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Boiron Gasalia ®:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Bloating and gas

I am suffering with very uncomfortable bloating after i eat any food and also gas.
My breathing also seems to be affected and i feel better once the gas is out but most times it feels trapped.
I have chronic fatigue syndrome and i have also had heavy metal poisoning some years ago which i feel is still to blame for my symptoms.
Any help is welcome.
  bluelight on 2007-08-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
you can try (Nux Vomica-200c) only one dose at night and wait for 1 week any change cantact me please
faisal qureshi last decade
But I feel that three consecutive doses would be more effective.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dr. Mahfooz, my symptoms are kind of same as this guy other than the fact that my body tends to make a lot of gas as soon as I eat and I get a lot of hiccups. I hiccup so frequently now a days that its very disturbing including gas release from the body makes it unbearable for others. I do take prescription medications for High BP & Cholesterol. I asked my doctor and these medicines tend to increase gas but I have the gas thing for ever. Somebody told me that this gas thing might be cause of my High BP, is that true?? Please suggest some long lasting remedy. Thanks for all your help.
rdatabc last decade
Hi Ropinder
you can try now (Carbo veg-30) one dose twise a day only for 5 days and stop and after week cantact me back.

Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade
Thankyou doc, I shall try the Carbo-Veg 30 for 5 days, morning & evening and let you know.
rdatabc last decade

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