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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Diagnosed with GERD. Family dr prescribed Nexium which brought some improvements but still having bitter-acid taste on my mouth when wake up in the middle of the night and throat discomfort. Sleeping with elevated head and not eating at least 3 hours before going to bed. Sometimes dry cough after eating or when I raise in the morning. Burping and feeling full after eating. Can anyone help with homeopathy treatment?
[Edited by Eleisue on 2020-11-18 22:55:37]
  Eleisue on 2020-11-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try Natrum phos 6x 3 tabs after each meal 3x a day for one week.
This is a homeopathic cell salt that is a natural acid reducer.

To cure this problem you have to adjust your diet for at least 3 weeks.
Our cells have to have an alkaline ph. Over time of choosing acidic foods the cell ph turns acidic and causes reflux. This can be as simple as a person eating chocolate every night tipping the balance.

Cut out fast food, soda, citrus drinks and fruit, chocolate, black tea and coffee and google alkaline foods. Stick to them for 3 weeks and cells reset.You can start adding back in acidic gradually and cut back again if you get heartburn, indigestion. Remedies will not cure if the diet is wrong.
simone717 3 years ago
Thank you so much for your replay I will do that and will keep you posted. I have been in a gf diet fro 5 years, don't drink soda nor citrus drinks, no chocolate but I do have one coffee in the morning which of course I will remove. I will be very attentive to the diet.

I have question the 3 tabs of Natrum phos after each meal, do I have to wait specific time after eating? I know that other homeopathic treatments have to be taking away from food?
Eleisue 3 years ago
Wait 15 minutes after food to take.
simone717 3 years ago

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