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Infantile Spasms? 10Cure for infantile spasms in homeopathic 3


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Although I am somewhat nervous about this idea that hundreds of remedies have been tried, I will go ahead an make a suggestion anyway. These are the rubrics I used to create a totality for your son to prescribe on:

Convulsions at night
Convulsions in children/in infants
Restlessness in bed
Restlessness in children
Waking frequent
Starting easily
Laughing at trifles
Appetite ravenous
Constipation in infants/in newborns

(using your experience as a window into his inner world)

Forsaken feeling, sensation of isolation
Ailments from fear
Ailments from fright in children
Ailments from old fright

This paints a clear picture of the remedy Opium. The father being a heroin addict also confirms for me the suitability of a medicine made from this substance.

Can you obtain Opium 30c and 200c, preferably in liquid form?
Evocationer 9 years ago
Considering the constant medicating of his symptoms, actually my preference would be to start with LM potencies. I have no idea if you can get those, but if you can, try to obtain LM 0/1 and LM 0/2. Don't worry if you cannot though.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to read and find me a remedy. I read about opium, and wow, it looks perfect! I have been scouring the internet for hours trying to find it though and I can't. Do you happen to know where I can? As far as the other homeopath, she would send about take remedies at a time over the course of three months or so. Perhaps hundreds was an exaggeration, but I would say she had him take easily fifty or sixty. I thought she was being thorough.....
fierflie 9 years ago
That wasn't being thorough, that was being totally lost and having no idea what she was doing. Nobody should be given so many remedies in such a short space of time. The only person who does that is someone who hasn't got a clue how to practice, how to take cases, how to understand what is to be focussed on or cured in a case. I am sorry that was your experience with homoeopathy so far.

Where are you located? That will help us to suggest a supplier.
Evocationer 9 years ago

you are in usa, as you said earlier and you have to order from
Helios Homeopathic Pharm in the UK.

Whether it is Opium 30 c or 200 c or
Lm0/1 or LM/02 and it will take 2 weeks.
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 25 Jul 2014 05:08:32 BST]
simone717 9 years ago
perfect. i found it. what is the best form and what dose do i give him daily? he's about 19 lbs.
fierflie 9 years ago
it has alcohol in the LM
fierflie 9 years ago
On the LM granules or remedy pills
they are sprayed with the solution of
the liquid. Then absorbed into the
milk sugar pill, the alcohol evaporates and the medicine is left.

Wait to be advised what type to order and since it takes a bit of time, you should
order a couple potencies of that form to
have on hand.
simone717 9 years ago
All our medicines are made using alcohol. Without it, they become impotent in a very short amount of time. There is very little in it, and you will dilute it anyway so he will hardly get any of it at all.

Which potency did you get?
Evocationer 9 years ago
i waiting for you to tell me which one to order and how much to give him. the have LM
fierflie 9 years ago
If I don;t hear from you by tomorrow I'm going to order the 200 and 30 CC so that I can get them soon. What dose do I give him?
fierflie 9 years ago
I said that my preference was to start with LM potencies, so LM 1 and LM 2 (0/1 and 0/2).

However, if necessary I am sure we can work with the centesimal potencies as well.

Weekends are not always easy for me to get online to reply to questions.
Evocationer 9 years ago
It is not necessary bc she has to order from Helios and Helios
has LM and C 's of Opium, she has her choice.

Fierflie-order the LM/01 and 02 in either liquid or the pill form
they have.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 28 Jul 2014 01:54:11 BST]
simone717 9 years ago
I have received the remedies! What dose do I give him? I have LM1 and LM2
fierflie 9 years ago
Noah is doing exceptional, although today I noticed him having a strong reaction to sounds. He started flinching. This is something he hasn't done in about a month, so I figured it is another flare up of symptoms and I stopped giving it to him. Am I correct?
fierflie 9 years ago

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