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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair loss

Hello, I am 21 and I have been researching this site about a number of issues I have. I want to get silicea and sulphur to remedy my hair especially, but I don't know what potency to get them at..there are so many to choose from. I have recently gone to a naturopath and they prescribed me with 3 bottles of unda homeopathy medicine #1, 20, 258 for a liver detox. I also have a under-active thyroid according to their tests so I will soon be getting my thyroidium as well as taking lugols iodine to correct any thyroid issues. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks
  staind on 2007-06-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take R 89 Dr. Reckweg (Homeo combination) 20 drops three times a day in some water.

Also rub the same on your scalp for few minutes.

Additionally you rub your hand finger nails with the other hand finger nails for atleast 5 minutes daily twice morning and evening.

You will get good results after about a month more.

Don't give it up.
Rajendra last decade

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