The ABC Homeopathy Forum
4 Year Old No Appetite - needs to gain weight!
I'm in deperate need of help! My daughter has always had feeding issues. And actually failure to gain weight dispite excellent nutitrion when a newborn (preemie). She didn't eat any sort of solid til after 3 years old! And even now it is few and far between. I can maybe get 900 calories in her daily which isn't enough to grow. And that mainly consists of milk, juice, yogurt - sometimes soup or bread, popcorn, chicken - but not much more than that! At any rate, as usual all tests done on her all turn out fine and she is a bright, lovely child with energy (somehow!) so doctors never are too concerned. Anyway, she is 36' tall (3 feet) and only 24 pounds! Her belly does seem to extend outwards when she does eat and maybe it's me contributing to trying to get more food in her to maintain, but she seems to have a belly ache. Her only diagnosis is Diabetes Insipus - not a major disease - her sodium levels just run high and she needs extra water and is also on Tolmetin 2x daily. Please let me know if there is anything I could try for either her appetite or something to boost calories and get her eating normal and gaining weight - she isn't even on the charts anymore! Thanks!jen2007 on 2007-02-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Jen
You can try Alfalfa mother tincture 4 to 5 drops thrice a day for a couple of weeks. If it doesn't help then your child has to be treated for totality of symptoms.
You can try Alfalfa mother tincture 4 to 5 drops thrice a day for a couple of weeks. If it doesn't help then your child has to be treated for totality of symptoms.
♡ maheeru last decade
Dear jen2007:
As Maheeru said, you can use Alfalfa and sure it improves her.
I have prescribed in this situations GENTIANA LUTEA 4x, three pellets, before each food ingestion: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
In 10 days the appetit will change and you'll feel better with your daughter.
If there is no improving, then -as Maheeru says- we need symptoms of the totallity.
Best wishes
As Maheeru said, you can use Alfalfa and sure it improves her.
I have prescribed in this situations GENTIANA LUTEA 4x, three pellets, before each food ingestion: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
In 10 days the appetit will change and you'll feel better with your daughter.
If there is no improving, then -as Maheeru says- we need symptoms of the totallity.
Best wishes
andres last decade
Both the Dr. have selected good remedies. Agreed with both, But I would like to add a tissue remedy which is always helful in these case and i.e. Calc. Phos.6x thrice a day.
Dr. Mahfooz
Dr. Mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear Dr. Mahfooz:
I'm agree at all. I understand your advice to Calcarea Phosp. in order to get some amelioration in child's developing and growing.
Good idea
Best regards
I'm agree at all. I understand your advice to Calcarea Phosp. in order to get some amelioration in child's developing and growing.
Good idea
Best regards
andres last decade
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