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Posts about Rhinitis

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Springtime allergic rhinitis


The older I get the worse my symptoms are (female, 47 years old). I'm looking for remedy to help with seasonal allergies. My symptoms are: Postnasal drip, stuffy nose, sometimes I have to "snort back" a mucous plug which is usually very thick and sometimes it has a bit of blood in it. Also, itchy eyes, brain fog a little bit of depression since I put on some weight and would like to exercise outdoors, but each time I do I get a lot of discomfort. Upper mouth pallet gets sore when I swallow. I'm drinking lots of water, warm liquids (ginger tea with honey). I use neti pot or a saline spray. Sometimes those methods help and sometimes they don't.

Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.
  MPall on 2021-05-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Kali Bichromicum 200 05 drops in water once a day
Hydrastis Canadensis 200 05 drops in water once a day
Both for a week
Revert after a week or as and when you feel difference in symptoms
Kaps 3 years ago
Ok, thank you. I will get back to you in a week hopefully sooner.
MPall 3 years ago
Hello, I received my remedies. Can I put them both in water together or do they need to be separate?
MPall 3 years ago
Sepeartely and a gap of half an hour between the two take in one third cup of water
[Edited by Kaps on 2021-05-16 17:07:52]
Kaps 3 years ago
Okay, thank you.
MPall 3 years ago

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