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Caugh when i speak

I am 27 year male. I dont smoke and dont drink also. I am suffering from cough frm last 1 yr. It comes only when i speak and more intensive if i laugh and speak loundly. During the time i am mum there is no cough.

In my throad i always feel some phlegm. I have taken all the medicins but still the same problem. ENT specialist is saying that no problem in throat and its a geso problem but after taking medicin frm geso specialist its getting worst.

I feel relief after swimming and jogging

All the test shows that its not asthama .

Can u pls help me what exactly it is and what is the cure for this ?
  dineshb on 2004-05-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you have taken homeopathic remedies, please list them. Do not list other medicines as this is ONLY a homeopathic forum. We are only interested as the inquiry below.

No, we do not know "what" it is. You are not here.

Homeopathy uses MANY symptoms to track the cause of the cough in great detail.

So far, it is worse from speaking and laughing.

You have phlegm.

It is better from water and exercise.

We need to know more and other things. What happened a year ago that may have anything to do with what may have caused it in the first place. Think...what happened?

Did you have an illness and went to an allopathic dr and received some of that type of medicine???

Were you in an area where you live that may have been sprayed with some pesticide?

Were you given some sort of innoculation you felt you needed???

Have you suffered any bouts with malaria?? Have you received a throat culture?

Go back and begin at the beginning and was it worse then, or worse now?

This is the way homeopathy works. You have to tell us everything you can think of and unusual things, emotional things, and we take this information and compare what we have learned of homeopathic remedies to arrive at a possible remedy for you...SABRA
sabra 2 decades ago
Yes I have taken homeopathy medicin too. I dont know there names as doctor used to give the medicin from himself only. Using those medicin it was in bit control.

Actually year ago i had fever so had medicin for the same from doctor and from that time only i am having cough. One thing usually after every fever (normally once a year) i had cough for sometime but goes away in month time but this time its still there

Initially cough was more for the full day, but after some time its in control but occurs only when i speak otherwise its normal or very less

I was in mumbai that time. and no pesticide was sprayed there that time

I too homepathic medicin at hyderbad (i moved to hyderabad after mumbai) i had allopathic treatment at mumbai but was of no use

No malaria.

It was worse year before. Now its very less.

I tried giving you all the answer one bye one as you asked in the same sequance.

Actually wheni am at home or office then its very less, its less only whenever i am mum but little bit comes when i speak and increase to more if i speak fast n loudly or laugh

dineshb 2 decades ago
I have printed out your post to study. Have you any skin problems that may have been treated in the last few years?...Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Yes, Same time i had some skin problem kind of skin fangus, doctor gave me some tablets and cream to apply. As fever n skin problem was in around same time so i was/is not sure this problem could be from fever medicin or skin medicin allergies.

I even talk to skin specialist that that skin problem is over but cough has started , is it some allergice from your medicin he said no its not from medicin and its normal, will go away in few days but those few days never came

Thanks for listening me and giving me your valuable time

dineshb 2 decades ago
Try phosphorous or bryonia 30.
Dr ali
37 bradshaw st
lancs bb9 9bw
kalibrom 2 decades ago
thanks for suggesting me
phosphorous or bryonia 30

what exactly is this and how it is going to effect me

dineshb 2 decades ago
I think phosphorous or bryonia 30 is for dry painfull cough. but i dont have any pain in throat.
dineshb 2 decades ago
i guess phosphorous or bryonia 30 is for dry painful cough. is nt it ?

but i dont have pain so shd i still take this
dineshb 2 decades ago
any reply/solution/medicin pls
pls reply me back
dineshb last decade
how long you have skin fungus?

any white spots on fingernails?

what ailments you treated for in past?and how? (go back as far as remember--eeven as child)???
John Stanton last decade
how long you have skin fungus?
No there is no skin fungus but it was there for a long time (5-6years), actually i used to come and go after medicins but now its ok
any white spots on fingernails?

what ailments you treated for in past?and how? (go back as far as remember--eeven as child)???
nothing specific then normal fever, etc, i mean just like a normal person
but now days i have bad Stomach. digestion is very poor
dineshb last decade
no white spots on fingernails
dineshb last decade
no remedy stands out for such you mention---much more info needed---
John Stanton last decade

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