The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Infant with Nasal Congestion
I have a 6 month old boy who has had nasal congestion for months now. He is a good eater and it seems worse in the mornings and after naps. The doctor has checked him numerous times and it is staying in the sinus area without need for antiboitics. I can definetly tell he is uncomfortable and is starting to breathe through his mouth which is a concern. He is currently on Nat Phos 6X for reflux and no other medications.Please help.
Thank you.
hnb13 on 2007-01-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
food reactions could be an issue. Are you breastfeeding? If not, the baby could have a problem with dairy or soy. Even if breastfeeding, baby can still react to proteins in your milk.
john34 last decade
Magnesium Muriaticum 30 : 5 drops in half cup water 4 times a day for 5 days, and your baby will be fine.
No need to worry.
If after this problem is solved. Reply !!
No need to worry.
If after this problem is solved. Reply !!
drprodip last decade
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