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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr Kuldeep, Dr Livera ..please help my 3yrs old son with eczema

Dear Dr. Kuldeep,

I am very hopeful regarding my son's eczema after coming to this forum. Previously i read that homeopaths can't cure eczema without agrravating it. Please advise on this. My little son is 3yrs old and i feel very bad when he has flare-ups that makes him cranky.

My son had eczema since he was 9 months old. started in the crease of his knee. starts of in patches of grainy bumpy red rash...then changes colour to brown and after using corcosteroid, skin there appears sort of shiny. it used to come back once in a while. Last year we moved to Canada for about a year and all his eczema disappeared. After we came back to India, eczema started very badly...now in crease of his elbow, neck fold, back of his neck, face, eye lids. Docs prescribed corcosteroids but I am afraid to suppress it.

In the mean time,he caught cold which deteriorated to his first astma attack..which got severe and we had to nebulise and provide him with prednisolone course. While he took prednisolone his eczema dramatically cleared. But as soon as pred course stopped his eczema came out even stronger and rapidly than before. this time colour has changed to blackish-brown. These days along with his eczema he frequently develops sore (angular cheilosis) at the corner of his mouth.

My son is of average health but height is good for age. He is now 3 yrs and 9 months. Has very dry skin. drinks plenty of water. is a fussy eater. Quite natured...shy, introvert and easily gets afraid. reluctant to try new things. prefers to play at home with his toy trains rather than going outdoor. easily catches cold..has enlarged adenoid and had tonsil problems before. Sometime sneezes upon waking-up. Whenever he catches cold his breath smells foul. His tongue is also coated white.

Please help with his eczema and astma. I want to be careful that asthma never comes back to be chronic. And also if there is a cure for eczema without aggravating it. Please advise me on follow-up as well. As I am very new to homeopathy please help me with procedures as well.

Mr. Kuldeep please please please you must help
  abirakarim on 2007-10-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I forgot to add that my son is emotionally sensitive. I feel his eczema increases with emotional disturbance.

I have also noticed that he is allergic to contact with dust.
abirakarim last decade
dear abirakarim,
Please try Arsenicum Album-30 (three drops per dose)one dose morning and one at night for a week and report.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade

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