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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Another case of hair loss

Hi respected doctors,

I am suffering from hair loss since almost 2 years. It satrted with a very tiny patch of bald spot in front side of my hair and slowly i could see my hair line is reciding.

My hairs became very thin now and I do have fe spots which has less density of hair.

I know i can't get the hair line back, but if my bald spot and har thickness can be improved then that will be very much appreciated. I am 27, m, Indian origin, currently living in USA.

I have read a lot of postings here and people have suggested different medicines like Nt Mur, Graphites, etc

Can anyone suggest me a right medicine in what dosage and how many times a day.

Please respond!

  natureboy80 on 2007-06-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
selenium 3x one tablet thrice daily can help you.
sajjadakram635 last decade
i am going thin on the top of my head plenty of hair at back and sides any one reccomend a remedy
whitts99 last decade
I second the advice of dr.sajjad and also advice light message of Olive Oil once a day in head it will also improve the quantity and quality of hairs and will prevent falling of hairs.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Hi Mahfoozurrehman and Sajid,

Thanks for your suggestion.
Currently, I am using Castor Oil which i bought from a ayurvedic store. The oil is thick and I have heard that it removes any hair dirt or infection you have. Also the oil is thick itself.So it may help to improve the thickness of my hair. Hope this is correct or please advice me.

Or should i use olive oil?

Also for selenium 3x, I guess i should use pellets.

Please let me know

natureboy80 last decade
In addition you should take Phosphorus 1M (three doses) every month. I concur with Dr. Akram's advice to start with selenium 30 and continuing it.
terracotta last decade
Castor oil is reportedly better in bladness cases and Olive Oil is useful for falling of hairs and their thickness. It is helpful in growing hair.
Yes selenium in pellets

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dr Mahfooz,

My hair are falling and also I have minore bald spots. It not complete bald spots but those are have much fewer density of hair than whatit used to be.

So should i use olive oil or castor oil
I also have rosemary oil too.

natureboy80 last decade
Is it selenium 3x or selenium 30C?
Malik_khan last decade
>Yes Selenium-3x not 30c which is higher than 3x.

>Your should try Olive Oil too

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
rubbing of hand fingers nails together for 5 minutes both times has given tremendous help in maintaining hairs and reducing hair loss.
Rajendra last decade

That seems like a yoga exercise. There is no harm in doing that. So I will try

Thanks for advice
natureboy80 last decade

Selenium 3x is not easily available in stores.

I tried couple of stores . They don't have 3x type. They just have 6c and 30c

Any other medicines should i take?
natureboy80 last decade
Yes. It is Yoga. Rubbing of hand fingers nails together for 5 minutes both times has given tremendous help in maintaining hairs and reducing hair loss.

It has brohgt hair to many people including me at an old age even.
Rajendra last decade

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