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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Need Help with Mind


M33, 5'9" just under 200lb (down about 30+ since sick)

Normally very active (powerlifter for 8 years), Rare to get sick, generally flu once every few years.

here is some info on me from another thread -> https://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/603.... put I most likely overdid my remedies and not sure what to do next.

Confirmed Covid back in September (got sick fast and recovered from flu-like symptoms in 5 days)
Taste/Smell came back that following week
Went out of state and did some extensive mountain hiking and felt ok
Felt normal outside of gym (S.O.B. and a bit dizzy after some sessions)
When it started the week of October 11th ->
Food poisoning (11th or 12th)
Upper lip swollen, no other symptoms except raging anxiety after (Oct 14th around 3am)
Had blood work down and allergy specialist (no issues, all levels in normal range at time)

Only Oscillococcinum (Anas Barb) was taken during Covid, and single dose of Arsenicum Alb to rid the nausea during food poisoning.

About 3-4 weeks after the lip swelling when these new symptoms started up I began other remedies, most of which
Anuj has mentioned in a thread here


Vertigo/Dizziness (seems to be more back of head than in/near eyes)
Some times laying down and staying busy helps (small movements of head or eyes/body, but these small movements are worse laying down)
Feels like I can't get better
Anxious about getting worse
Wanting to be normal again
Exhausted most of the time

Hard to stay asleep. Generally waking at 3am+
Even slight noises keep me awake
I then get anxious thinking about if my symptoms will return

Popping/crackling sound when swallowing, slight
Some ringing in ears at random times (maybe once a day or two)
Feels like air enters/escapes when breathing in or out (at times)

Feels stuffy as if congested but minimal drainage, clear
Draining is in morning after waking but lasts only a few minutes

Tight jaw generally throughout day, sometimes leads to a headache (back of head)

Voice is hoarse, no pain, as if very dry

Sometimes S.O.B., more so when standing up (worse in morning)
Feeling of dryness in lungs (upper)
p02 levels normal (never below 97%)


Little appetite, sometimes will feel hungry but not often

I have taken a slew of remedies over the last few weeks but now feeling like I didn't take them the proper way or the
correct ones and unsure how or if I need to 'reset' to get back to the real issues
[Edited by deetee1 on 2021-12-02 20:31:06]
  deetee1 on 2021-12-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Aloe S 200
05 drops in water/ 04 pills single dose only
Post changes
Kaps 2 years ago
Ok thanks. I will need to order this.

Am I to just take this as is? Or mix in water?
[Edited by deetee1 on 2021-12-03 03:37:38]
deetee1 2 years ago
If you get the remedy in pills form take them directly
If in liquid form add 05 drops in 2-3 tablespoons of water and have it
Kaps 2 years ago
I have not yet received Aloe but I wanted to post some more things on here that I've noticed different than my norm.

Wheezing, mostly when laying down at night and is slight. Also not every night and I have no known triggers. A small cough generally stops it, nothing coming up and no pain. This has not happened since I was in my early teens.

At times when bending over for about 20 or 30 seconds I get very dizzy when standing up. Again not all the time and used to never happen (consider 8 years of weight training, bending over and picking things up).

After some work outside (mostly bent over using chainsaw) I noticed my face was very red, more so than usual (almost sunburnt looking). Also it was cloudy, had a hat and fairly cool. My face does not burn or feel abnormal in any way.

--Update 12/8--
Some anxiety has returned, more so at night when thinking of sleeping and having continued health issues

Not sleeping past 3am but this morning my muscles were twitching/spasm in random locations. This began couple days ago with my left arm, then yesterday a spot left side of my back near spine, then more places but a spot left side of my head was pretty continuous

Also my tongue feels raw on the sides and tip but does not seem discolored or swollen. Feels better eating ice or having cold drinks

Hands start tingling pretty quick if laying on my side or if I am on my back and have my arms bent with my hands laying on my chest ( pinky and ring fingers 'go to sleep'

The best I felt since all this started was when I took Phos 30c ( 2 pellets in 8oz water, took 1 tsp). Within 30 minutes felt great and slept very well for 3 days but went backwards. This was about 3 weeks ago
[Edited by deetee1 on 2021-12-09 17:11:11]
deetee1 2 years ago
Updated symptoms.

Still no Aloe
deetee1 2 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.