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Dr. Maheeru Please Help - Macular Degeneration Page 2 of 2

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I called to tell her, but she is unwell, sleeping. has neck pain and headache. will get more detail when she wakes up. she has not taken staphysagria yet
Blood in Urine last decade
Could this mean that the Phosphorus is starting to act? should i wait before telling her to take Staphysagria 30c? Please advise.
Blood in Urine last decade
Ok put staphy. on hold. We can wait for a couple of days to get a clear picture.
maheeru last decade
Thank you.

Should she continue Phosphorus 6C?
Blood in Urine last decade
she need not continue phosphorus 6c.
maheeru last decade
Thank you!
Blood in Urine last decade
She has been sleeping a lot due to the pain. have not been able to talk with her by phone. if this is from phosphorus as it was a mild dose of 6c - would you expect the pain to go away soon? Please advise. i am getting very worried as she is in another country.
Blood in Urine last decade
Has she ever taken homeopathic medicine before?

How's her sensitivity like?

Is this pain a new symptom or an existing one?

Not sure if the pain is from the doses with the limited information.

Are you sure the sleep is due to pain? These doses can increase sleepiness though.
maheeru last decade
She has not taken homeopathy before - that is my understanding.

She is quite strong as a person - and did not show weakness or fear even to the injections, although i know from her body language that she was nervous about it prior to the eye injection, she held up quite well. overall strong person who does not like to show that she is in duress of any kind.

whether pain is new symptom? i am unable to reach her - but will find out in more detail when i can.
i dont think pain is from the medicine as for 6 days she said there was no observable symptom to the phosphorus 6c.

She seemed very stressed out and upset / nervous that another family member had refused to come and be with her, and she was stressed out about a document that had to be corrected according to that family member. This OFM (other family member) has significant control as she is the legal guardian.
Will find out more when i am able to talk with her. she may be better now, but due to time difference and logistically issues such as - she does not have access to phone at all times in her room...will find out as soon as i am able to talk with her. Thank you so much for your guidance.
Blood in Urine last decade
am told that she may be feeling a bit better.
Blood in Urine last decade
Ok get more details so that we'll have a clear picture.
maheeru last decade
Spoke with her today.

She said that she had had neck pain and headache with slight fever for a few days, for which she had taken crocin. She said it had been extremely hot weather. She took a lot of rest and is now better. She did'nt seem to remember what medicines she had taken or how many, but asked her helper and was told that total she took 4 crocins over 2 days. Regarding her eyes she is saying that her vision is not better. I have asked her to look at the wall /white surface every day to see if the black patches/spots change over time.
In addition she has a board of letters to see if her vision changes. She will be looking every day to see if anything changes. Her headache has stopped, she has slight discomfort in neck, which feels a bit better with her lady helper massaging it.
Blood in Urine last decade
She said that she is feeling weakness. Please advise.
Blood in Urine last decade
Let her take a dose of phos. 30c one pill/drop on three consecutive days.

Let's see how this impacts her issues in coming days. Report changes in 5 days.
maheeru last decade
to confirm my understanding: 1 pill each day for three days
Blood in Urine last decade
Dr Maheeru,
I talked with her by phone. She said she is unable to get any medicine at this time, and is asking whether she can continue the Phosphorus 6c instead of buying 30c.
Please advise,
Thank you so much.
Blood in Urine last decade
Yes one pill each day for three days.

Eventually she needs to get 30c. So she can use use 6c till 30c is bought---also 30c needs to be bought soon not exceeding a couple of weeks.
maheeru last decade
Will follow your advice.

additional notes:
She also mentioned to me a few minutes ago that her throat is acting up again - as in the swallowing constriction - the food/dinner she had swallowed has come out.

Since she has taken diabetes medicine, she will be eating again to make sure she is not on empty stomach at night.
Blood in Urine last decade
Can I mail it in a small plastic ziploc to her?

(I have phosphorus 200c with me - I assume still have to get the 30c.)
Blood in Urine last decade
I will be able to mail it to her in a paper envelope.
Blood in Urine last decade
(please ignore my question about plastic ziploc, sorry I don't mean to be annoying, please forgive me).
Thank you
Blood in Urine last decade
Both are ok. But put the vial inside and wrap it well.
maheeru last decade

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