Carbo Animalis

The following are the indications of Carbo Animalis, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
Desire to be alone, sad and reflective, Avoids conversation
Anxiety at night, with orgasm of blood.
mind, aversions, dislikes, company;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, unhappy, sadness, mental depression;
mind, home-sickness (see desires home);
mind, preoccupied, absorbed, buried in thought, meditation;
mind, talking, conversation, dislike of talking, desire to be silent, taciturn;
Vertigo followed by nose-bleed
vertigo, dizziness, morning;
Rush of blood with confusion
Sensation as if something lay above eyes so that she could not look up
Bluish cheeks and lips
Nose swollen, tip bluish, small tumor on it
Hearing confused, Cannot tell direction of sound.
Headache, as if head had been blown to pieces
head, pain, headache, top of head (vertex);
head, pain, headache, bursting, top of head (vertex);
head, pain, headache, pressing (see bursting, pulling), top of head (vertex), outward;
head, pain, headache, as if torn;
head, pain, headache, as if torn, top of head (vertex);
hearing, illusions of where sound comes from, as if tone came from another world;
hearing, impaired;
hearing, impaired, confusion of sounds;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, acne;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, acne, chronic, especially nose and cheeks;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, acne, forehead;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, coppery;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, pimples;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, blisters, nose, in right side;
face, skin, spots (see outbreaks);
nose, nose bleed, morning;
nose, skin or lining of nose, discoloration, redness, tip;
mouth, teeth, looseness;
mouth, growths, blisters, swellings, small swellings, tongue;
throat, external throat, glands indurated (hard from inflammation);
chest, arm pit, indurated (hard from inflammation), glands;
chest, breast, indurated (hard from inflammation);
chest, inflammation, lung lining;
chest, lumps, sensitive nodules;
chest, lumps, sensitive nodules, in breast;
chest, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, breast;
chest, skin, out-breaks on skin;
Ulceration of lung, with feeling of coldness of chest
Cough, with discharge of greenish pus.
cough, dry cough;
cough, dry cough, night;
Spongy ulcers, copper-colored eruption
Acne rosacea
Chilblains, worse in evening, in bed and from cold
Verruca on hands and face of old people, with bluish color of extremities
Glands indurated, swollen, painful, in neck, axillae, groin, mammae, pains lancinating, cutting, burning ( Con., Merc)
flav.) Burning, rawness and fissures, moisture
skin, discoloration, red, spots, coppery;
skin, abnormal growths, cauliflower-like fungus, haematodes;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, discharges, offensive;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, spongy;
skin, out-breaks on skin, coppery;
back, pain, sacrum (base of spine), during stool;
back, pain, pressing, sacrum (base of spine);
back, tension, dorsal (shoulder level), shoulder blades;
Stomach, Eating tires patient
Weak, empty feeling in stomach
Burning and griping
Weak digestion
Ptomaine poisoning
Sour water from mouth
abdomen, pain, sudden, sharp (sticking, etc.), groin region;
abdomen, bladder, urination, frequent, night;
abdomen, kidneys, pain, cutting, ureters (tubes between kidneys and bladder);
Repugnance to fat food
abdomen, stomach, burping, belching, tasting like food;
rectum, haemorrhoids, large;
rectum, haemorrhoids, walking;
genitals, female, vaginal discharge;
genitals, female, inflammation, indurated (hard from inflammation), womb, cervix;
Female, Nausea of pregnancy, worse at night
Darting in breast, Painful indurations in breast, especially right
Lochia offensive (Kreos, Rhus, Secale) Menses too early, frequent long lasting, Followed by great exhaustion, so weak, can hardly speak (Cocc)
genitals, female, period, frequent;
genitals, female, period, protracted;
Pain in coccyx, burns when touched
Ankles turn easily
Straining and over-lifting produce great debility
Joints weak
Easy discoloration
Pain in hip joints at night
Night sweat fetid and profuse
Wrist pain.
extremities, limbs, hands and feet, corns, sore;
extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling), hand;
extremities, limbs, pain, pulling, leg, calf;
extremities, limbs, pain, pulling, leg, calf, walking;
extremities, limbs, pain, as if sprained, wrist;
extremities, limbs, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, hip;
extremities, limbs, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, hip, left;
extremities, limbs, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, hip, while sitting;
extremities, limbs, weakness, ankle;
extremities, limbs, weakness, ankle, children learning to walk;
chill, afternoon;
chill, night;
chill, night, in bed;
chill, in bed;
chill, after eating;
sleep, dreams, fantastic;
perspiration, night;
perspiration, while eating;
perspiration, after eating;
perspiration, odour, offensive;
perspiration, odour, offensive, night;
perspiration, profuse;
perspiration, staining the linen, yellow;
generalities, morning;
generalities, evening;
generalities, night;
generalities, eating and food, while eating;
generalities, inflammation, indurated (hard from inflammation);
generalities, inflammation, indurated (hard from inflammation), glands;
generalities, straining of muscles and tendons, from lifting;
generalities, lying down, lying on side;
generalities, numbness, internally, in single parts;
generalities, swelling, glands;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), cold feeling, lack of vital heat;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), from lifting;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), during period;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), from perspiration;