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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Cough


My wife has had a persistent chronic cough for five years.

This occurs especially either when she's feeling hot and sweaty or in cold air, so basically when her body temperature is significantly higher than the ambient.

It also seems to be made worse by house dust, suggesting that it might be triggered by allergies.

Sometimes she coughs up mucus or spit, sometimes it's just a dry cough.

Her coughing often leads to vomiting, after which she feels okay.

She has tried drugs and natural remedies, but nothing seems to cure it.

Can anyone here suggest a suitable remedy?
  Simonc on 2006-09-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
WE often look for a causative factor . Can you remember any event that took place prior to this cough ie emotional trama, accident or acute illness?
Sycotic last decade
Thank you for replying and for your question.

My wife says that just before this problem cough developed, someone snatched away her handbag one day and ran off with it. Luckily it contained nothing of any value at the time. But she said it was a shock to her all the same as nothing like that had ever happened to her before. She felt horrible inside and it took her months to recover psychologically.

Around that same time, she started work in a restaurant cooking fish and chips. The heat from the oil may have also helped to bring on the cough.

She was also worrying about our finances which were not very good at the time. She and I were having a few arguments too at the time and that was playing on her mind. All this happened 5 years ago.

Now our finances are a little better and we don't argue anymore, but the cough is still there.

If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you again, I look forward to your recommndations.
Simonc last decade
I forgot to mention that we live in a malaria infested country, and ten years ago my wife was admitted to hospital with cerebral malaria for the second time in her life.
Simonc last decade
You should first try a dose of Ignatia. Fairly high potency.. 200c, 1M or even higher. Give one or two pellets only ONE time.

Best wishes.
Sycotic last decade
I have treated a case of a chronic cough which was also of 5 years origin with Nat Sulph 6c in the wet dose taken just once daily.

You can read about this cure on:


Please report response to this remedy in 2 days after you start this therapy as if Nat Sulph is the remedy the results are noticed within 24 hours.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you.

What would be the preferred potency? 2LM? More?
Simonc last decade
I would not recommend you experimenting with the Nat Sulph 6c potency which I have perfected after many experiments.

NS is Sodium Sulphate or Glauber's salt and is commonly used in medicine and for industial use especially photography.

If it is found to knock out the cough which as I stated it should do in 24 hours I shall ask you to change the method from the wet dose to the Split dose.

But this is for later.
Joe De Livera last decade

Thanks! That looks very promising. It's exactly the same problem.

I will try it and report back.

Note that it will take several days (up to two weeks) just for the remedies to arrive here.

What is your experience with Ignatia as just recommnded?
Simonc last decade
I have never used it for a cough. I do not think that it can help at all as it works on the mental plane which for a chronic cough is very remote approach.
Joe De Livera last decade
Not really .It is found in Synth. Rep 'Cough, from Fright' Ignatia may be thought of for any chronic condition arising from a fright or shock. Now if the patient had fallen on her head I may think of Nat Sulph. An emotional causation such as this should not be overlooked in my opinion.For true cure the mentals must be considered. To supress when cure is possible is a dis-service. The old literature is full of cures using the single dose. Ps. LMs are a different scale used (generally) in repetition in a watery solution. Id probably give a 200c. once
Sycotic last decade
I am copying a post that I had made on the ABC on July 7 2006 which I feel may be of interest.

I have expressed my frank opinion to the classical school of homeopaths who in the past have used every opportunity to attack me merely because I refused to only prescribe in conformity with the classical texts. I have no quarrel with them if they cannot open their eyes to the realities of the protocol used in helping a patient but I do resent their continued attacks on me which I presume they fondly imagined would force me to change my attitude. I can assure them however that all their attacks will never make me deviate from the method that I use which has been termed 'allopathic' while some have even called it 'Joepathy'. I feel strongly that it is not the method that is used in the diagnosis and treatment of any ailment that is paramount but it is the remedy that brings about a cure in the shortest possible time. The point that I wish to make is that whatever method is used to help a patient, I believe that it is the duty of the Homeopath to use whatever method he is most comfortable with to cure the patient in the shortest possible time in conformity with Aphorisms 1 & 2 of Hahnemann which read:

§ 1
The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed

§ 2
The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.

If members are interested they can read more on:

From Joe De Livera
on 2006-07-16
I am almost embarrassed by the reports in the posts above on the successful outcome of cases of GERD which I treated with my default remedies Nat Phos 6x and Arnica 30. I have always maintained that I am not a qualified homeopath but I do have the dedication to this science which has given me the opportunity of using many remedies for ailments that are not listed in the classical texts as a result of which I have been marked as one who rocks the homeopathic boat and is perhaps the reason for the wide spread criticism that I often encounter even on this forum by some pseudo classical types.

I felt that I should take this opportunity of once again projecting my viewpoint on the use of the Non classical approach towards healing which I am aware is held in utter scorn by the classical school of homeopaths who would never even dream of using simple remedies in the manner that I do to heal patients who usually come to Homeopathy as a last resort when after years of being under treatment from gastric specialists who would delight in prescribing various drugs that are used in medicine for GERD like Nexium, Prilosec, Tagamet, and Zantac to name only a few, all of which are expensive and are H2 blockers and operate by reducing the flow of acid in the stomach. They use these drugs when it is discovered that the patient does not react to the OTC drugs bases on Aluminium Hydroxide which were popular up to about a decade ago which operate by neutralizing the acidity in the stomach. All these powerful drugs serve only as palliatives and can by no means be considered as a cure of GERD in any form. They also have known side effects which are too numerous to list here. They all are only palliatives and members would have read on this and other threads how many patients have suffered for years, even up to 45 years with GERD, only to experience the blessed relief that my treatment of this seemingly chronic disease which sometimes ends in cancer, when in a few weeks on Nat Phos and Arnica they are able to return to normal health which is the right of every human being.

It is a matter of concern to me personally to note the reaction of the classical homeopathic fraternity to the methodology I use to treat ailments. I have no quarrel with them but I do resent their continued attacks on other forums which I have stopped visiting as I spent too much time in defending my position of treating the disease instead of virtually going round the bush and using the 'constitutional remedy' approach to solve a problem which I have proved is not at all necessary to cure a disease like GERD or others that I specialize in and which members of this forum may be aware of.

I do not rule out the use of the classical approach to cure but I feel that it is time that the classical homeopathic fraternity wakes up and condescends to use methods similar to my own which is to treat the disease, after taking into account the various factors that cause it, if it is considered pertinent to the diagnosis. The point that I wish to convey is that if a certain remedy has been proved to help a patient who suffers from GERD there is no possible excuse that can be made by the homeopath to use other remedies purported to be the classically sanctioned remedy merely because they are listed in the Homeopathic texts. Medicine and Homeopathy are progressing forward daily and with it new discoveries are made in both sciences. I believe that it would be foolish for the respective science to not use a drug or remedy merely because it is not officially sanctioned and permitted to be used if it has been discovered to also help the ailment being treated.

I can think of another serendipitous discovery on my part of using Arnica for the control of Diabetes. I had given this remedy to a Type I Diabetic to help cure his non healing wound and he discovered that his blood sugar level had dropped in a remarkable manner that he had not experienced ever before. Arnica is now being used in many homeopaths both here in Sri Lanka and in India and I presume in other parts of the world after I first announced my discovery on the Internet.

I do hope that others too will follow my example and not hesitate to use a remedy in the manner that I have done and if they too discover a response to a remedy that is not listed, I hope that they too will share their discovery with others on forums such as these.

I believe that this will help the forward march of this precious science into the future.
Joe De Livera last decade

Thank you for your kindly advice and guidance. You've made some excellent points.

You've also piqued my interest. Right now, I'm thinking that it might be useful for my wife to try both Ignatia and Nat Sulph., to further prove that you are right. This would establish beyond much doubt that Nat Sulph really is the only remedy of the two that works for her condition (assuming that Ignatia doesn't work as you fully expect). I will of course report back.

Is this a course you endorse? Or will trying both these remedies harm my wife in some way?
Simonc last decade
Nat Phos 6c in the wet dose is a remedy that is primarily used for Asthma and it is incidental that it also helps cure chronic coughs which do not respond to other medication.

I would not recommend that you use both remedies the Ignatia and the Nat Sulph as you will not know which of the two were responsible for her cure.

I would suggest that you use the Ignatia 200 suggested by Sycotic and if it helps her she can forget the Nat Sulph. If you use it I would like you to give the Ignatia a fair chance as it is quite possible that it may help but I have helped many impossible cases of chronic cough one of whom I gave you the link in a previous post.

Do not in any case use them together at the same time as I am sure that the Nat Sulph will not help in the presence of other remedies. I have advocated that you use the wet dose which is so infinitesimal in its dosage and its impact on the body that I must admit that even I, after treating so many cases, fail to realize how any remedy used in this manner can possibly work.
Joe De Livera last decade
Yes, that's what I had in mind. To try the Ignatia first.

Joe (and anyone else who feels they can help), can I ask you to make your recommendations on the following thread:

Simonc last decade
Having read your post on


I can confidently tell you that your cough is due to your GERD. It is only now that the pieces of the puzzle fit together.

This is a problem that we are faced with when prescribing on a Forum as we do not see the patient and we only get nuggets of information that are not seen together to enable us to see the whole picture.

I would recommend that you do not bother with the Nat Sulph and the Ignatia therapy as what you need is the Nat Phos 6x to stabilize your GERD which I hope will happen in about 10 days after you commence this therapy with the Arnica 6c.

Please visit 2 threads on GERD:


Joe De Livera last decade

Sorry if I was confusing. This case concerned my wife. It is she who has the cough, not me, while I have the throat problem.

Do you still think she may have GERD, too? She does suffer from acid reflux.

Thank you for those links.
Simonc last decade
As I understand it now,

You have a problem with your throat which you feel is constricted perhaps due to GERD.

Your wife has a problem with a chronic cough which can perhaps owe its origin to the same ailment GERD.

To avoid repeating myself I would request you and your wife to please read the 2 threads on GERD that I posted above and if your symptoms conform to those dicussed please respond.

Please bear in mind that the usual symptoms of GERD which usually starts with Hyperacidity is a feeling of fullness and later a burning sensation in the stomach which can even be mistaken for a heart attack when it occurs at night when you are woken up with an intense burning sensation in the pit of your stomach. This condition is usually treated with Antacids and later drugs that reduce the production of acid. Unfortunately when you reach this stage you are totally dependent on these drugs for life and they only palliate and do not cure.

You will observe that some members have benefitted from the combined therapy of Nat Phos 6x and Arnica 30c which in some cases has cured them.
Joe De Livera last decade
Yes, I would say that it conforms to those symptoms in both mine and my wife's case. But what I'm saying is that my case might be complicated by a thyroid problem (I'm just not sure), while hers is not. And both our cases may be further complicated by allergies to dust, because inhaling dust definitely triggers her cough, and it doesn't help me either.
Simonc last decade
Both you and your wife will have to start somewhere to address your parallel ailment GERD.

I would suggest that you both follow the therapy I have advised for a week or two and we can then take it from there if there is no improvement.
Joe De Livera last decade
I think you're absolutely right. Thank you.
Simonc last decade

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