The ABC Homeopathy Forum
royal123 on 2007-08-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ deoshlok last decade
is selenium 200 re-growth new hair
royal123 last decade
you can see young woman with hair loss
♡ akshaymohl last decade
This is from Kent.
The hair falls out from the whole head, leaving the scalp smooth and hairless; also the hair falls from the eyebrows and face, giving a strange appearance. In syphilitics it often checks the falling of the hair.
Selenium can help those, who
feel very weak after sexual intercourse, form slight exertion, after fever, from heat,especially heat of the sun,from mental and physical exertion.
They can't tolerate even small amounts of alcohol. They generally look prematuredly old, and have an inclination to lie down.
It is not a universal remedy for hair falling. It can help only if the other symtoms tally.
It can help those whose hair falls excessively after debilitating fevers like typhoid, those who feel very week even on slightest exertion.
That is as far as the suitability of medicine is concerned. Even when found suitable based on the symptoms, what is required is a 'split dose' which increases the potency gradually before taking every dose.
If you use the unchanged potency for months together, you may become impotent, and get all the symptoms for which it is indicated, including the weakness and inability to bear any heat etc,symptoms, which you might never had before.
homeopathy is not 'this for that.' One needs to study all the symptoms as a totality, and select the appropriate medicine.
These quick fixes may make you feel worse, leave alone cure the problem for which you are taking these medicines.
The hair falls out from the whole head, leaving the scalp smooth and hairless; also the hair falls from the eyebrows and face, giving a strange appearance. In syphilitics it often checks the falling of the hair.
Selenium can help those, who
feel very weak after sexual intercourse, form slight exertion, after fever, from heat,especially heat of the sun,from mental and physical exertion.
They can't tolerate even small amounts of alcohol. They generally look prematuredly old, and have an inclination to lie down.
It is not a universal remedy for hair falling. It can help only if the other symtoms tally.
It can help those whose hair falls excessively after debilitating fevers like typhoid, those who feel very week even on slightest exertion.
That is as far as the suitability of medicine is concerned. Even when found suitable based on the symptoms, what is required is a 'split dose' which increases the potency gradually before taking every dose.
If you use the unchanged potency for months together, you may become impotent, and get all the symptoms for which it is indicated, including the weakness and inability to bear any heat etc,symptoms, which you might never had before.
homeopathy is not 'this for that.' One needs to study all the symptoms as a totality, and select the appropriate medicine.
These quick fixes may make you feel worse, leave alone cure the problem for which you are taking these medicines.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
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