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swelling with bit of pain in neck Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
At this stage it really would be better to see a homeopath local to you so that you can get thorough treatment - it is too hard to imagine exactly what is going on and I would prefer not to risk a wrong suggestion.
Pls explain what FNAC test is?
It is fine to continue with the hepar sulph if it is helping and it is better to stick with 1 main remedy only at the moment.
To help with the anxiety it would be good to take Bach Flower remedies - the rescue remedy + crab apple remedy.
erika last decade
mrinal - are you there? did you get this message and are you both ok? erika
erika last decade
Erika, I got ur message. thanks. To answer ur question: FNAC is Fine Niddle Aspiration Cytology test (a). It checks the cause of the problem by analysing the cells collected from the affected location. Waiting for the test result now (expect in 5-7 days). meanwhile I want to follow your advice and see the homeopath in person. But we are very new in London and don't know things much. Also as you are already aware of the conditions, would like to contact you without violating the terms and rules of this forum. Please get back on this.
thanks and regards
mrinal last decade
Hi mrinal
I am sorry but I live too far from London to be of much help, tho I would love to help you out here. You need someone near so that they can see your wife, assess properly etc.
In London if you want a private homeopath you can look in the Yellow Pages for homeopaths - if you have no personal recommendation then choose one that is with one of the registering bodies, as they will be qualified etc. and checked out.
The main registering bodies in the directory are the Alliance of registered homeopaths, the society of homeopaths and the homeopathic medical association.
It is possible for you to get homeopathic treatment on the national health service (nhs) if your doctors practice will refer you to the homeopathic hospital in London.
erika last decade
Thanks a lot Erika for your cooperation and guidance. I'ill look somebody nearby. Will keep you posted too. Hope things will be alright. If possible provide any contact number.
mrinal last decade
I wish you my best regards and good luck. Yes please keep me posted.:)
erika last decade
hepar sulph 1m and up, take it back in to the body
lower like 2x will draw it out
alangail1 last decade

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