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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Migraine remedies PLEASE


Can someone help me? i am a new mother with a 3 month old. I started migraines last month and i am in a LOT of pain. migraine starts on the left side of head mostly and my eyes and neck hurt like crazy. if untreated they last for over 3 days. I am on imitrex now but i would like to try homeopathy a try. i dont see how my migraines are triggered. i dont think it is food nor sunlight. it could be due to stress. PLEASE HELP ME. i will be forever indebted!

  migraine_pain on 2006-10-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You may like to use Bryonia 30c dose 4 pellets sublingually as soon as you feel the first signs of a Migraine. This should abort the Migraine in about 20 minutes.

If as you state you get them often, you can take just 2 pellets every night to break the cycle of these cluster headaches.

I note that you are taking Imitrex and presumethat you are aware that this drug can be passed on to your baby through the breast milk
Joe De Livera last decade
If you have to get away from light when the H/A comes on then you probably need Tuberculinum

If there is any TB in family history then it is certain.
walkin last decade
Pl. see Archives... I have made many posts on Headaches/Migraine/Neuralgia
in the past.

Some of the post are quite detailed.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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