The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sleepy and depressed. Please help.
Thank you for taking my case.Patient ID: Sex: Age: Nature of work: Habits:
Female, 35, English Teacher, Single
Habits: worrying, sedentary, secluded life-style, resting/sleeping a lot
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
Depression, anxiety (also social anxiety), lethargy
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Insomnia, disturbed sleep, sleepy almost all day (have to take 3 strong expressos sometimes) occasional constipation, acne (always), easy perspiration, (foul odour of feet and arm pits), crusts in ears due to scratching to relieve itching (they are sensitive, have to cover ear under sheet when sleeping, ear holes for earrings get infected and swollen so cannot wear earrings), sensitive to pain, itchy nose, sensitive skin, some varicose veins caused by past bruising, some veins show through skin (eye area, chest,arms and legs),sometimes difficulty breathing (need plenty of air around me and have to take deep breaths when anxious), stomach aches (sad emotions, hunger, if cant go to bathroom), occasional headaches (exercise in heat, direct sunshine, tired, hunger), tongue has off-white coating, some cracks, boils (towards back of mouth) irregular edge and red tip. Often eyes have tears when I yawn or in cold wind. Nails (thumbs are corrugated) have some white spots and there are cracks in my skin on my finger tips
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
Anxiety, depression, thinking too much, feeling inadequate, indecisive, changing my mind easily, feel hopeless, moody, insecure, too sensitive, not much hope for future, apathetic, rarely ever been enthusiastic. Lack of self-esteem, feel lonely, unloved, negative self-image and thoughts about self, need to be approved of. And I talk too little. I feel I dont belong anywhere. I worry about what others think of me so I am inhibited to speak. Dislike solitude but in company feel uncomfortable (feel more at ease when teaching my students).
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.
I feel like I dont know what I want from life, Im dissatisfied with it and myself, I feel lonely (I have little social contact), sometimes I wish I could die or just disappear. When feel very low, I cry and want to be left alone resting in bed.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
Have always been quiet, reserved, shy, melancholic and self-critical since I was a child.
It worsened after a stressful job situation (in which I wasnt appreciated by my co-workers). As a child I missed my Father (was jealous of him) because he worked away from home and is mostly emotionally detached to us children.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Theres no real pattern, perhaps the morning because I have to think about the day ahead.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.
Aggravation: pre-menstrual, hot weather, stuffy rooms, cold humid weather, tight clothes which restrict my movements, constipation, worrying, direct strong sun light (always wear sunglasses), noise, un restful sleep, hunger.
Amelioration: sleep, eating, rubbing, cool weather, intestinal regularity, sometimes music, quiet.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Well, I do feel a little worse before menstruation.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
Dry cool weather.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable, Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Moody, Quiet, Apathetic, impatient and irritable sometimes, Mild, Changeable, Romantic (, mostly before menses), dislike routine, Anxious, Sad, sweet, Suspicious, Easily offended, Post-pone duties, High expectations (from myself and others), Critical (), Judgemental (), Distrustful (//), Give up easily, Stubborn regarding my opinions and way of thinking, Perfectionist, Fear of disapproval, Forgetful, Dislike mental work, A little forgetful. Want to be extrovert and spontaneous, have more courage in defending myself from being criticized unjustly. I let people walk all over me. Dont feel at home anywhere. I think people dont like me so I usually dont tend to make the effort of being friendly in case I am rejected. I dislike being a burden on others if I am in a bad mood.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
No different.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
Yes, but it doesnt help much. I get upset if I am totally ignored and people know I am not feeling well. A hug is enough to feel a little bit better. Crying doesnt help; I only feel sadder and have a heavy heart.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
Noise, stuffy air (dislike sauna), music (sensitive to some tunes) foul smells and sunlight.
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless Weeping, talking to one self etc?
Picking at skin, bite nails, I used to smoke (but dont anymore thanks to hom. meds), talking to myself (because I communicate little), causeless weeping watching romantic scenes in movies (usually before menses, in sleep seldomly.
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
I feel mostly indifferent towards family, which worries me. Id like to be more loving and affectionate and feel like enjoying myself and going out with people I know.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
Dont have specific fears but avoid very narrow tunnels and driving for fear of being involved in an accident
When overly anxious have night-mares: self- injuries, being ignored by others or repetitive scenes, or looking for something I dont know of.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
I crave for coffee (2 espressos, very strong) in the mornings; I love the taste, smell and the boost it usually gives me. Also it helps my intestinal regularity. Frequently I crave preserved meat, I enjoy cheese, wine (alcohol relaxes me but drink occasionally and not excessively. I live in Italy so I have learnt to appreciate coffee and wine), vegetables, pasta, bread and potatoes. I crave chocolate before menses sometimes.
Have few aversions: candied fruit and cappers.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Less (except during heat)
14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Slightly eccessive.
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
No, perhaps chick peas can give flatulence
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
More. When anxious. Under arms, feet and face (during exercise).
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
Not regular (sometimes more than once, sometimes none for 2/3 days in a row). Changeable but normal lately (since high diluting hom. rem I am taking), some mucous (after constipation)
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Not well. Have to take anti-anxiety med to fall asleep and to avoid anxious dreams. Sleep on left side, pre-natal position.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
I feel detached from reality most of the time. I feel like most people have a normal life, which Id love to have. I feel like Im immature and dont feel like an adult.
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
I took antidepressants for 3 yrs but they provoked further memory problems, IBS, constipation, perspiration and other usual side effects.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Heart disease, diabetes, depression related to anxiety, OCD and schizophrenia.
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
I am blonde, green eyes, light coloured skin, freckles (a few, more from sun-tanning). I get sunburnt easily or have itchy eruptions (chest and upper arms) due to strong sun or veins upper legs show through even more (become red). Have discoloration of skin (purple inner corner eyes, more right eye), tired looking eyes. Light brown irregular patch starting from shoulder down to elbow. Some white hair in one spot of head, cannot bear 100% wool on skin and sometimes clothes labels irritate it. I am fairly tall, (1,69 cm) slim but stomach is out of proportion (flabby). Have fleshy upper arms and calves. I used to put on weight easily (have stretch marks) but since using hom. meds, my weight is more stable.
(For Females)
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
Menses last 4 days, stops 3rd day, almost nothing on last day and is light flow. Used to have them every 25 days; since diagnosed depression started (7 yrs ago) they are every 23 (or 24). Blood is normal colour. Have lower lumbar pain before menses. Have extra acne before menses.
25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
Have not had major diseases.
At time of birth, my Mum told me I was ready to be delivered but the nurses said she had to wait some minutes for the doctor to arrive.
Had ears pulled back at age of 4 because sticking out a bit (hereditary)
Had bad worm infection at around that age.
I was almost run-over at age of 5 but have removed it from memory
I am very short-sighted (- 8.45 left and 9.00 right). Started having problems around age of 10.
I used to have very week ankles and I would sprain them continuously at around the age of 10.
Had cyst removed from gum at around the age of 10.
Had irritable colon (IBS) 4 yrs ago.
Dislocated lumbar disk and lumbar hernia caused by lifting heavy objects 4 yrs ago.
Thank you for your kind attention. I hope I have given enough information for you to make a diagnose.
Kind regards
ipslon on 2007-08-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please take PULSATILLA 200C every 6 hours for some 5 to 7 days and feel the difference.
please report after a week.
the next prescription will be given after you present the case after 15 days.
please report after a week.
the next prescription will be given after you present the case after 15 days.
♡ rishimba last decade
please take PULSATILLA 200C every 6 hours and report after a week.
♡ rishimba last decade
Dear Dr. Rishimba,
Thank you for your prompt reply. I've already tried Pulsatilla but 10MK. I'm willing to try it again. Maybe this potency will be more helpful.
I've been taking Lachesis (1MK and then potentiated stirring 1MK 20 times etc.) for 3 months but I noticed I started biting my nails again, it's worsened my insomnia and increased my appetite with minimal mental improvement.
I'll let you know regarding Pulsatilla. Thank you, once again.
Kind regards.
Thank you for your prompt reply. I've already tried Pulsatilla but 10MK. I'm willing to try it again. Maybe this potency will be more helpful.
I've been taking Lachesis (1MK and then potentiated stirring 1MK 20 times etc.) for 3 months but I noticed I started biting my nails again, it's worsened my insomnia and increased my appetite with minimal mental improvement.
I'll let you know regarding Pulsatilla. Thank you, once again.
Kind regards.
ipslon last decade
pulsatilla is not your closing remedy, but the first prescription.
if you are going for my prescription, you have to stop taking any other recommendations.
please report after a week of taking pulsatilla 200c.
if you are going for my prescription, you have to stop taking any other recommendations.
please report after a week of taking pulsatilla 200c.
♡ rishimba last decade
Certainly,Dr Rishimba. The last dose of Lachesis was taken over a month ago.
I'm starting Pulsatilla on Monday and I'll report as you asked me too.
Thank you again,
Kind regards.
I'm starting Pulsatilla on Monday and I'll report as you asked me too.
Thank you again,
Kind regards.
ipslon last decade
Dear Dr. Rishimba,
I am reporting back to you after a week taking Pulsatilla 200ch. Ive noticed a worsening of all mental symptoms (depression, anxiety social avoidance and apathy) and physical (insomnia, sleepiness) so the remedy is surely having effect on me. Ive stopped taking a benzo to help with sleep so I tend to turn over constantly, float, then go in and out of anxious dreams and thoughts all night. This morning I was worrying about my job even though I am currently on Summer vacation.
I am more indecisive and confused than usual so I am avoiding taking any important decisions for now.
Yesterday morning I had a heavy heart (a symptom I used to have often), was sighing alot, a stomach ache (lower part) all day and colon is still swollen (right side) today .
A few days ago I had some saliva coming out from my mouth during my afternoon rest (have had this sypmtom caused by some of other remedies too). When I took my hair down from a pony tail, my scalp hurt. Have had itchy ear canals too and worse back ache lately.
Today I started feeling a little better and slept ok last night for the first time. Hopefully.......
I will wait for further instructions.
Thank you for your assistance,
Kind regards.
I am reporting back to you after a week taking Pulsatilla 200ch. Ive noticed a worsening of all mental symptoms (depression, anxiety social avoidance and apathy) and physical (insomnia, sleepiness) so the remedy is surely having effect on me. Ive stopped taking a benzo to help with sleep so I tend to turn over constantly, float, then go in and out of anxious dreams and thoughts all night. This morning I was worrying about my job even though I am currently on Summer vacation.
I am more indecisive and confused than usual so I am avoiding taking any important decisions for now.
Yesterday morning I had a heavy heart (a symptom I used to have often), was sighing alot, a stomach ache (lower part) all day and colon is still swollen (right side) today .
A few days ago I had some saliva coming out from my mouth during my afternoon rest (have had this sypmtom caused by some of other remedies too). When I took my hair down from a pony tail, my scalp hurt. Have had itchy ear canals too and worse back ache lately.
Today I started feeling a little better and slept ok last night for the first time. Hopefully.......
I will wait for further instructions.
Thank you for your assistance,
Kind regards.
ipslon last decade
Dear Dr. Rishimba,
I am reporting back to you after a week taking Pulsatilla 200ch. Ive noticed a worsening of all mental symptoms (depression, anxiety social avoidance and apathy) and physical (insomnia, sleepiness) so the remedy is surely having effect on me. Ive stopped taking a benzo to help with sleep so I tend to turn over constantly, float, then go in and out of anxious dreams and thoughts all night. This morning I was worrying about my job even though I am currently on Summer vacation.
I am more indecisive and confused than usual so I am avoiding taking any important decisions for now.
Yesterday morning I had a heavy heart (a symptom I used to have often), was sighing alot, a stomach ache (lower part) all day and colon is still swollen (right side) today .
A few days ago I had some saliva coming out from my mouth during my afternoon rest (have had this sypmtom caused by some of other remedies too). When I took my hair down from a pony tail, my scalp hurt. Have had itchy ear canals too and worse back ache lately.
Today I started feeling a little better and slept ok last night for the first time. Hopefully.......
I will wait for further instructions.
Thank you for your assistance,
Kind regards
I am reporting back to you after a week taking Pulsatilla 200ch. Ive noticed a worsening of all mental symptoms (depression, anxiety social avoidance and apathy) and physical (insomnia, sleepiness) so the remedy is surely having effect on me. Ive stopped taking a benzo to help with sleep so I tend to turn over constantly, float, then go in and out of anxious dreams and thoughts all night. This morning I was worrying about my job even though I am currently on Summer vacation.
I am more indecisive and confused than usual so I am avoiding taking any important decisions for now.
Yesterday morning I had a heavy heart (a symptom I used to have often), was sighing alot, a stomach ache (lower part) all day and colon is still swollen (right side) today .
A few days ago I had some saliva coming out from my mouth during my afternoon rest (have had this sypmtom caused by some of other remedies too). When I took my hair down from a pony tail, my scalp hurt. Have had itchy ear canals too and worse back ache lately.
Today I started feeling a little better and slept ok last night for the first time. Hopefully.......
I will wait for further instructions.
Thank you for your assistance,
Kind regards
ipslon last decade
i believe you are going through the healing crisis.
please wait for a week and then you will start getting well.
please take pulsatilla 200c once in the morning and once in the evening only now.
please wait for a week and then you will start getting well.
please take pulsatilla 200c once in the morning and once in the evening only now.
♡ rishimba last decade
ipslon last decade
ipslon last decade
Hello Dr. Rishimba,
I dont feel better yet but Im hopng it ll be only a matter of time. Should I continue taking the remedy twice a day or not? I noticed that I have had a big appetite since yesterday and I am still sleepy. I had a rest after luch like almost every day and as I was almost falling asleep, my whole body jolted and I opened my eyes suddenly (it has happened to me before in the past).
I also continue to avoid social situations and worry a lot (over little things).
Please let me know what I should do next.
Best regards.
PS Sorry for having sent e-mails twice but I have been having poblems with internet connection.
I dont feel better yet but Im hopng it ll be only a matter of time. Should I continue taking the remedy twice a day or not? I noticed that I have had a big appetite since yesterday and I am still sleepy. I had a rest after luch like almost every day and as I was almost falling asleep, my whole body jolted and I opened my eyes suddenly (it has happened to me before in the past).
I also continue to avoid social situations and worry a lot (over little things).
Please let me know what I should do next.
Best regards.
PS Sorry for having sent e-mails twice but I have been having poblems with internet connection.
ipslon last decade
Hello Dr. Rishimba,
I dont feel better yet but Im hopng it ll be only a matter of time. Should I continue taking the remedy twice a day or not? I noticed that I have had a big appetite since yesterday and I am still sleepy. I had a rest after luch like almost every day and as I was almost falling asleep, my whole body jolted and I opened my eyes suddenly ( it has happened to me before in the past).
Please let me know what I should do next.
Best regards.
PS Sorry for having sent e-mails twice but I have been having poblems with internet connection.
I dont feel better yet but Im hopng it ll be only a matter of time. Should I continue taking the remedy twice a day or not? I noticed that I have had a big appetite since yesterday and I am still sleepy. I had a rest after luch like almost every day and as I was almost falling asleep, my whole body jolted and I opened my eyes suddenly ( it has happened to me before in the past).
Please let me know what I should do next.
Best regards.
PS Sorry for having sent e-mails twice but I have been having poblems with internet connection.
ipslon last decade
♡ rishimba last decade
I have taken note of some of the issues as under from your replies:-
'Depression, anxiety
'Insomnia, disturbed sleep, sleepy almost all day
'itchy nose
stomach aches
'tongue has off-white coating, some cracks, boils (towards back of mouth) irregular edge and red tip
'Nails (thumbs are corrugated) have some white spots and there are cracks in my skin on my finger tips
'sometimes I wish I could die or just disappear
'a little worse before menstruation'
All the above symptoms and the related problems that you are having leads to the sitiuation that you are having various parasites (Worms) i your entestines effecting your system as well as mental conditions.
To start with I would suggest you the following :
'Cuprum Oxydatum Nigrum. 1X in alteration with Nux Vom 30 (4 pills each) 4 times a day. '
Take for a longer time say about 3 weeks.
'Depression, anxiety
'Insomnia, disturbed sleep, sleepy almost all day
'itchy nose
stomach aches
'tongue has off-white coating, some cracks, boils (towards back of mouth) irregular edge and red tip
'Nails (thumbs are corrugated) have some white spots and there are cracks in my skin on my finger tips
'sometimes I wish I could die or just disappear
'a little worse before menstruation'
All the above symptoms and the related problems that you are having leads to the sitiuation that you are having various parasites (Worms) i your entestines effecting your system as well as mental conditions.
To start with I would suggest you the following :
'Cuprum Oxydatum Nigrum. 1X in alteration with Nux Vom 30 (4 pills each) 4 times a day. '
Take for a longer time say about 3 weeks.
Rajendra last decade
Dear Rajendra,
Thank you for looking up my case. Actually I was told by two naturopaths that I could have a parassite infection. I was given Ribes Nigrum (fitotherapeutic remedy) but didn't do a follow up.
I went to the pharmacy but here in Italy they only carry Cuprum Oxydatum Rubra 30ch. Is that any good?
Please let me know a.s.a.p. because I am anxious to get to the root of my problem.
Thank you again.
Best regards.
Thank you for looking up my case. Actually I was told by two naturopaths that I could have a parassite infection. I was given Ribes Nigrum (fitotherapeutic remedy) but didn't do a follow up.
I went to the pharmacy but here in Italy they only carry Cuprum Oxydatum Rubra 30ch. Is that any good?
Please let me know a.s.a.p. because I am anxious to get to the root of my problem.
Thank you again.
Best regards.
ipslon last decade
Dear Dr. Rishimba,
I would like to try out the remedies Rajendra suggested I take because there is a chance that the cause of my sleepiness and depression is a parassite infection.
I'd be grateful if you'd tell me what you think about the possibility.
Best regards.
I would like to try out the remedies Rajendra suggested I take because there is a chance that the cause of my sleepiness and depression is a parassite infection.
I'd be grateful if you'd tell me what you think about the possibility.
Best regards.
ipslon last decade
Could I take an allopathic medicine so I won't interfere with the action of the pulsatilla?
Best regards.
Best regards.
ipslon last decade
please stop pulsatilla and after a few days you can go for the vermifuge remedies..
on second thoughts, i am also feeling that you may be having parasitic infection.
as you said, pulsatilla didnt effect you at all so best is to stop it as soon as possible.
on second thoughts, i am also feeling that you may be having parasitic infection.
as you said, pulsatilla didnt effect you at all so best is to stop it as soon as possible.
♡ rishimba last decade
'I went to the pharmacy but here in Italy they only carry Cuprum Oxydatum Rubra 30ch. Is that any good? '
If you are not getting in 1 X potency, you can use if alongwith Nux Vom. alternatively.
In the meantime you can order it on this site which may take a few days to get by courier.
If you are not getting in 1 X potency, you can use if alongwith Nux Vom. alternatively.
In the meantime you can order it on this site which may take a few days to get by courier.
Rajendra last decade
Though both the dr. are doing well but I would like to suggest to clear the stituation One Dose of Suplher-1m empty stomach at morning is needed here.
dr. mahfooz
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
It is O.K. But take it first before starting your worms medicines.
Start other medicines after 48 hours of taking Sulphur. Sulpher to be taken after your bath or take bath atleast after 2 hours of taking the medicine. Normally Sulphur increase blood circulation and there is mild heat in the body.
Start other medicines after 48 hours of taking Sulphur. Sulpher to be taken after your bath or take bath atleast after 2 hours of taking the medicine. Normally Sulphur increase blood circulation and there is mild heat in the body.
Rajendra last decade
How do we know that the action of sulphur 1M starts immediately and end by day two?
Have we not experienced that, the action of Sulphur particularly in 1M potency starts as late as a week or more?
Don't we know that we should never disturb the action of a remedy which is still acting, and wait for enough time to see that the action of the previous medicine is completed?
Why do we tend to forget the basic philosophy of homeopathy and prescribe without bothering about the troublesome consequences the patient may face later?
Have we not experienced that, the action of Sulphur particularly in 1M potency starts as late as a week or more?
Don't we know that we should never disturb the action of a remedy which is still acting, and wait for enough time to see that the action of the previous medicine is completed?
Why do we tend to forget the basic philosophy of homeopathy and prescribe without bothering about the troublesome consequences the patient may face later?
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Sulphur is a great Hahnemannian anti-psoric
Some of the symptoms of Psoric Miasm are as below :-
A.- Psoric Miasm: reaction of body on exposure to environmental stimuli to ones surroundings like noise, light, and odors, producing functional disturbances like headache, nausea, and discomfort
Normally given for patient before starting chronic ailments.
.- Psoric Miasm: highs and lows, struggling with outside world, becomes apparent at times of stress, lack of confidence, constant anxiety feelings, fear, like he can't do it, insecurity, anxiety about the future alert
A.-Psoric Miasm- itching, burning, inflammation leading to congestion.- philosopher, restless, weak, fears'
It is also an intercurret remedy.
Even when no other well selected remedy works, Sulphur is the remedy.
Some of the symptoms of Psoric Miasm are as below :-
A.- Psoric Miasm: reaction of body on exposure to environmental stimuli to ones surroundings like noise, light, and odors, producing functional disturbances like headache, nausea, and discomfort
Normally given for patient before starting chronic ailments.
.- Psoric Miasm: highs and lows, struggling with outside world, becomes apparent at times of stress, lack of confidence, constant anxiety feelings, fear, like he can't do it, insecurity, anxiety about the future alert
A.-Psoric Miasm- itching, burning, inflammation leading to congestion.- philosopher, restless, weak, fears'
It is also an intercurret remedy.
Even when no other well selected remedy works, Sulphur is the remedy.
Rajendra last decade
I appreciate all the advice that has been given to me, thank you!
I decided to take a conventional medicine to take care of the infection and not a homeopathic remedy (although it seems as if I dont have it).
I have tried Sulphur before (monodose 1MK) but for only a week and a half because I then tried another remedy. Sulphur gave me a lot of energy and I noticed my hair was feeling very healthy. I didnt notice any improvement in my mood but perhaps I interrupted its action too soon.
Sulphur does cover a lot of my physical symptoms but not mental ones (eg. Sulphur people are intellectual, geniuses, they dont care about physical appearance or about messiness and dirtiness). I can try taking it again if you think it could be helpful.
Best regards.
I appreciate all the advice that has been given to me, thank you!
I decided to take a conventional medicine to take care of the infection and not a homeopathic remedy (although it seems as if I dont have it).
I have tried Sulphur before (monodose 1MK) but for only a week and a half because I then tried another remedy. Sulphur gave me a lot of energy and I noticed my hair was feeling very healthy. I didnt notice any improvement in my mood but perhaps I interrupted its action too soon.
Sulphur does cover a lot of my physical symptoms but not mental ones (eg. Sulphur people are intellectual, geniuses, they dont care about physical appearance or about messiness and dirtiness). I can try taking it again if you think it could be helpful.
Best regards.
ipslon last decade
I think every body on forum as prescriber has sufficient knowledge of philosophy of homeopathy. It is not reasonable to give negative remarks against the respective member. Always please keep respect of all in mind whether he is dr or patient.
Sulpher is a deep seated remedy and where the dimention is not clear and the medicines could not proceed it is the time of Sulpher. What dr. ragendra quoted is correct.
Dear patient,
Take one dose of sulpher and wait for a week. Your statement also encourage us to proceed further in the matter please.
Sulpher is a deep seated remedy and where the dimention is not clear and the medicines could not proceed it is the time of Sulpher. What dr. ragendra quoted is correct.
Dear patient,
Take one dose of sulpher and wait for a week. Your statement also encourage us to proceed further in the matter please.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
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