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Maheeru- Please help with young baby Page 3 of 3

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Hi Laura

Some questions for you:

So he's in good spirits unlike when he was given ars. or cham.?

Have you shown him to any physician? Has there been any diagnosis like eczema, nettle rash or something different?

What were the medicines that were used during pregnancy? What were the issues you faced during pregnancy.

How easy is it for you to get LM potencies?

Topically apply only coconut oil to moisturise the skin and to help the skin heal. Conventional external applications are not advisable.
maheeru last decade
Hi Maheeru

Yes & no, he is good spirits when playing, will laugh and giggle - however can easily become unhappy (will start to rub at his neck &/or face &/or groin) and not be interested in play any longer.

He likes to sleep on people, but has not been super cuddly as he ends up just rubbing his face on us.

His family physician simply said to use Pentane (sp?) on his groin - the diaper rash cream, and to use hydrocortisone on his face and neck. His doctor did not diagnose him with anything in particular. I am actually taking him back in tomorrow to see if we can get a referral to a paediatrician or dermatologist.

My pregnancy with him was pretty good. I was quite sick the first 12 weeks, and still quite nausious up until his arrival. The only things I took were a regular multivitamin (the same one I have taken for many may years) and I took Ipeca for the morning sickness.

During my pregnancy I went through some very stressful times personally - not related to the pregnancy BUT happening during the pregnancy.

I can get some LM potencies, however it is limited and quite far away.

We will try the coconut oil again.
Bicknell last decade
Hi Laura

If you get a diagnosis from the physician don't forget to report it.

And if possible, please send some pictures.
maheeru last decade
Thanks Laura.

Another question for you:

'During my pregnancy I went through some very stressful times personally - not related to the pregnancy BUT happening during the pregnancy. '

Can you elaborate on this more?
maheeru last decade

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