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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Facial hair problem

Hi, I have a very annoying and embarassing problem- facial hair.

I'm a 15 year old Dutch/Canadian girl.. My mother and sisters have this too..

My facial hair is blonde- it is pretty much in the same places as you'd see on a guy- upper lip, sides of my face, chin, neck... It does stop once it gets to a certain length, but not short enough!!! I have tried various removal products, but it comes back with vengence. When I shave my legs, the hair grows back really fast.

I have had hormone issues in the past- Had to go on BC to stop menstrual flow....

Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated!!!
  thatswhoiam on 2007-03-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
oleum jackoris 3x is a nice general remedy for unwanted hairs growth
Hasnat last decade
thatswhoiam last decade
Thuja 1m 2 pills once a week(for about 4 weeks) complemented with Oleum J will help.
willway last decade
How much of the Oleum J do I take?
thatswhoiam last decade
Dr. Hasanat has selected good remedy it should be taken 2 pills thrice a day for atleast one/two weeks.

I also agree with WILLWAY. One doze of Thuja-1M before start of treatment is also advisable.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Awesome thanks so much! I'll pick these up tonight.
thatswhoiam last decade
Hi again. I'm having a hard time finding these remedies in the potencies mentioned here. Neither of the health stores in town have them, and although I did order them, they are not coming in. Can you direct me to a place where they will be available? Online is fine...
thatswhoiam last decade
Why dont you try the ABC Homeopathy remedy store itself? You can order online, I guess.
willway last decade
I can get the Thuja at the ABC online store, but not the Oleum 3x...
thatswhoiam last decade
Thuja 1M : Is a strong drug not to be repeated every week.

Only a single dose works for 30 days or so.....

It is a very deep acting remedy!!
drprodip last decade
Okay, so I take one Thuja, and the Oleum 2 pills 3 times a day???

Any idea where to get Oleum 3x?
thatswhoiam last decade
I am taking Thuja 200 once a month and after taking Thuja i give 24 hrs gap and then take Oleum Jac 30 thrice a day and repeating it every month.
What i want to know is that do they have any effect on the menstruation process?
I had earlier gone for medication of Diane for the same to lower my level of testosterone hormone for around 3-4 years?

Is it safe to take homeopathic treatment now?
njain511 last decade

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