The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair Loss - Help Doctors !!!
Age - 26Hair Loss at
1 Temples,
2 top of the scalp
3 some from sides
4 hair grew thin
5 new growing hair fall out easily
6 Density of hair has gone less
I recently 2 months back started Nat mur 6X and there was remarkable growth, i was surprised, hair gained thickness.
Now the same is not helping me that much.
My hair started to fall much when i had a break up & i am very emotional & sometimes easily angry but i can control anger.
Since i started Nat Mur i started to feel happy from inside
Logix on 2007-03-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
dear Logix
u cn take Thuja 200 daily one dose with emply stomach , this will really help.
Dr.Deoshlok Sharma
u cn take Thuja 200 daily one dose with emply stomach , this will really help.
Dr.Deoshlok Sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
Hi Sir,
Thanks for being considerate & replying quick!
I saw your reply, i bought a SBL Liquid Dilution of THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 200, if you want me to buy another brand please letme know.
Also how many drops i need to take? I started with taking 3-4 drops liquid directly on the tongue. Is this the correct way?
Few other things i wanted to tell were.
I drink no coffee Or Tea, coffee once or twice in 5-6 months only.
I eat good quantity of fruits & take fruit juices
Eat a good quantity of Yougurt, Kellogs Corn Flakes, Milk
I daily use Deodrants/perfumes
Please letme know if any of the above should be avoided
No smoking/drinking ever.
Scalp Condition:
Sometimes boils appear when i think a lot in mind & something is churning in mind continuously & then disappear if i am happy & contented
If i scratch it then tiny flakes of scalp skin appear in nails, if i am happy these also disappear.
One special thing i wanted to bring to your notice is:
The scalp has small whitish matter similar to what is contained in tiny black heads on nose or other skin areas of face, they are not black headed but all white & tiny in size.
Now one more thing i notice is that the white flakes are sometimes significant at the back of ears even insides & the eyebrows, the face especially the bearded area.
The tiny whitish matter like black heads is also on the face especially the bearded area......these keep changing in quantity, sometimes almost disappear even.
I stay in AC environment the whole day
Thanks for being considerate & replying quick!
I saw your reply, i bought a SBL Liquid Dilution of THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 200, if you want me to buy another brand please letme know.
Also how many drops i need to take? I started with taking 3-4 drops liquid directly on the tongue. Is this the correct way?
Few other things i wanted to tell were.
I drink no coffee Or Tea, coffee once or twice in 5-6 months only.
I eat good quantity of fruits & take fruit juices
Eat a good quantity of Yougurt, Kellogs Corn Flakes, Milk
I daily use Deodrants/perfumes
Please letme know if any of the above should be avoided
No smoking/drinking ever.
Scalp Condition:
Sometimes boils appear when i think a lot in mind & something is churning in mind continuously & then disappear if i am happy & contented
If i scratch it then tiny flakes of scalp skin appear in nails, if i am happy these also disappear.
One special thing i wanted to bring to your notice is:
The scalp has small whitish matter similar to what is contained in tiny black heads on nose or other skin areas of face, they are not black headed but all white & tiny in size.
Now one more thing i notice is that the white flakes are sometimes significant at the back of ears even insides & the eyebrows, the face especially the bearded area.
The tiny whitish matter like black heads is also on the face especially the bearded area......these keep changing in quantity, sometimes almost disappear even.
I stay in AC environment the whole day
Logix last decade
only two drops is sfficeint. SBL is good company nothing to worry . please send me the feed back .
dr.deoshlok sharma
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
I'll continue with Thuja 200 as prescribed.
However i am assuming that FeedBack = the progress or improvement in my condition.
If there is some feedback points i can give on your name in this forum then please lemme know how can i do it.
I'll continue with Thuja 200 as prescribed.
However i am assuming that FeedBack = the progress or improvement in my condition.
If there is some feedback points i can give on your name in this forum then please lemme know how can i do it.
Logix last decade
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