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father with sore toe

My father has been greatly suffering with a very painful right foot. At first swollen and painful last three toes. Allopathic anti-inflammatory pills brought down swelling, blood test proved no gout. I suggested he try Ledum Palustre but no improvement.
NOW first large toe (right foot)very painful, awakens several times at night from pain, foot very cold,feels like no blood circulation
-must get up and walk around
-also better with affected limb hanging down like when sitting in chair as opposed to raised as in bed
-Lying down seems to aggravate symptoms.

From researching came across: Cistus Canadensis but not sure
Any help greatly appreciated!
My father hasn't slept much in past month.
  cybele on 2007-05-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try symphytum 200ch daily three doses morning noon night
Hecla lava 3x three times in a day

continue for a month and report me about improvement.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Thank you very much Doctor. Will try recommended remedies and report back
cybele last decade

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