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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

3 yr old allergic to dust mites

My 3 yr old daughter was found to be allergic to dust mites couple months ago. The allergy skin test done on her brought a huge reaction to the dust mites, that the doctor says is rare in young children.

Pediatrician also suspected allergy last year (prior to the allergy test) by taking a look at the lining in her lower eyelid..Said the changes in lining were consistent with allergy symptoms.

She is on antihistamine Zyrtec. Allergist has prescribed steroid Nasonex also which I am hesitant to give her and would prefer trying homeopathic treatment first. Her dad and brother have dustmite allergies as well and they have asthma too.
I am afraid that if this is not treated now, she may end up with asthma as well.

Her Symptoms :

-Complains of stuffy nose constantly. (Her nostrils are clear). She does not have any cold.
- Reddish circles under her eyes

About her:

-She is a picky eater, prefers sweets, salad, fruit over rice and cooked veggies.
-Good health otherwise.
-Stubborn, good energy level.
-Good sleep (10pm to 9am).
-Not constipated.
-Not fond of walking or cycling. Prefers to sit in stroller. It doesnt seem to be an energy issue though since she could play and run around in the house forever.
  rasingh on 2006-05-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I forgot to mention that my daughter since Jan 2006 is also complaining of pain in her legs/feet/knee.

It happens intermittently..sometimes after 2-3 weeks. The doctor said her growth is all right so this is not an issue.
rasingh last decade

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