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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I read on other post about migraines is that Bry 30c was recommended. 2 pellets twice daily and 4 pellets first signs of migraine. Should you avoid food/water when taking this?

My migraines are on my right forehead. They usually start in the afternoon. I have had them 12 yrs. I get about 2 a month. I take Imitrex and other medication that is suppose to prevent them.

  Rch9418 on 2005-08-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have recently modified the method of using Bryonia for Migraine which I have discovered is more effective in the Split Dose as follows:

Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from your nearest supermarket.
Pour out 100ml
Drop in 3 pellets or 1 drop of liquid Bryonia 30c into the 400ml water
Cap the bottle tightly and succuss it 4-6 times by banging on your palm and look out for the air bubbles to fizzle up from the bottom.
Sip 1 teaspoonful if you are already suffering from an attack of Migraine. You may take another teaspoonful if no relief is noticed in about 15 minutes.

If you have been suffering from cluster migraines or headaches you can sip a teaspoonful last thing at night for a few days till you notice that your migraines have stopped bothering you. Please note that this remedy should not be used every day for over a week, consecutively.

You may also use Arnica 6c in the same Split Dose method every night for as long as you like as it will promote deep sleep and will also help you to avoid getting migraines.

Store the bottles in the refrigerator.

No coffee and cola drinks.
Joe De Livera last decade
Homeopathy prescribed conveniently - THIS FOR THAT
MIGRAINE = ACONITE, Belladonna, GLONOINE, Lachesis, Melilotus, Gelsemium

Also read : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/35254
Nisha-India last decade
Thank you for your reply.

I should only take Bryonia when I have a migraine and take Arnica as a preventative?

With the Arnica do you do the successions everynight?

Is there a certain amount of time I should not drink/eat or take medication before the homeopathic?

Rch9418 last decade
1. Correct

2. Yes you must succuss the bottle every time you use it for best results.

3. Half hour before or after.

It may interest you to know that I have prescribed some of the remedies listed in the post above but have found that most of them are not of any use to control Migraine. However Glonoine 30c is the specific for Migraine which is triggered by exposure to light for some who are photosensitive, and are not helped by Bryonia which is my default remedy for Migraine.
Joe De Livera last decade
I bought the homeopathic Bry and Arnica from ABC. But my only choice was 6c. You recommended i use 3 pellets or 1 drop of 30c of Bry in 300ml of water.....what would that be for 6c?

Rch9418 last decade
If you ordered the Bryonia 30c and they sent the 6c you should return it to the ABC store as this potency will not help your Migraines which will only be helped by the 30c potency.
Joe De Livera last decade
I saw that Arnica 30c was recommended for hairloss. I'm currently taking Arnica 6c every night for migraines, will this dose also help with hairloss?

Rch9418 last decade
I noticed that Arnica was suggested for hair loss. I'm currenty taking Arnica 6c before bed. What is suggested for hair loss?

would Nat Phos interfere with Arnica? I definately don't want to do anything to interfere with helping my migraines. I have 10-15 pounds that I can't seem to loose.

I appreciate your help so far.
Rch9418 last decade
I recommend Bryonia 30c for Migraines but have used Arnica 6c for one person who was not helped by the Bry. He is very comfortable with the Arn 6c and does not get his daily migraine any more.

Quite frankly I used Arnica 6c as I could not think of any other remedy to relieve his migraines which were chronic and which he had been suffering from for a long time and for which the doctors had done tests even including an EEG.

If you too are comfortable with the Arnica 6c you are welcome to keep up the dosage as you are now taking it.

Nat Phos will not interfere with the Arn and vice versa. Incidentally why are you taking the NP ?

Arn 6c will also help with hair loss but the 30c is better.
Joe De Livera last decade
I'm taking Arnica 6c every night and have Bry 30c for when I get a migraine. I have not had a migraine yet so I have not had to take it. But the Arnica 30c will help with migraines as well as hair loss, right? Would I only need to take the ARnica 30c once a day?

I'm not taking NP, I was just asking about it.

Rch9418 last decade
I'm not feeling right today...but I felt fine this morning. But I also don't feel like I normally do when I get a migraine...although I kinda have the feeling I am. I'm not sure whether to take Bry now or wait a little longer?

Rch9418 last decade
I am a 23 year old female and have been suffering from migraine since I was 15. The first time that I had it I developed rashes on my hands and legs without a headache. I got the headache after a month.
Initially the migraine used to be triggered by anyhting sour like lemon,curd, pickles, anyhting sour. I also used to have some temprature during the migraine. The vomit used to be very acidic. I remember the floor getting affected where I vomited. This lasted for around 7 months.
One day while studying for my exams I couldnt see with one eye, it was numb and had no sensation. After 1/2 hour I got a head ache. There was no sensation to the palms, feet, face. Immideatly after vomiting I used to get instant relief.
Later on I started noticing that I used to get migraine just before my periods. The headaches now last for a longer period of time and there dosent seem to be much releif even afetr vomiting.

Please help me in finding a cure to my problem. It is affecting my work and studies. I am not capable of going out as I fear getting a attack any time.
kushal last decade
Do you suffer from any gastric problem like burning in the stomach after meals especially after dinner, puffiness, belching or any of the usual symptoms of hyper acidity ?

I may be able to suggest a remedy for your migraine if this is the case.
Joe De Livera last decade
I did get a migraine yesterday and Bry 30c did not help it. I took 2 doses. Does it take a few times for it to work? I'm also taking ARnica 6c everynight.

If I'm not at home when I get a migraine can I just take the pellets? If yes how many?

Rch9418 last decade
Did you get your Migraine when you were in bright light ?

If your Migraines are triggered by bright light or sunlight the remedy is different.
Joe De Livera last decade
No they are not triggered by sunlight, I don't think they are triggered by bright lights. Sometimes I can go outside and it makes me feel better.

Rch9418 last decade
OK .

Your remedy Glonoine 30c which you can take in the dry dose, 3 globules taken as soon as you first get the warning signs of an oncoming migraine.

I presume that you are OK in sunlight as you probably wear sun glasses.

Migraines that are caused by photosensitivity do not react to Bryonia. You will soon discover that you are OK after the Glonoine which you may use as necessary.

I would also recommend that you take one teaspoonful Arnica 6c in the wet dose made in the same manner that I described above for the Bryonia which you need not take as it has not helped you.

Please post your response in a week.
Joe De Livera last decade
Actually I don't wear sunglasses, I don't like how they feel. I do face the sun to and from work. On average I get a migraine every two weeks. Although this time I went 3 weeks and 5days and I have gone as long as 6 weeks.

With my migraines I don't get Aura.

How would I determine if they are triggered by the sun or bright lights?

Rch9418 last decade

Right sided headaches - Sanguinaria
Headache agg. afternoon - Belladonna, Sal.
Headache 2 p.m. - Ars. Chel.
jojobear last decade
Hello Joe,
I do have a severe acidity problem. I usualy have severe acidity just before my periods. But I do still have problems even at other times. I do not have any burning sensation in the stomach. If I am disturbed in the morning I usualy am not able to go to the toilet. I dont know if this in any way connected to my problem. I belch when I have acidity. There is a lot of burning sensation in my chest and feel better after I belch.
kushal last decade
Take 2 tablets Nat Phos 6x (Biochemic) after lunch and dinner and you should be OK almost immediately after you take it.

You may take it safely for as long as you like and the bonus is that it will help to reduce your weight by about a pound per week.

It will also regularize your motions.

Please report response in a week.
Joe De Livera last decade
I have heard from family members that inhaling the vapors from boiled apple cider vinegar (from a health food store)will relieve migraine pain.
Coughing2Much last decade
Could Nat Phos 6x, relieve a migraines. I was trying it for weight loss. Although I knew from post it may not help-I'm taking Levothroid and Depov Provera. Anyway when I was taking it I did not have a trace of a migraine. I stopped taking it about 2 days ago since I was not loosing any weight. Today I felt like I was getting a migraine-it was not really bad yet. My lunch was not agreeing with me so I decided to take a couple and now my migraine is nearly gone. Does Nat Phos work similar to digestive enzymes? I does seem like when I'm getting a migraine the meal/food I eat just before does not agree with me.

I don't know if the Glonoine 30c works yet, today was the first time I thought I was getting a migraine since I received it.

Rch9418 last decade
If your migraines are caused by hyperacidity, yes the Nat Phos will stop the migraine catching on.

I note that you have not reduced your weight with this remedy and the simple reason is that your other drugs are preventing it from helping to reduce your weight.

I believe I have worked out, at least theoretically the way Nat Phos 6x operated in the gut. It promotes peristalysis within a few minutes after one takes 2 tablets and this persuades the pyloric valve to open and send the food down into the gut.

It prevents migraine which you have noticed in your case by preventing the stagnation of the food in the stomach when the acidity builds up and the enzymes also present in the food which is now stuck in the stomach affect the blood with the imbalance and the migraine results.

Nat Phos 6x is my star remedy for any GERD symptom and I have helped hundreds with it. The weight reduction aspect was purely accidentally discovered when a patient reported that he was losing weight with the remedy which cured his GERD problem. I believe that I was the first to discover and report this phenomenon which can be a great blessing to the Obese in the world as it is absolutely safe for daily use and is so cheap to get. In India from where I get supplies a 250g pack which containes perhaps 5000 tablets it costs only $5.00 which is what you will pay for this remedy for just 50 tablets.

Suggest you stop your drugs for a week and use only the Nat Phos if you are serious in reducing your weight. You should also exercise and control your diet and drink a lot of liquids which are not canned.

Glonoine will only stop a migraine caused by photosensitivity of exposure to strong light. This triggers a nerve center in the brain which causes the migraine.

You may also use Arnica 6c in the wet dose every night as this will promote deep restful sleep and this may also help with your migraines.
Joe De Livera last decade
I would like to add that if everything fails you can use ice in a plastic bag on your head as this too helps with the migraine. Or position your head in the cold draft of an airconditioner.

I am speaking with experience in the treatment of Migraines which I suffered from about 40 years ago, some years before I started on Homeopathy.
Joe De Livera last decade

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