The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Who are the actual homeopaths here? Page 2 of 2
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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi 11:11, thank you for initiating this interesting thread. :) I'd love it if you could share your fantastic experience with homoeopathy. I always enjoy hearing about successful healing stories. I think it would be nice if more people reported them on the forum.
starnet last decade
when I am talking about love, passion, enthusiasm & desire to do good work for homeopathy, I am talking of all those persons, who possess good knowledge of homeopathy, yet do not have the required academic qualifications,. A doctor with required qualification may or may not be a very good homeopath. Some of the non qualified person, with in-depth knowledge of homeopathy are doing quite a good job here. I once again retreat that the level of discussion in this forum is of remarkable standard & we must appreciate it.
sbahl last decade
Dear Mrs. 11:11:
Nice to read about you. This is the first step in our friendly relationship.
My name is Andrés -male as my name indicates- I live in Spain and I'm 49 years old.
I'm teacher since 1980 and now my job is the same.
Last years I studied very hardly -i don't know the reason but I've been really interested- alternative medicines. In my curriculum you can find: 3 years on Homeopathy in Instituto Homeopatico de Cataluña; 2 years on Osteopathy in Instituto Aragones de Osteopatía; one year on Therapeutic and Sportive Massage in the same institution. Many courses on Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy, Homotoxicology, Electrotherapy...
Once a year I use to give a confernce about the things I've learnt during this year.
From the two last years I've attended patients in my own consult, and I'll try to do the best I know.
I enrolled in this forum with only one idea: learn from the cases posted; give to the patients information and explain the possibilities of cure and finally, if I am sure and have enough information, propose a solution to their problems.
But I have ever preferred to say 'I don't know and look for another specialist' than to say 'sorry, I didn't want to do that'.
In these last two years the number of the patients in my consult has grown but my money is the same, in consecuence I can think 'I am in the right way'.
Excuse for this long explanation.
Nice to read about you. This is the first step in our friendly relationship.
My name is Andrés -male as my name indicates- I live in Spain and I'm 49 years old.
I'm teacher since 1980 and now my job is the same.
Last years I studied very hardly -i don't know the reason but I've been really interested- alternative medicines. In my curriculum you can find: 3 years on Homeopathy in Instituto Homeopatico de Cataluña; 2 years on Osteopathy in Instituto Aragones de Osteopatía; one year on Therapeutic and Sportive Massage in the same institution. Many courses on Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy, Homotoxicology, Electrotherapy...
Once a year I use to give a confernce about the things I've learnt during this year.
From the two last years I've attended patients in my own consult, and I'll try to do the best I know.
I enrolled in this forum with only one idea: learn from the cases posted; give to the patients information and explain the possibilities of cure and finally, if I am sure and have enough information, propose a solution to their problems.
But I have ever preferred to say 'I don't know and look for another specialist' than to say 'sorry, I didn't want to do that'.
In these last two years the number of the patients in my consult has grown but my money is the same, in consecuence I can think 'I am in the right way'.
Excuse for this long explanation.
andres last decade
'yes reality is a personal perspective, yet there is a 'mass' reality, as well'
Indeed, but in order to change 'mass' reality, one must first learn how to change one's own, hence why I believe such a shift will be initiated globally (i.e in the mass sense) only by a certain select few, as being able to change ones own personal reality to the degree which would be required, is most certainly not within the capablities of most, by design.
Interesting you mention the Native Americans, as I have been studying their history only recently for this very reason.
'Global tyranny or liberty - it could go either way.'
You are obviously a smart cookie, maybe there are some similarities to our personal(?) realities afterall.
Remember though, more often than not the latter only follows a period of the former, in the spirit of true revolution.
I have heard of these books by Jane Roberts, but to be honest, I prefer to be out there getting my hands dirty these days rather than reading books on the subject. Deepak Chopra by the way didn't impress me much 20 or so years ago, I doubt this has changed in this time. I think most of his work his just mindless waffle.
I am actually in the process of forming a new organisation, where the emphasis will be mostly on grouping together those 'special people', who feel they could contribute to such a global change. Maybe I'll let you know when it has been oficially formed.
'yes reality is a personal perspective, yet there is a 'mass' reality, as well'
Indeed, but in order to change 'mass' reality, one must first learn how to change one's own, hence why I believe such a shift will be initiated globally (i.e in the mass sense) only by a certain select few, as being able to change ones own personal reality to the degree which would be required, is most certainly not within the capablities of most, by design.
Interesting you mention the Native Americans, as I have been studying their history only recently for this very reason.
'Global tyranny or liberty - it could go either way.'
You are obviously a smart cookie, maybe there are some similarities to our personal(?) realities afterall.
Remember though, more often than not the latter only follows a period of the former, in the spirit of true revolution.
I have heard of these books by Jane Roberts, but to be honest, I prefer to be out there getting my hands dirty these days rather than reading books on the subject. Deepak Chopra by the way didn't impress me much 20 or so years ago, I doubt this has changed in this time. I think most of his work his just mindless waffle.
I am actually in the process of forming a new organisation, where the emphasis will be mostly on grouping together those 'special people', who feel they could contribute to such a global change. Maybe I'll let you know when it has been oficially formed.
JCS2006 last decade
Dear sbahl, thankyou for clearing this up, and given this further elaboration, I would have to agree with your comments.
However, I would have to disagree that most here have a good knowledge of Homoeopathy, as should be evident by their diagnostic and prescribing methods, especially those who prescribe the same remedy and even potency for months at a time, sometimes very high. It has though become much, much better in the last 4 months or so...
However, I would have to disagree that most here have a good knowledge of Homoeopathy, as should be evident by their diagnostic and prescribing methods, especially those who prescribe the same remedy and even potency for months at a time, sometimes very high. It has though become much, much better in the last 4 months or so...
JCS2006 last decade
I have heard Deepak Chopra both on TV and in a live presentation a long time ago. He is a nice man, but there isn't really that spark that you get when you hear something really unique or mind-shattering. I think he does a good job of introducing various concepts which lay people may not be familiar with; but he never goes in depth enough for the more curious or intellectual ones. But to each his own. Everyone seems to stop at their own level of comfort and understanding. We all need to find our truth (which I believe will be the same ultimate truth for all eventually).
starnet last decade
Welcome to ABC Andres.
I agree, you certainly do seem to be 'in the right way' ;) Be sure to look after yourself financially, as well as looking after the health of others though, as none of us are of any use to patients in the long term unless we do this.
Best wishes.
I agree, you certainly do seem to be 'in the right way' ;) Be sure to look after yourself financially, as well as looking after the health of others though, as none of us are of any use to patients in the long term unless we do this.
Best wishes.
JCS2006 last decade
JCS2006 last decade
Andres and Jacob, you're both very interesting people, and I'm so happy to make your acqaintance. I post on several forums, and none are like this one. I really like the positive nature of those here.
Perhaps, Jacob, I can locate a quote from one of the books I mentioned, to get your curiosity going ;-) They are all called 'The Seth books'. Jane Roberts was a channeler, something I don't ordinarily give much credence to. These books are VERY profound, though.
Perhaps, Jacob, I can locate a quote from one of the books I mentioned, to get your curiosity going ;-) They are all called 'The Seth books'. Jane Roberts was a channeler, something I don't ordinarily give much credence to. These books are VERY profound, though.
11:11 last decade
Thankyou, and I agress, this forum seems to have changed in the months I've been away, it wasn't alwasy like this.
Re quote: Okay, go ahead, we'll see. I warn you though, my curiosity is not easily aroused, so they would have to be very profound indeed, heh.
Re quote: Okay, go ahead, we'll see. I warn you though, my curiosity is not easily aroused, so they would have to be very profound indeed, heh.
JCS2006 last decade
You must learn to listen to the voice of the inner self and work with it.
You may also simply ask the inner self to make the answers to problems available on a conscious basis.
You create your reality according to your beliefs and expectations, therefore you should examine these carefully. If you do not like some aspect of your world, then examine your own expectations.
Your world is formed in faithful replica of your own thoughts... If you think positive suggestions to yourself about a situation you send telepathic ammunition for positive use. You must learn to erase a negative thought or picture by replacing it with its opposite.
You should tell yourself frequently 'I will only react to constructive suggestions.' This gives you positive ammunition against your own negative thoughts and those of others.
A negative thought, if not erased, will almost certainly result in a negative condition.
Say to yourself, 'That is in the past. Now in this new moment, this new present, I am already beginning to change for the better.'
It does not do to repress negative thoughts, such as fears, angers, or resentment. They should be recognized, faced and replaced.
Recognize resentment when it is felt, and then realize that resentment can be dismissed. Initial recognition must be made. Then you must imagine removing the resentment 'by its roots' and replacing it with a positive feeling.
You must watch the pictures that you paint with your imagination. Your environment and the conditions of your life at any given time are the direct result of your own inner expectations. If you imagine dire circumstances, ill health or desperate loneliness, these will be 'automatically' materialized, for these thoughts themselves bring about the conditions that will give them a reality in physical terms.
If you would have good health then you must imagine this as vividly as you fearfully imagine ill health.
You create your own difficulties. This is true for each individual. The inner psychological state is projected outward, gaining physical reality - whatever the psychological state may be... The rules apply to everyone. Knowing this, you should try to realize what your psychological state is and change your conditions for your own benefit.
You cannot escape your own attitudes, for they will form the nature of what you see. If changes are to occur, they must be mental and psychic changes. These will be reflected in your environment.
Negative, distrustful, fearful, or degrading attitudes toward anyone work against the self.
If an individual sees only evil and desolation in the physical world it is because he is obsessed with evil and desolation and projects them outward, closing his eyes to other aspects of reality.
If you want to know what you think of yourself, then ask yourself what you think of others and you will find the answer.
True self-knowledge is indispensable for health and vitality. The recognition of the truth about the self simply means that you must first find out what you think about yourself subconsciously. If it is a good image, build upon it. If it is a poor one, recognize it as only the opinion you have held of yourself and not an 'absolute state.'
You are not your emotions. They flow through you, you feel them and then they disappear. When you try to hold them back they build up.
You are independent of your thoughts and emotions. You have emotions. You use your thoughts and emotions in your mental composition.
You must learn to trust your own spontaneous nature.
Your nervous system knows how to react. It reacts spontaneously when you allow it to. It is only when you try to deny your emotions that they become a problem.
In spontaneity there is a discipline that utterly escapes you, and an order beyond any that you know. Spontaneity knows its own order.
All of nature is spontaneous. Our bodies will be healthy automatically if we do not project false ideas upon them.
Action accepts all stimuli in an affirmative manner. This is why an illness is accepted by a personality structure, and once this occurs, a conflict develops. The self does not want to give up a portion of itself even while that portion may be painful or disadvantageous.
Physical symptoms are communications from the inner self, indications that we are making mental errors of one kind or another.
Do not forget that you are a part of the inner self. IT IS NOT USING YOU!
What you are supposed to do, then, is change your mental attitude, search yourself for the inner problem represented by the symptoms, and measure your progress as the symptoms subside.
You sell yourself short if you believe that you are only a physical organism living within the boundaries cast upon you by time and space.
You must accept life on its terms, and not demand that it behave in certain ways. You must accept life gladly, as its own reason and cause within you.
Life is abundant, vigorous, and strong. Each of us has our own defense against negative suggestions and we should trust in our own immunity.
You are a unique individual. You form your physical environment. YOU MAKE AND CHANGE YOUR WORLD. You are part of all that is. There is no place within you that creativity does not exist.
You must live in faith that your purpose is, and will be fulfilled. The uniqueness of your own personality is to be cherished.
The particular purpose of your present personality can only be met in the present circumstances in the way that is best overall. The people that you can help now and the particular good that you can do, can never be done in precisely the same way.
Throughout the ages, some have recognized the fact that there is self-consciousness and purpose in dream and sleep states, and have maintained, even in waking life, the sense of continuity of the inner self. To such people it is no longer possible to completely identify with the ego consciousness. They are too aware of themselves as more. When such knowledge is gained, the ego can accept it, for it finds to its surprise that is not less conscious, but more, and that its limitations are dissipated.
You may also simply ask the inner self to make the answers to problems available on a conscious basis.
You create your reality according to your beliefs and expectations, therefore you should examine these carefully. If you do not like some aspect of your world, then examine your own expectations.
Your world is formed in faithful replica of your own thoughts... If you think positive suggestions to yourself about a situation you send telepathic ammunition for positive use. You must learn to erase a negative thought or picture by replacing it with its opposite.
You should tell yourself frequently 'I will only react to constructive suggestions.' This gives you positive ammunition against your own negative thoughts and those of others.
A negative thought, if not erased, will almost certainly result in a negative condition.
Say to yourself, 'That is in the past. Now in this new moment, this new present, I am already beginning to change for the better.'
It does not do to repress negative thoughts, such as fears, angers, or resentment. They should be recognized, faced and replaced.
Recognize resentment when it is felt, and then realize that resentment can be dismissed. Initial recognition must be made. Then you must imagine removing the resentment 'by its roots' and replacing it with a positive feeling.
You must watch the pictures that you paint with your imagination. Your environment and the conditions of your life at any given time are the direct result of your own inner expectations. If you imagine dire circumstances, ill health or desperate loneliness, these will be 'automatically' materialized, for these thoughts themselves bring about the conditions that will give them a reality in physical terms.
If you would have good health then you must imagine this as vividly as you fearfully imagine ill health.
You create your own difficulties. This is true for each individual. The inner psychological state is projected outward, gaining physical reality - whatever the psychological state may be... The rules apply to everyone. Knowing this, you should try to realize what your psychological state is and change your conditions for your own benefit.
You cannot escape your own attitudes, for they will form the nature of what you see. If changes are to occur, they must be mental and psychic changes. These will be reflected in your environment.
Negative, distrustful, fearful, or degrading attitudes toward anyone work against the self.
If an individual sees only evil and desolation in the physical world it is because he is obsessed with evil and desolation and projects them outward, closing his eyes to other aspects of reality.
If you want to know what you think of yourself, then ask yourself what you think of others and you will find the answer.
True self-knowledge is indispensable for health and vitality. The recognition of the truth about the self simply means that you must first find out what you think about yourself subconsciously. If it is a good image, build upon it. If it is a poor one, recognize it as only the opinion you have held of yourself and not an 'absolute state.'
You are not your emotions. They flow through you, you feel them and then they disappear. When you try to hold them back they build up.
You are independent of your thoughts and emotions. You have emotions. You use your thoughts and emotions in your mental composition.
You must learn to trust your own spontaneous nature.
Your nervous system knows how to react. It reacts spontaneously when you allow it to. It is only when you try to deny your emotions that they become a problem.
In spontaneity there is a discipline that utterly escapes you, and an order beyond any that you know. Spontaneity knows its own order.
All of nature is spontaneous. Our bodies will be healthy automatically if we do not project false ideas upon them.
Action accepts all stimuli in an affirmative manner. This is why an illness is accepted by a personality structure, and once this occurs, a conflict develops. The self does not want to give up a portion of itself even while that portion may be painful or disadvantageous.
Physical symptoms are communications from the inner self, indications that we are making mental errors of one kind or another.
Do not forget that you are a part of the inner self. IT IS NOT USING YOU!
What you are supposed to do, then, is change your mental attitude, search yourself for the inner problem represented by the symptoms, and measure your progress as the symptoms subside.
You sell yourself short if you believe that you are only a physical organism living within the boundaries cast upon you by time and space.
You must accept life on its terms, and not demand that it behave in certain ways. You must accept life gladly, as its own reason and cause within you.
Life is abundant, vigorous, and strong. Each of us has our own defense against negative suggestions and we should trust in our own immunity.
You are a unique individual. You form your physical environment. YOU MAKE AND CHANGE YOUR WORLD. You are part of all that is. There is no place within you that creativity does not exist.
You must live in faith that your purpose is, and will be fulfilled. The uniqueness of your own personality is to be cherished.
The particular purpose of your present personality can only be met in the present circumstances in the way that is best overall. The people that you can help now and the particular good that you can do, can never be done in precisely the same way.
Throughout the ages, some have recognized the fact that there is self-consciousness and purpose in dream and sleep states, and have maintained, even in waking life, the sense of continuity of the inner self. To such people it is no longer possible to completely identify with the ego consciousness. They are too aware of themselves as more. When such knowledge is gained, the ego can accept it, for it finds to its surprise that is not less conscious, but more, and that its limitations are dissipated.
11:11 last decade
Starnet, about 30 years ago I was in Chicago (away from home), when I found myself with an agonizing absessed tooth. It was so inflamed that the swelling went all the way to my collar bone. The tooth was impacted and had to come out. I called a lady that I knew in the Chicago area, and asked if she knew a dentist that I could see. She (rightfully) said that a dentist will not pull an infected tooth, but antibiotics must me given first. For immediate help, she refered me to Dr. Joel Sheppard. When I saw him he a point to state that I MUST see a dentist or oral surgeon upon getting home. He gave me two remedies (I don't recall what they were). One was the little pill (for the infection), and the other were the soft tablets, to be dissolved in water, and sipped (for the pain). Within about 30 minutes of taking the pills, my pain increased. I called his office, where they explained that things can get worse before getting better. I thought, okay, I'll wait it out. In about another 30 minutes, the pain was so excrusiating that I felt like I had been slammed in the jaw with a hammer. The pain pills were not working. I called the office, again. They told me that the antecdote to the pills was either chamomile tea, or a teaspoon of vinigar in warm water. They said that my condition must be quite bad to have such a painfull reaction. I used the vinigar, and the pain immediately subsided. A couple of hours later, my jaw began to tremble, and I could feel something coming up in my mouth. I spit in the bathroom sink, and a stream of blood and pus poured out! In an instant, all of the infection was gone, the sweeling was gone, and the pain was gone. Just like that! Mind blowing. Upon returning home, I saw an oral surgeon, who xrayed my jaw, and lo and behold, I had a cyst in my jawbone, under the impacted tooth. It had eaten away nearly all of the bone. That's why the homeopathic remedy was so painful. Around the cyst was nothing but exposed nerves. It was two or three months before I had surgery to remove the cyst and two teeth. During that time, the infection never came back. My oral surgeon could not believe the story about experience with the homeopathy. His loss!
11:11 last decade
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I wish I could recall, PV, but whatever it was, it was amazing. One hour I was sich and in agony, and a couple later, I was fine (except for the underlying cyst). I hope to have future amazing experiences with homeopathy :)
11:11 last decade
It's hard to say what the remedy was. It could also have been silicae, as that brings things out.
I wonder why there was one remedy for pain and the other for infection. I'd think a correct prescription would take care of both. Anyway..
I wonder why there was one remedy for pain and the other for infection. I'd think a correct prescription would take care of both. Anyway..
starnet last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.