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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

skin rash

9 yr old boy has skin rashes on face neck arms legs, and always on the belt line of the stomach. like patches any ideas

  kahlil007 on 2007-07-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
How are his stools?

Any itching in nose?

Does he grinds his teeth?

Since when he is habing these rashed?

What is the colour of rashes?

Are these oozing?

Any other detail that you can inform.
Rajendra last decade
thanks for responding yes in detail his stools iam not sure but goes to the bathroom every day once or twice, just tiny bumps no oozing color of rash same as skin just raise tiny bumps, he has had this every year in the summer like a heat rash, the stomach pouch right under the navel thats been there for years at least 3. no itching in the nose,no grinding the teeth.again no oozing some itching of the areas back of neck in hair line side of face legs and arms, just a big nussince.
kahlil007 last decade

Pl. give Carduus Marianus Q 10 drops in one spoon of water three times preferably before 1/2 an hour of meals.
Rajendra last decade
hi Rajendra i just got back into town today got your messg will look into carduus marianus but for how long.
kahlil007 last decade
Hi Khalil
my dear you try Rhus Tox30 one dose twise a daily up to 5 days only then cantact me with full history of symptom

Many thanks
faisal qureshi
faisal qureshi last decade

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