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Posts about Allergy

4 month old reflux/food allergy8Whey Protein allergy2Food Allergy139Skin allergy4Sulphur/ Sulfa Allergy1Two issues. Nat phos 6x and eye allergy4Sneezing allergy5Dry nose and throat allergy2Severe Cough due to Allergy18Acne; Pollen allergy11


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Food Allergy=Tonsil Stones Page 3 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

You asked me to look at these points and let you know if they fit....


'It looks off white but also see some red almost like veins in it.

Yes, but this is the description of my epiglottis

'aggravate when swallowing from food or drink. tongue is also coated


' first found a large mass behind my soft pallate on the right side


' epiglottis is horribly inflamed'


'The pain in throat is dull in the morning and then gets worse as day goes on.
By afternoon it is at its worst and remains until next day '


..Pain aggravates during the day is due to use of tongue during day time and better in the night is due to rest in the night...

not sure, but makes sense

'today tongue is heavily coated, white in colour.'


..Shows that infection is travelling in the entestine too...

again, makes sense

from my point of view this is an acute problem that was caused from allergic reaction. What I dont understand is why the problem hasnt rectified itself after stopping the offending supplement. My only guess is that now my epiglottis is inflamed and is not properly blocking acid from comming up and therefore is continuing to aggravate eppiglottis.
Ryelink last decade
End of Tuesday and have not taken any medicine today. Pain remains unchanged. Diarrhea only happened once this morning by the way.Just wondering what the plan will be for morning if the night does not bring about any improvements.
Ryelink last decade
One option is to repeat the remedy, straight from the RSB without using the cup.

We will assess the situation in the morning.

gavinimurthy last decade

There is no option but to take the correct remedy.

We have to give preference to the machines to the extent required. After all human brain is always better then machibne.

Mechanical identification of medicine may help but understanding the ailment and its cause have to be done by human brain and then identify the medicine.

I have already identified and advised the medicine.

Now it is for the patient to try or not.
Rajendra last decade
Hi Ryelink

If you are not even slightly better even by morning, there is no harm in trying Belladona as suggested by Rajendra.

Though my understanding of your problem says it may not help, I may be wrong.

You can try Bell, if you feel like.

gavinimurthy last decade
Wonderful to see the cooperation between you two for the sake of the patients health. It is refreshing to see this and I thank you both.

I have started the Bella 6c today and will report back tomorrow.
Ryelink last decade
Started the remedy 9 hours ago. Have taken 3 doses of Bella 6c.

My chest is very sore today, more on the left side. My throat felt the same today however this evening it seems to hurt more and I am experiencing some anxiety fearing that it is getting worse.
Ryelink last decade
when I say it hurts more I mean my epiglottis feels way more present than it has previously and the fishbone feeling in throat is worse.
Ryelink last decade
Wait for Rajendra to suggest the follow up for Belladona.

gavinimurthy last decade
Tonight I am swallowing non stop. My epiglottis also hurts more now on the left side. Mt external throat is extremely sore to the touch.
Ryelink last decade
Dear Ryelink

If Rajendra doesn't come to your rescue, my sincere suggestion is to go to a hospital, and get your problem treated by conventional procedures.

We can revert back to homeopathy afterwards.

We have experimented enough and it is important to understand our limitations and accept it.

gavinimurthy last decade
Thank you for your sincere and sensible idea. If I dont hear from Rajendra in the next couple of hours before bed I will try Belladonna 30 and then reevaluate in the morning.
Ryelink last decade
'Tonight I am swallowing non stop'

What do you mean by this. Is it that sylaiva is more ?

throat is extremely sore ?

Pl take Calc. Phos 12X (4 pills three times in a day. For a day only and report.

Stop Belladona for a day. We will examine after 12 hours.
Rajendra last decade
Ok I went up to see a doctor. Remember I mentioned it felt like a bone stuck in my throat. Well it is. Xrays showed 2 small 'bone like' structures lodged in the soft tissue in the back of my throat with localised swelling. The epiglottis is fine. The airway is fine.

Please let me know your thoughts.
Ryelink last decade
That is a great relief.

Was the earlier diagnosis of inflammation, epiglottis wrong then?

Or was it there earlier, and now got cured?

Any way sleep peacefully tonight. We will look into it afresh tomorrow.

Were you given any allopathic medicines?

gavinimurthy last decade
Gavini, yes the earlier diagnosis was definetely wrong.
You are right that s a great relief to me. The stress and anxiety over this issue this past week has weighed heavily on me. I was not given any allopathic medicine but they are scheduling an appointment with an Ear Nose Throat specialist. I assume a remedy like Silica or Hepar should be able to expel this from my body. Its too late for me to look into things further, I have to get up in 4 hours.
See you tomorrow,
Thanks again.
Ryelink last decade
Yes, I remmber a case where such small bone peices (Fish Bone peices) was expelled by Silicea 200 One dose.
Rajendra last decade
They may not be real bone pieces lodged in the throat.

Any way, let us wait till tomorrow, get the sensation part once again and decide on the remedy.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hi Ryelink:

'Sensation of a splinter, fish bone or plug in the throat'(AllenKN) refers about 3 remedies: Hepar sulph, Arg. Nit, Nit. acid.

I feel Hepar sul.(30 pot. will do) will help you as 'swallowing' feeling is also there.
maheeru last decade
Yes , Heper S. is also prominatly indicated even by Dr. Kent.
Rajendra last decade
'External throat extremely sensitive to touch.'

This is a peculiarity and any medicine we consider should have this symptom prominently.

Though hepar is senstive to touch, its sensitivity is confined to eruptions like boils that have reached a stage of suppuration.

Despite looking in various MMs, I am not able to find the sensitivity to touch of external throat for Hepar.

Lach has this symptom prominently, but it was already tried without any benefit.

The other remedy that has this symptom prominently, and which has decided action on throat is Lac caninum.

In lac caninum the intensity of pain varies from left to right back and fourth.

These are some of the symptoms from Hering's encyclopedia.


Throat very sensitive to touch externally.

Uvula elongated and very much swollen.

Constant inclination to swallow, causes pain extending to both ears.

Pricking sensation in throat, as if full of sticks.

Lump on left side of pharynx below tonsil, causing an enlargement that filled each arch of palate, nearly to right side.

Most pain when swallowing solids, no aversion to cold drink ; when swallowing solid food, it seems to pass over a lump, with sore and aching pains extending to and into left ear.

Throat very sore on left side ; painful to external pressure both sides.

On waking in morning, throat felt as if there were lumps in it like two eggs, and sore all the time, especially when swallowing.


I suggest that we may look into this medicine too carefully.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy,

Silecia has tendency to heal the wound and makes damaged tissues from inside thereby throws away foreign material from the effected part.

It is with this tendency in Silecia, that the bone peices gets thrown out from the system alongwith the septic material in it.

However if Silecia 200 does not work, a higher potency say 1 M can be given.

This is my understanding on the action of Silecea.
Rajendra last decade
Silecia helps if some foreign matter is actually in the throat. We are not sure about it.

It doesn't have the aggravation from touching the external throat.

We can't exclude a prominent peculiar symptom while choosing the medicine.

gavinimurthy last decade
In lac caninum the intensity of pain varies from left to right back and fourth.

This statement is very true abut my condition. The pain seems to switch back and forth quite regularily.

In my haste last night before bed I took a dose of Silica 30c without too much researching on my part. Today there is no improvement as of yet. I wonder how long something like this may take to work itself out of my tissue.

The doctor believed there was foreign matter lodged in there, but nothing has been proven. A scope will only verify this conclusively. Since its not a matter of life or death I will hold off with the scope and continue trusting that homeopathy will help.
Ryelink last decade
Hi Ryelink

You have got enough information. Decide what to do.

My only suggestion is to try any medicine maximum six doses, spaced around two hours. It should help with in those six doses if it is a corect medicine.

If no relief is found, go for the next probable medicine.

You may have to experiment between silecia,lac.can and hepar.

gavinimurthy last decade
I have taken Silica 30c twice. Once yesterday and once this morning. Today there is improvement. I will wait further before doing anything. I will also post results once everything is completed (it so bugs me how people on this site dont give end results on their threads once they are helped through homeopathy).

Have I mentioned yet how impressed I am at the amount of time you have spent trying to help me out? Rajendra, this statement applies to you as well.
Thank you both so very much.
Ryelink last decade

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