The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Mixing remedies ?
Can someone explain how long one should wait before trying a new remedy.i.e. I took carbo vegetablish last night (habitual egg eater & crave sweats); then woke up with terribly stiff upper back.
Could I then take something for that? (perhaps Rhous Tox?).
Are their recommended standads as to how to approach the various symptoms that come up?
Giodio on 2007-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
During acute problems medicines can be changed quickly.
You didn't mention what for you took Carbo veg. Any way, if that problem is resolved, and you got a new problem, you can try the indicated medicine, for the new problem.
However, it is important to keep remedy relationships in view, and not to take a medicine inimical to the first one.
That is why self prescribing needs some basic knowledge. Lot of information and reading material is available on forums like this and hpathy.
Also try to get the book
'The Science of Homeopathy'
George Vihoulkus.
It has answers for many doubts. It will trigger your interest in homeopathy and makes you read more.
You didn't mention what for you took Carbo veg. Any way, if that problem is resolved, and you got a new problem, you can try the indicated medicine, for the new problem.
However, it is important to keep remedy relationships in view, and not to take a medicine inimical to the first one.
That is why self prescribing needs some basic knowledge. Lot of information and reading material is available on forums like this and hpathy.
Also try to get the book
'The Science of Homeopathy'
George Vihoulkus.
It has answers for many doubts. It will trigger your interest in homeopathy and makes you read more.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Your title is misleading. What you are indicating at is taking remedies one after the other. Not mixing.
Taking two medicines together is prohibited. However, one after the other, after reasonable gap is O.K.
That gap may vary from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of problem you have, and your response to the previous medicine.
Taking two medicines together is prohibited. However, one after the other, after reasonable gap is O.K.
That gap may vary from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of problem you have, and your response to the previous medicine.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Thank you for your replies.
I took Cabo veg because I habitually eat eggs; and crave sweets. Interestingly, I got indigestion for the next 24 hours (which I've probably only had twice in my whole life (56 yrs). Now, though, also flu-like symptoms (chills, fatigue); albeit a wonderful clearing of brain fog has occurred!
I've read a few books (Vinton McCabe, Miranda Castro, Ullman, Amy Lansky); and I would very much like to learn more. Hard to believe, but I have been re-reading Science of Homeopathy by Vithoulkus - over the last week. I had gotten it some years ago, but I think, at the time it was too complex for me.
Thank you.
I took Cabo veg because I habitually eat eggs; and crave sweets. Interestingly, I got indigestion for the next 24 hours (which I've probably only had twice in my whole life (56 yrs). Now, though, also flu-like symptoms (chills, fatigue); albeit a wonderful clearing of brain fog has occurred!
I've read a few books (Vinton McCabe, Miranda Castro, Ullman, Amy Lansky); and I would very much like to learn more. Hard to believe, but I have been re-reading Science of Homeopathy by Vithoulkus - over the last week. I had gotten it some years ago, but I think, at the time it was too complex for me.
Thank you.
Giodio last decade
Some times in acute emergency,it is impossible to decide the single remedy especially for a layman.In this situation possible indicated remedies can be combined together to ease the situation but soon as the emergency is over,study the case carefully and try to find out the correct single remedy.
This is real homeopathy.
It is said to alternate the different remedies after say 2-3 or 5 minutes.This is nothing but to avoide mixing only and to save oneself from the violation of homeopathic law..The effect is the same.
This is real homeopathy.
It is said to alternate the different remedies after say 2-3 or 5 minutes.This is nothing but to avoide mixing only and to save oneself from the violation of homeopathic law..The effect is the same.
sajjadakram635 last decade
potencies are not being discussed here. what about taking two remedies of higher potencies one after another? Avoide taking them in, i.e., 1M or higher even in acute conditions. I've experienced many of such cases. Remedial relationships as well as strength should be keep in mind. Taking a CM with 1M potency a few hours later even in acute cases causes almost 1 year's severe collape in adults.
So be careful.
So be careful.
electronics.143 last decade
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