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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Teenage depression/anger

I would appreciate any help or insight on how to help a 16 year old boy in my family. I will call him Tom here.
Tom's parents are divorced. He has a sister 2 years younger. His father is always working or working on projects and does not do many fun activities with his kids. His mother is hyper, argumentative, over protective, controlling and overbearing but also caring and loving if that makes any sense. Tom is not too happy with his father but has a decent relationship with him. He gets to play video games at husband father's house so he is happy to be there. He is completely addicted to video games and has huge temper tantrums if he is not allowed to play them. Tom is very resentful towards his mother, does not respect her, is very defiant towards her and fights with her constantly. He says that he can't stand her mother because she is mean to him. His mother is not anusive or mean, but she is controlling and over protective. Tom has a terrible relationship with his sister. He says very mean things to her and degrades her every chance he gets. Tom is also not very kind to his friends, he puts them down often. Tom is only 16 but has several girlfriends that he is communicating with and he is hiding them from each other. He makes each one believe that they are the only one when it is not the case. He craves love and attention form them and when he doesn't get it he pucnches walls, kicks doors and yells and screams. He told one of the girls that he will hang himself if she continues to ignore him. His parents are extremely concerned that he will actually hurt himself for attention or to prove himself. He does jot do well at school even though he is very intelligent. He blames his teachers constantly for his bad grades. He believes that everything is everyone else's fault. He always feels like he is the victim. He says that his mother, his sister, his father, his teachers and anyone else are targeting him. When he is happy he is very happy, he is telling jokes, whistling, dancing and helping with chores, but as soon as he is ignored by a girl or banned from video games for getting a bad grade or misbehaving, he flips and his mood changes drastically. He cannot focus on a project or homework without getting distracted. He has a very short attention span. He eats an abnormal amount of food. He can eat three two large burgers or a very large piece of steak and still be hungry for more food. He devours the food within minutes. He is very thin and his physique is smaller than most boys his age. He can be caring and kind when he wants to be, but he can be a complete jerk, mean and cruel when he doesn't get his way. He lies and is manipulative. He can be destructive; A few days ago he infected his mother's computer with a virus that crashed her whole computer because he was mad at her.
Physically, he is thin, shorter than average, blonde hair, blue eyes, triangular shaped face with smaller than normal jaw and chin. He has had a cyst in his sinuses since you get age preventing him from breathing freely from his nose and he has breathed from his mouth which supposedly contributed to the underdeveloped jaw according to his dentist. He walks with a little slouch.
I am trying to convince his parents to consider homeopathic treatment and hope to get some information for the experts out there. Thank you in advance for your time and insight.
Best regards,
  Omid110 on 2018-04-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Tuberculinum Bov. 200

Dissolve 2 drops/ 5 pills in 3 teaspoons water in a disposable cup, stir with a spoon a few times and drink. Do this ONCE only. Do not repeat.

Update me after 10 days of the medicine
[Edited by Zady101 on 2018-04-29 21:25:30]
Zady101 6 years ago
Thank you very much.
Omid110 6 years ago

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