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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take no more doses now, we have reached the max., now we will let the body work and observe your response for next 3-4 days.

About myself, I am not a doctor. You can check my profile by clicking my name.

I prescribe as per the true principles of classical homeopathy and my prescription can withstand any scrutiny by anyone. Its no black box tricks, there is a clear & solid logic behind selecting the remedies and I follow it to the letter. That's why I ask so many questions!
fitness last decade
Got it. I'll report you after 4 days.

What do I call you ? Your name? Or just say doctor. I want to make sure I give proper respect to you :)
trymoon18 last decade

You can call me fitness:)
fitness last decade
Mr. Fitness,

Same symptoms and no improvement.

I feel my brain/head foggy type, anxiety, disturbed sleeping, eyes tracking while driving and peripheral vision seems to be not good...

My local doctor tested me using my urine and saliva tests and please see below results, very interesting and might help you know my problems. May be I'm not able to explain you better but the below results might give you more clarity. My local doctor was saying my testosterone producing internal system is good but due to my Adrenal functionality I'm having all these Anxiety or Brain Foggy or Poor Eye tracking, Sexual issues, Fatigue and less muscle mass issues so he was saying once my Adrenal numbers improve then I can feel better as before 10 years ago so he advised me some vitamin supplements to raise my levels for few months....

I have emailed you my results, I couldn't attach those in this forum, please check your email, you can see my doctor advised me to take some Supplements to raise my levels primarily Adrenal.

Let me know if this helps.
trymoon18 last decade
Thanks for the reports and yes it helps.

Please answer these questions:

Which symptoms have improved since we started treatment and by how much

Which symptoms have remained unchanged since we started treatment

Which symptoms have worsened since we started treatment and by how much

Have any new symptoms surfaced which have never been there
fitness last decade
Please see my answers below, it gets confusing to answer because of fluctuations I face.

Please answer these questions: 

Which symptoms have improved since we started treatment and by how much 

Which symptoms have remained unchanged since we started treatment 

Answer:- anxiety, brain foggy feeling, staring at things, not much motivated, fatigue etc.,

Which symptoms have worsened since we started treatment and by how much 

Answer:- lately Libido reduced, less erections, brain foggy feeling, memory loss feelings, not able to remember past things. Memory weakness

Have any new symptoms surfaced which have never been there

Answer: forgetting things, confusions, staring at things especially in driving. Body present and mind ascent lot of times. When talking to someone I'm actually thinking of something else and not able to paying attention to what other person telling me.

Maybe I'm missing something but I did my best to answer your questions and sorry for the delay due to my travel plans.
trymoon18 last decade
Should I gather from your reply above that nothing has improved since starting the treatment.

Either things have remained unchanged or worsened and some new symptoms have surfaced which were never there.
fitness last decade
Yes, remains unchanged most part and; worsens memory a bit, staring at things and body present mind absent. ..
trymoon18 last decade
Since there has been no improvement at all, I apologize that it has been a waste of time for you.

I don't have any better recommendation, accordingly I advise you to seek consultation from any other prescriber on the forum.
fitness last decade
Not a problem. Would you recommend me of any other Doctors please.
trymoon18 last decade
There are many prescribers on this forum who use single remedy approach. That in my opinion would be the best way forward.

You should have someone looking at your case within 1-2 days, if not, I will ask someone.
fitness last decade
Better yet, please post your case again, without any questionnaire and someone will respond.

If you like, you can mention in the history that I tried to help and failed and advised to seek help from someone else.
fitness last decade
I'll. Just in case if you know any other Doctors name please suggest. ..
trymoon18 last decade
Dear Trymoon,

I have never seen any success story on this forum about PE besides one which shows that Bryta Carb works in some way or other..whether Dr Zaair is practitioner or not but his remedy against PE makes sense as i have researched on internet about Bryta Carb which proved to be a very effective in Premature Ejaculation as well as any other male problem! So no harm to try it.. may be it works for you too! check the last page # 6 in thread below :


Do let us know your condition after using the prescribe remedy for PE.

Good Luck!
Buqraat last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.