The ABC Homeopathy Forum
I have been recently diagnozed of sarcoidosis through a biopsy which was done on January 22nd. My lymph nodes at the center of the chest are enlarged. The problem started with uveitis in my eyes. The doctor did some chest X-rays and that led to the biopsy.Any help will be greatly appreciated. Please advise any homeopathic treatment. Details below.
The symptoms are :
Light fever for the past 25 days , 99 to 100 degrees F
Hacking cough, for the past 3 months, I bring up expectoration. Expectoration is generally thick and creamish but sometimes rusty in the morning. At times , there is a speck of blood too. Cough has subsided since last week or so after my biopsy was done , though I do not know why.
Uveitis in eyes , I have been given steroid eye drops for the that and the inflammation is nearly gone now. But when it was at it's peak , I had blurred vision and redness and it started in my right eye.
I am not taking any oral medication except pain killers after my biopsy.
However, I did take 2 doses of sulphur 200 C 15 days back because I was getting a bad itch all over my body and Sulphur had did wonders to me a couple of years ago. Read further for more on that.
My constitutional information
Age : 24
Sex : Male
Mind : Very intelectual and bright but rarely happy or satisfied. Have been very irritable over the past 2 months. Two years back , a doctor had given me very high potencies of sulphur and that had cured me of depression , acidity and constipation. And those thankfully have never returned. But, I have become very quarelsome over the past 3 months. I have mood swings where I become very happy and sad during the same day. I can get rude at times too. I am not very emotional. I never regret on past. But future and present can bring me down for no apprent reasons. I like to talk about my problems . I like sympathy and I also like when people praise my achievements.
Body type : Very thin lean , bright complexioned , narrow chested . Legs have always been weak. I have drooping shoulders. Hands tremble while writing or doing some delicate work.
Other idiosyncracies : I poke my nose a LOT.
I have nauseatic cough when I am nervous , especially in the wait for an exam , or an exam interview or an important diagnosis.
Two months back , while half asleep , I used to get some jerks , probably in my chest. The jerk used to wake me up.Maybe it was a nerve somewhere which to pulse.
Origin : I am from India.
sameervermani on 2007-01-29
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