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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Adenoid Problem in 7 year old

My daughter who is 7 has had trouble going through the nights since she was about 3 years old. Prone to colds, ear infections. She also had eczema as an infant and we did use a steroidal cream (though not extensively+ we didn't know much about these things then, so went with pediatrician's advise) But we have been seeing a homeopath since she was 2-3 and several remedies have been tried and tested (hepar sulph, calcarea carb, belladona, etc) and now we went for a sleep study and it shows moderate obstructive sleep apnea, ENT says her tonsils are fine, so it is adenoids that are the problem and has advised adenoidectomy. Meanwhile, the homeopath recently (2 weeks before sleep study) said to give tuberculinum for 1 month, we sort of discontinued it for no specific reason but have started it again for the past week.

My husband's point is that homeopathy has been there for 3 years and unable to resolve the problem. But my point is that perhaps tuberculinum - being the only long term prescription until date, would help and we can wait to see if we should go for adenoidectomy or not.

I would greatly appreciate any help/ advise in this regard. Thanks. Btw, we live in the Midwest and are Asian Indians.
  MommyD on 2012-07-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what potency of the Tuberculinum are you giving her and how frequently?

Yes it's worth the try to apply h'pathy before going for such operations.
maheeru last decade
30c and once a day.
MommyD last decade
ok after completing this regimen if you still feel more help is needed, please make a reminder.
maheeru last decade

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