be due to her unhealthy habbit of putting everything in mouth and bitting her nails, she also put her finger in her nose, she like to sleep on her stomach, she doesnt like to drink water. Sir i feel that her eyes problem and lack of appetite could be related to worms.
But first kindly suggest a remedy for her current problem mentioned above

May Allah bless you
Hannah Hannah last decade
Please let me revisit her case.
nawazkhan last decade

Sir, did you check her case?
what do you think?
Sir i checked at many places, it is only in Homeopathy that also consider other factors of crossed eyes e.g emotions (fear, anger), worms or parasites etc.

May Allah bless you
[message edited by Hannah Hannah on Tue, 07 Feb 2012 03:28:23 GMT]
Hannah Hannah last decade
WAA, Sorry for the late reply.

Please give her Santoninum 200C, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, One Daily Dose in the morning, for 1 week.

Also, she needs to take Natrum Phos 6X, 2 tablets, 3 times a day, for 2 weeks.

Many prayers for her.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Tue, 07 Feb 2012 03:53:53 GMT]
nawazkhan last decade
thank you Sir

Allah bless you
Hannah Hannah last decade
You are welcome. Please stay blessed!
nawazkhan last decade

Sir, my daughter have a problem that i want to disscus withyou
+ask your opinion.
2months ago my daughter had some cough, (she often have cough
problem that comes and go) i checked her throat with light to see
incase she also have tonsil problem like her brother and i did not
see any tonsils, but what i saw was new for me. In her throat on the
throatwall, as far as i could see, i saw that appeared like sores
(3/4 sores i could see clearly but not red in colour, more like the
colour of her throat itself)
After that i couldnt write you as i was in other city, meanwhile
her cough went away, after coming back i saw her throat twice
and i saw same sores exactly there as if they are permanent.
My question, i know only of sores that come and go away after
sometime, is there any type of sores that are chronic or stay there
unless treated?
What could be the reason of these chronic sores?
and is it possible that the reason i was looking for her poor health
is her sores, i was never able to understand why she cant eat, why
she hold her throat when trying to eat regular meal with us which
was very spicey for her, where as we dont eat chillies and salt much
for the sake of whole family's health, i never understand why she say
there is 'mirchi' even in just chapati, coz when she dont eat with
gravy i usually ask her to try to eat only chapati.
I have no idea for how long she is having these sores in her throat, but
i can tell you when her eating disorder started.
You may see this in her profile too that when she was 2yrs+4months
old she had high fever+cough, then doctor gave her Septran syrup
and that was the second time i noticed that 'Septran' made her very
restless i remember she couldnt sleep whole nights as if something
is happening to her head and after 1/2 days she also had sores in her
mouth that i could see, i discontinued the medicine, though her fever
went away but right after that she had loose motions for almost 4months,
i was very worried then why her loose motions dont stop, it was like
whenever she eat she had loose motion, she also stopped eating then,
only took milk or homemade potatochipps, and during the same time
her eyes started turning in(squint), doctors say she may have eyesight
weakness by birth which goes unnoticed till the child is 2/3yr old,
and it is due to weak eyesight that squint develops.
But i dont believe that, coz she never use to get hit with objects in her
way or never use to fall, and i can clearly remember that everything
started step by step after her fever.
Now i am not clear;
If the Antibiotic(Septran) did that to her, like maybe her flora got
disturb, or
If she have inherited tendency of sores, Coz i as her mother have the
problem, that i usually dont have fever that show on Thermometer,
but then i get a specific body ach and later sores in mouth which
is the only indicator of my fever, or
If the hot weather is responsible for her sores coz my problems also started
when i came to Pakistan, my husband says that our children are
born for cold or pleasent country because they have problem with
hot weather.
If there is some deficiency in body that result in sores, i recently came to
know that iron deficiency can also cause sores, then this deficiency is
by birth in me as her mother as i am thalassemia minor. i also came to
know that homeopathy recognizes human body or nature types and one among
them is 'that have tendency of making puss' is she that type?coz in recent
yrs she had the problem of boils with puss too.
About her eyes problem i still believe that as soon as her eating problems
are treated her eyes will become better and recover -InshaAllah.
Sir, i know your time is precious but i hope you will share your views on this
and answer my questions.
Sir, you may not agree with this but today's doctor is too busy to check a
patients throat or eye colour or chest... i have experiances that i dont want to
share with you, you may feel bad and i wish you keep on loving your country
as i do.
I know in a case like my daughter's physical checkup of her throat is also
important yet i need your opinion too, because this problem looks chronic.
the alopathic doctors usually give antibiotics which is against my children's
nature, and i also read that bacterial sore and viral sores are different not
every sore can be treated with antibiotics.

May Allah bless you

Hannah Hannah last decade

Please wait and let me come back to you asap.
nawazkhan last decade
Still trying to read your post.
nawazkhan last decade

Sir, I would like to send a post on the Forum to get opinion of different doctors, I hope you wont mind. I would also like to share a good news that recent eye checkup (2 days ago) of my daughter shows much much improvement in her eyesight, now sight of both eyes is trying to join at one point( her right eye sight was much weaker than left).
waiting for your opinion.
Right now she is suffering from some viral fever, like recently her brother had, she is a bit better today, Please remember us and Pakistanis in your prayers.

May Allah bless you

[message edited by Hannah Hannah on Wed, 23 May 2012 05:52:36 BST]
Hannah Hannah last decade
WAA, Please do without any hesitation as I am travelling right now.
nawazkhan last decade

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