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Deprassion Anxity Phobiya,Can any one help me? Page 4 of 6

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Please take Staphysagria 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, one daily dose, for 3 days.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
thanks a lot
Atulg last decade
You are welcome! Many prayers for your good health.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear sir
I could not tolerate the stomach problem so I started taking ' Pentocid ' since last 4 days

I took Staphysagria 200C, 4 drops one daily dose, for 3 days.

I am feeling much better with mental and physical problems

mind: morning depression much better, no irritated for small things, fears & phobia controllable,

Pain in left chest & arm : no pain

Hyper Acidity : much better

Urine Problem : not much difference

Constipation : I am having ' Diarrhea ' since last 3 days

Insomnia : much better sleep

Fistula : ok tolerable but itching at anus

The stomach problem I was having last week is much better and now the water in the mouth is not so Bitter

thirst- is in the same condition

Now I need solution for my main problem in my life,
today one big company approached me for some project which includes public addressing ( I work from home to avoid people ) --
' Here starts my problem '
1) my heart starts throbbing
2) I get weakness in my limbs
3) I feel the whole world and my life is going to end
4) I start thinking 24X7 that, how am I going to meet people, I can not face people, I am not capable, and so on......
5) some how I wanted to escape from this situation or offer

I need a medicine which can help me mingle with people, medicine to have courage to work
is there any medicine which I can take when ever I need?

Atulg last decade

Right now what you need is Ars Album 200C, 2 times a day, for 3 days.

'Urine Problem : not much difference '

I need more data on this.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
'I need a medicine which can help me mingle with people, medicine to have courage to work '
Sure, inshallah, I will work on this too.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Sir

Urine Problem :Main problem is ' Starting Trouble ', it takes 2-3 minutes to start then stream will be thin,I'll be having cutting pain in the bladder & while passing pain in the urethra also some times burning sensation

'I need a medicine which can help me mingle with people, medicine to have courage to work '

please, I need this very badly, bcoz, bcoz of Fears & Inferiority complex I became a good for nothing person, I can not look after myself and my family

' I am not even earning for me and my family' , I sit at home and wait for jobs through Internet, I can not approach any one and ask job

even if I get job I will be scared and with doubts weather I will do that or not I scared a lot about ' failing '( fear of failure )& I am scared about the people who gave job coming back and scold me if I made any mistake in the job I completed & show me that you are a looser


Atulg last decade
Indeed, I fully understand your problem. Please relax, Inshallah, you will do just fine.

Please be brave and stay blessed!

So, did you start on Ars Alb. yet?

Many prayers for your bright career. More prayers for your happy, healthy and respectable life
nawazkhan last decade
'Urine Problem :Main problem is ' Starting Trouble ', it takes 2-3 minutes to start then stream will be thin,I'll be having cutting pain in the bladder & while passing pain in the urethra also some times burning sensation '

Please get hold of Cantharis 30C.

Do you have Lycopodium 200C, Apis Mel 30C and Berberis Vulgaris 1X at home?

More prayers....
nawazkhan last decade
Dear sir

yes I took Ars Album 200C 4 drops in 1/4 cup of water morning

I brought all the medicine,Cantharis 30C. Lycopodium 200C, Apis Mel 30C and Berberis Vulgaris 6X

Berberis Vulgaris 1X is not available here, I brought 6X

all are DROPs

thank u very, very much for blessing & for your prayers, not even a single person in my life wished or blessed me, not even my mother, every body used me as a ' doormat '

thanks again
[message edited by Atulg on Sat, 07 Jul 2012 13:19:52 BST]
Atulg last decade

You are more than welcome!

Please take Cantharis 30C, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, One dose right away and one dose at bed time tonight.

Let me know about the urine flow and burning by tomorrow.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
shall I continue Ars Album 200C ?
Atulg last decade

There are many of us here reading your
case and wishing you well and happy
at your improvements. If you had a pet
animal and did not treat it right, the
animal would be hiding under the bed
and afraid. It is not your fault what
happened to you-you are not a loser.
It is cause and effect.

Sometimes all you need is one person
seeing your worth and encouraging you
to make a giant difference. You are not
alone, your worth is not dependent on
outer things, every human being has
worth bc God made them. Just remember there are many of us here
who believe you are a wonderful human who has suffered much and we
are on your side in agreement that
you should regain your self esteem
and have a happy, WONDERFUL life.

Remember this. There are a lot more
of us then there are of your family.
simone717 last decade
'shall I continue Ars Album 200C ?'
Yes, please for 2 more days.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Simone, May God Bless You.
This is so beautiful and enriching.
Many many prayers for you and the whole family.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Simone

You touched my heart. your words & encouragement brought tears in my eyes.
I am very grateful to you for calling me a wonderful human and being on my side.

I tried a lot to overcome my problem by changing my thoughts, meditation etc... but Doctors say that
will work for only at the first stage of depression or at the beginning, if the chemical changes starts in brain then we must take medicine ( mine is almost 40 yrs old problem)

I tried a lot of alophatic medicine by consulting doctors, bcoz of side effects I could not take them for more then a week

Dr.Nawazkhan is a great person & I see him as a ' FARISHTA '. He & you all are doing good job by guiding people on line, this is very helpful for people like me who cannot afford paying doctors consultation fees and medicine frequently. here we have to buy medicine with them only they do not let us know what medicine we have to take, so each visit will cost around rs.600/-

thanks for all the great people of this forum
[message edited by Atulg on Sun, 08 Jul 2012 06:57:56 BST]
Atulg last decade
Dear Nawazkhan sir

I could not take Cantharis 30C, yesterday, today I'll take and give the feedback

Atulg last decade

Good luck with Cantharis!

A bundle of thanks for your kind words.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi Alug,

Try not to identify with the depression.
It simply is not who you are, but an
illness. Every time you feel a little better
I am so happy for you, bc that is the
real you getting stronger.

I often read and think about biographies
of some great historical figures, Like
Harry Truman, the USA president in WWII.
He had for almost 40 years, a terrible life.
Every business he had failed, and he
wanted to marry one person and she
would not marry him and finally did
after years of asking her. Then what
happens, he becomes the President of
USA. You know maybe God made him
go thru all those failures so that he
was strong in that War. I could hardly
stand reading about his early life!!

He never gave up, just kept going
forward. I am cheering you on.

with prayers,
simone717 last decade
Dear Simone717
many, many thanks for cheering, supporting & encouraging me & for your prayers.
I'll keep all your advice in my mind & try hard to change myself & I hope the God also will help me.

Atulg last decade
Dear Nawazkhan sir
I took Cantharis 30C, but there is no difference in Urine problem
Atulg last decade
Do you have any prostate gland issues?

How is the urine burning now?
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Sir,

I have all the symptoms of ' Prostatitis ', but all scanning reports are normal

' In all my problems all medical test reports are normal ', except cholesterol reports

there is no burning

Atulg last decade
'there is no burning '
Isn't this good? So, the remedy did do its job. How many doses did you take?

'I have all the symptoms of ' Prostatitis '

Please give details of these symptoms.
nawazkhan last decade
Also, what is the color of urine?
nawazkhan last decade

[message deleted by Atulg on Wed, 11 Jul 2012 07:56:12 BST]
Atulg last decade

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