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Regenerative homeopathic cure Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Just want you to know Dr. Showrav will
get to you -maybe tomorrow- he is
having some electric outages where
he is. And he will have to study this
also before he prescribes.

Warm regards,
simone717 last decade
What kind of allopathic drugs u have used lately for addiction?

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
I really don't understand what you mean by allopathic but if it means pharmacutically I have used no medicine for addiction or homeopathically.

The results came back this morning for my lyme test and it was negative so that leaves me thus far with internal mold or just the neurotoxins that have caused all my problems probably.
blake91 last decade
bump to top
simone717 last decade
Take a dose of Apis Mel 30c at morning empty stomach 30 min before meal and a Dose of arsenic alb 30c at night 30 min before meal.

2 drops of medicine with a cup of water makes a dose for u.

Do u have any cravings for milk or dairy products?

Continue the dosing for 3-5 days and report me after 3 days.
Send me ur photos at mail.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Okay I just ordered both of them in 30c pellet form. I never really have cravings for dairy products if anything its sweets but not all the time just sometimes. Thank you for your help so far and I will probably send you my pics tomorrow.
blake91 last decade
simone717 last decade
I recieved an email from dr dave ou telling me one of the things that is wrong with me so far. I hope this info helps me but also others that might be suffering with similiar problems.

Dear Blake,

At your initial evaulation, I felt that your symptoms were typical for a condition called Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). This occurs when toxins from indoor mold or Borrelia (the bacteria that causes Lyme) enter your body and damage your nerves. I ordered two tests that are almost always abnormal when this condition is present.

Your complement C4a was high at 4346. Normal is less than 2830.

Your TGF beta was extremely high at 37580. Normal is 2382.

These lab findings along with your symptoms confirm the diagnosis of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome from either indoor mold and/or Borrelia. It is not uncommon with this syndrome to have other potential infections affecting you as well.

I heard that your Lyme test was 'negative' Among members of ILADS (International Lyme and Affiliated Diseases Society), the test from Quest or Labcorp is frequently inaccurate. They prefer a more accurate test such as the one I recommended from Igenex.

My recommendation at this point is to run a mold test in your current home to see if it is contributing to your illness. If it is, then it needs to be remediated or you may need to relocate. If mold levels are high, then any treatment will be ineffective. I also recommend the more accurate Lyme test.

I do think that your prognosis for a good recovery are good, but there is additional testing involved and treatment can be extensive as well.

I have attached your lab results. I've also attached a handout on CIRS. In it are links to websites that give you more information. CIRS is newly discovered that syndrome that very few doctors know about and patients are frequently labelled as 'crazy.' The lab work clearly shows this is a physical problem which can be successfully treated.

Let me know if you want the information on mold testing. I have found that using mold inspectors or mold plates often give inaccurate results.

If money remains a concern, I'd cancel your appointment and reschedule after we know what the mold status of your home is and what your Lyme status is.

Let me know if you have further questions.

Dr. Ou
blake91 last decade
dr showrav,

the two images of Blake have been emailed to you today.
Also he does have water damage to his parents home
about a year after he ingested the toxic plant. He has not
checked yet on having home inspected for mold, and is
finding out how much the Igenex test is for Lyme. so it
seems he may have:

1. Lyme and mold 2. just lyme 3. just mold and living in a toxic environment ( which if so has to be fixed) and whatever mold
has done to his immune system.
simone717 last decade
Can u remember a post several months ago named 'Help: 10years old child with Lyme'? The father of the child was logged in here as Dan Ho. He is more than satisfied with his daughter's condition at now and she is about to be normal within this time. So Blake can email me private as if he have symptoms of Lyme or Mold.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Yes, I remember Dan Ho and his child.Fantastic that
child is better. Blake has been emailing me, so I gave
him your message here to contact you.
simone717 last decade
bumping up thread to top
simone717 last decade
The only additional thing I can say that is new is probably wierd stomach pains or feeling pressure, pains in various places in lower stomach. Sometimes it will seem to be in my liver but then then again other places sometimes. Sometimes the pains will feel like the size of a small golfball building up pressure then going away. I also still have muscle tremors and the weird head problems along with everything else.
blake91 last decade
Also lately my appetite has been slightly decreased and when I eat sometimes I feel nausuated for a little while. Its hard for me to sum up all my problems because there are so many but I will put right here anything I can think of and if it's new it can included with my others.

Very stressed constantly almost very emotional and its very hard for me to relax. The weird feelings in my head feel almost like a vibrating or bug crawling sensation in various parts of my head. I also still have the hives. Various pains that can be random and happen anywere. My visual problem which is definately one of the main things which makes me see visual tracers and afterimages along with blue dots. Generally also feel fatigued no motivation or energy hardly. If there is anything else you need to know Dr.Showrav then I will include additional info about my condition
blake91 last decade
Confirm me that u have tried Apis mel as I said and arsenic also. U need to detoxify the body first from the other medicines u have taken from last 2-3 years of the beginning of ur problem. So I think ur appropriate medicines are not working bcs of those medicine and also that ingestion made the situation worse inside u that no medicine can work unless they are out from ur body. So please collect Sulpher and Nux vom both at 200c potency for u(better if u can manage them at liquid form). Inform me when the medicines are at ur hand.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
I just wanted to inform you that I will probably have the prescription in pellet form by tomorrow due to cost.
blake91 last decade
Take 5 pellets with a half cup water completely melting with it each time as a dose of medicine 1 hour before meal 3 times a day at morning, after noon and night.

Complete this dosing schedule for 5 days and than report me here.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dr. Showrav-

What do you want him to take???

you had him order Sulphur 200c and Nux vomica 200c-

Which one?
simone717 last decade

Recieved both of my medicines in pellet form yesterday. So im waiting for how to take the prescription for each one Dr Showrav.

thank you
blake91 last decade
Hi Blake- just start with Nux vom- for 5 days.

Put the 5 pellets in the half cup of water till
dissolved and take it HOUR before breakfast,
Lunch and dinner.

Today is Sunday- you can start it off tonight.
before dinner.Then do Monday, Tues, Wed,Thurs,and
on Friday do the morning and lunch dose.

You can report in earlier if you are having effects
or questions.

Simone 717
simone717 last decade
1. So far I have taken 5 different doses of the nux
2. Around the third dose I noticed that I had a liver pain and started getting mini hot flashes I just stopped after the fifth dose because my stomach started hurting pretty bad
3. I also had a pain in my head that stayed there for a little bit I have had pains in my head like this before but not one that stayed there for a little while. Also the shocking pains I have had those before but some of the pains like I said or new symptoms have not happened before
4. I have stopped the remedy for right now should I wait a couple days and report back or what do you think
blake91 last decade
Start Sulpher Twice a day at morning and evening 30 min before meal at empty stomach. Continue the dosing for 5 days and than let me know if any problem u face in these days.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
what is ur present condition?

Dr. Showrav last decade
Sadly about the same:/. I haven't noticed any real differences still having trouble digesting food or small stomach pains. My stomach was having problems yesterday almost all day. I also am having those zapping or tingling feelings a lot in my head in random spots.
blake91 last decade
are you done with the sulphur?

How many days did you take it?
simone717 last decade
I think I took the sulphur for two or three days so far and am still doing it today. I forgot to mention also that I feel like im getting bit by fleas on my legs but nothing is there...
blake91 last decade

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