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Attention "Joe De Livera" sports injuries 24


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sport Injuries..

Hey.. Im MaRK , im 18 and im a martial artist...

Here's my problem:
My problem started 7 months ago , when I got kicked in the nose while kickboxing. At first , i didn't worry much and didn't pay much attention to it.. I thought it was just swollen .. and would go away after a few days... A few days after the injury i had put some ice on it, as a result to 'burn' my nose and make things worse!

It's been seven months now and the problem's still there...my nose looks 'deformed/swollen' on a certain little part on the left side of the nose. I took an xray but no fracture is seen. As the doc said nothing is broken or dislocated!

The whole thing is so weird , and im so concerned about! In the past 2 months i ve done some acupuncture and have noticed big improvements...

After some research I found out that remedies like (Ruta , Bellys-P , Arnica , Symphytum etc..) could be helpful , but im not quite sure which ones to use, and if any of them could really help me..

Description of the problem:
The injured area feels rough,hard and stiff much like a bone...

Any help would be apprecieted. Thanks!
  kickboxer23 on 2005-07-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello MaRK,
Use arnica first. You are quite sesitive to energy wotk (like acupuncture for example) so take one dose of arnica 1M first. Give it few days, if there is any reaction- do not do anyting.

Arnica will take care of the effect of that blow. (use ruta for sprains and symphytum for fractures)-however, what ice did... what's that actually?

Anyway-try arnica and post. (and in your "hobby" arnica may prove quite useful.
Astra2012 last decade
Hello Astra2012... I really appriciete the thing that you are the first to be bothered and post after 44 views!

I have already taken arnica30c ( 60 capsules for 1 month , twice daily) and apis melifilla ( 1 capsule daily) ...but didn't do much.. Right after the injury i took a capsule of arnica 1M ( just once ).. *not regulary*

Although, i ve done my own research , and found out that Ruta can be used for injuries on the bone periosteum and cartilage.
Symphytum Comfrey - for fractures when bones are back in place , and speeds healing rapidly.

I am not quite sure if i can be takin all of the above homeopathics together as a combination , at what potency..and how often to be taking them... Thanks a lot mate!

And i would be more greatful if more people was posting!
kickboxer23 last decade
Symphyum is good for injuries round the eyes and cheekbones.

Do NOT take more than ONE remedy at any time (`there are a few exeptions to this)

Whilst arnica is a good remedy it comes from the Alps and the related but less showy remedy is very effective.

Try ONE dose only of Bellis per 10m. Wait a couple of weeks to judge any result.
walkin last decade
Symphytum is also good for the blow TO the eye-but not to the nose.

However this is true that bellis-p seems less appreciated but often as much effective - try it!

Do not combine remedies. Take on remedy at a time.
Astra2012 last decade
Ruta graveolens for bruising and injuries to cartilage, tendons, bones and tissues.

Ruta Grav
Eyes red, hot, burning
Dim vision
Pressure deep in eyeball or over eyebrow

lame sensation all over
Periosteum (bone covering) bruised.

Ruta Grav is especially useful for backache, sore bones, joints, tendons, and cartilage.
Ruta Grav is wonderful 1st Aid treatment for sprains, injuries, strain, bruises bones, pulled ligaments. Sprains or fractures that aren't healing well indicate need for Ruta Grav.

This remedy is best known for helping broken bones rejoin and heal. It should be taken after a bone is set to ensure proper joining of the bone. (A common recommendation is to take it several times in the first few days, then once a week while the bone is healing.) It is also useful in many cases when pain persists in old, healed fractures.

That's what i came up with after a long researh on the web..Is the above information accurate and correct?
If yes , can the above remedies help the healing of Bone/Cartilage Injuries or/and Tissue Injuries?

Which of the above remedies would you recommend?

Is it dangerous or risky if i combine remedies together ? And Why?

Thanks a lot!

Thanks ..!
kickboxer23 last decade
If you use more than one remedy you have no idea whic is doing any good!.

Also the benifit of one remedy may be negated by the other!.
walkin last decade
And actually when you combine remedies you don't really know what you have: just one combined remedy or the sum of its components.

Basically what you typed is true except I have problems with the dosage--but that's also very individual.
Of the 2 I'd try ruta-but what happened with bellis?
Astra2012 last decade

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