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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Late Stage Lyme Disease and more...

I just finished typing out a long post and then I suddenly lost my connection to the net!

I am new here. First, let me say to all the prescribers that I've enjoyed reading your casetaking over the last week; it is very interesting to watch :)

I was diagnosed with Lyme 5 months ago. I am 21 now, and I believe I have had it for at least 10 years. I've done 4 months of oral antibiotics and 2 weeks of IV rocephin (antibiotic) but had to stop because liver enzymes were elevated. Spect scan confirms it has infected the brain and has been there for a while. Not much improvement with antibiotics, I can concentrate a little better but that is it. I also have coinfections of Bartonella and Babesiosis. I have herbs to take for the infections from the Lyme specialist like Cat's Claw, Artemisia, HH, and Coptis, but am not taking them currently. Other doc who I am seeing is certified in homeopathy but it is not her specialty...she is giving me nutrients, she is like an orthomolecular psychiatrist. She also believes I have other problems caused by vaccinations when I was younger (mood problems, OCD, learning disability).

What are your approaches to this infection? Some people say to start with the nosode, others say that constitutional treatment is best.

I'll do the best I can to tell you what's going on...

My symptoms:

-crust around eyes and swollen eyelids when i wake up. Can't open my eyes completely when I wake up, very sensitive to light. Eyes are kind of stuck shut.
-tearing of eyes during the day.
-Rubbing eyes alot, eye tics:
-I've had tics since 6 years old.
-Blinking started around eleven

-Allergy to Gluten/Casein

-Pain and weakness, tiredness in my muscles, it takes great strength for me to keep my body together, and not too stressed.

-Lots of difficulty concentrating. Lose my thoughts, forget what I was saying. Come downstairs to get something from my room, but I'll forget what it was I came down to get. Brain fog.

-There's a fog between me and other people, anxiety around people.

-Biting my tongue or lip when I eat. It is very aggravating and I feel frusturaed when I do it and I yell in pain.
-Pain in my mouth, moves around...usually mouth sores, sometimes in my tongue.
-I feel better sometimes when I rub a point softly on inside of both hands between thumb and index finger(middle right)
-Excema, used to be weeping when I was younger. Mother and sister have had that too, but less severe. Excema always made worse by corn, sometimes sugar.
-Belly distended...sort of fat around the middle (like my dad...he also has tics and depression too).
-Circles under the eyes (like my mother)

Although I am usually very kind to people, I can be blunt and insensitive sometimes. Not outright with my feelings. I am talented with music too. I have swings of confidence, and do not always feel worthy of help (like right now).
I can get extremely obsessional and will often times ignore my physical health because of it...will tend to obsess at the cost of my health.
-I am never satisfied with any work I do, nothing ever satisfies me.
-I am extremely impatient with doctors and about getting better. I go from feeling very optimistic about my situation, to very hopeless.
Have to take one step at a time, following through with tasks, often have big ideas but can't follow through. Don't take joy in following through, creates anxiety.
-I also am very sensitive to criticism.
-Double checking

-Chronically constipated, sometimes itching and burning on anus. Abdominal cramps.

It feels like everything is on the tip of my tongue ready to come bursting out onto the page, but I cannot do it when talking or writing to someone. Things become clear when I am lying in bed half asleep.
-I feel like I'm not doing something that I could for myself...it's like I feel optimistic, but then the realization of being sick kicks in and I panic. It has been like this for years. It just seems out of my control

I have brain fog, did I mention that?

I have been unable to have close relationships throughout my childhood and adolescence, did have a number of friends nonetheless...I like to travel places and go out a lot in high school when I had the energy.

Song playing in my head a lot.

-Have a lot of trouble with memory,staying focused, I usually just can't get out of bed. Carrying out responsibilties creates a lot of anxiety. I was competitive as a younger child and put a lot of pressure on myself to perform very well when it didnt really matter.

-Basically just really low energy though, no one ever wanted to believe that I had a physical ailment, even though I've spent days in bed since early adolescence....I spent five years in psychotherapy.

-My mother recalls that when I was 6 years old, I came home from school one day and telling her "my brain doesn't work right, I want to kill myself."
Since then, I think I became more obsessive, withdrawn and not enjoying life as much. I honestly believe something happened then that didnt have to do with me, but a physical problem, maybe the Lyme Disease, because I started having memory problems then. My spirits kind of sunk, and I started pondering the meaning of life, and obsessing about things to give my life order: Like the meaning of my life was to accel and video games and sports and school, and that my life depended on it sort of.
Again at 11 I got worse two weeks after a camping trip, started with anxiety and obsessiveness. I drive my family crazy with it, become very critical of my parents. I just can't stop worrying.

Also at Age 9 I was almost choked to death by another schoolmate who was sort of my friend, but also crazy, violent, and sadistic. Developed panic attacks three months later.

-Age 13 develop allergic rash on right eye, eye completely closes up and rash on groin and same time. Since then, lazy feeling over right temple, effects my concentration and is very bothersome as I have to touch it in a certain way to feel better.
-Age 17 develop severe strep infection for 10 days after breakup with my only girlfriend...Obsessing and tics get worse...Dropped out of high school the next year.

-Since young age, have trouble sitting up straight, standing up, weak digestion...on and on...

Medications: 11 Years Old-Prozac for 2 1/2 years. Imipramine for 2 years during high school. Luvoxx for 2 years after high school, and on and off for the last two years. Prozac took away the panic attacks which I was having just prior to entering middle school. Those panic attacks however originated in fourth grade after being choked almost to death by another kid. Post traumatic stress syndrome.

I have so much trouble thinking things through and coming up with a plan...I dont think it's too bad of an idea to look at a couple new remedies...I can't be on psych meds any longer,. I just hate it too much.

Homeopathic medicines within last two years (I don't remember which ones I tried in adolescence):

These were given by my family doctor and someone else who I saw briefly. I am not seeing my family doctor currently.

-Nux Vomica 200 C
-Lycopodium 1M
-Natrum Muriarticum 10M
-Sepia 1M

-Sulfur 30 C
-Hyoscyamus 30 C
-Agaricus Muscarus 12 C
-Cuprum Metallicum 12 C

(last four remedies were done for at least 2 weeks each)

I have to say, only one that helped a little was nux vomica. Helped two years ago after I had a high colonic that was traumatic and that my body couldnt handle, and an osteopathic treatment that released some anger.

I looked up Hyoscyamus and Agaricus. Agaricus describes a stupid, awkward person, with complaints from left to right. Complaints for me are on right side, I can be awkward sometimes, and I am probably the smartest person I know.
Hyoscamus isn't much like me, she probably prescribed it because of some paranoia that I was having.

Also for last two years, my lymph glands have swollen up a little sometimes with out fever, thyroid has been enlarged, appetite not as good, blood tests show subclinical hypothyroidism, blah blah...not taking anything right now.
I also crave sweets sometimes, but usually eat a regular diet of meat and vegetables.

Also had some drug abuse in high school...definitely not the cause of all my problems..but I think marijuana could have done something...it hurts and it helps at the same time :) But I dont do it anymore.

So...If maybe you could point out some remedies that I could take a look at, or if you need some more info, I'll do my best to answer. I tried to keep it as brief and organized as possible. Just want to do something because I feel stuck, and not satisfied with antibiotics right now, or my family doctor, but I think I may go back to him eventually or see someone else. I feel very helpless and betrayed by all doctors I've seen. I appreciate any help anyone can give.
  Mark21ny on 2004-11-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Wow that is so long! LOL...I just can't keep it simple can I? Maybe that will save you some questions for later, or just give you more!

BTW, does anyone here use a knowledge of astrology along with homeopathy? Just curious as usual...


Mark21ny 2 decades ago
Constipation, lack of appetite, depression, weak metabolism...seems like my thyroid IS not working right...I was prescribed Armour Thyroid but did not take it for so long. Also, my thyroid has been swollen for 2 years...previous doctors mentioned it, but didn't do anything further. Lyme specialist was the one who prescribed it...
Also had mercury testing which came back negative...

So maybe the thyroid is the first concern? Cause I really have very little appetite and am so depressed, dont even go out with my friends anymore...
Would an electrolyte drink help maybe....I tend to develop fat around the abdomen.

Mark21ny 2 decades ago
Sorry way too much information at once...
Mark21ny 2 decades ago
Also don't feel strong, body hasn't developed fully, weak sex drive since puberty. Lyme doc says Lyme causes endocrine imbalances.

Height: 6'2 weigh 170
Skinny with a little fat around abdomen. Thick hair.
Mark21ny 2 decades ago
what is your email address. S
sabra 2 decades ago
Hi sabra thanks for getting back...It is ***** had to type it that way so they would allow it
[Edited by Mark21ny on 2024-04-17 19:18:12]
Mark21ny 2 decades ago
Tried 3 times, Click on my name and get mine. S.
sabra 2 decades ago
I tried..your email is not listed my email: ****** or click my name and see...try the caps...I dont know why it didnt go through, I hope it works this timeMark
[Edited by Mark21ny on 2024-04-17 19:18:38]
Mark21ny 2 decades ago
I think I may need to see someone...I am very unstable...My parents said they would help look for someone.
Please share experiences with treating Lyme Disease :)

Mark21ny 2 decades ago
by someone I mean a homeopath...I am still open to allyour suggestions, just may not be able to check in every day...Thank you everyone :)

Mark21ny 2 decades ago
Marky !

I want to understand your case fully before giving suggestions. Trying to read it over and over again.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Hi Mark
Thank for your post-the
more info we have the better.
Are you taking any meds right now?

What do you mean by "blinking started"-like involuntary fast blinking? When does it happen?
Astra2012 2 decades ago
by the way- I like astrology a lot-either try to know someone's sun sign to understand him/her better OR don't want to know it as I don't want to be biased. The latter is the case in homeopathy-I want to focus exclusively on the disease symptoms!
At the other homeopathic forum we were CHATTING FOR FUN ONLY about Zodiac signs and their counterparts in hom. remedies. That was fun! But only that. In homeopathy it is really better to focus on the symptoms (so I will not ask you for your sign-not yet anyway)
Astra2012 2 decades ago
both eyes are the same?
pls read this article:
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Do not fall into fear, Mark, it is the enemy. Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Hi thanks for all your replies,

Astra the only med I am on right now is hepperin to flush out the PIC line that is in my arm.

Astra, those are a lot of questions on that site Astra, but I'll go through as many as I can now.

Yes, like involuntary fast blinking. Blinking is always worse when talking to people or reading, or anything stressful.

I have to open my eyes really wide a lot too. that's how it started.
The right eye is worse. The lid is little more closed than the left and it's an uncomfortable feeling. That happened after the rash I had when I was 13.

When I get really stressed, half the hair on my left eyebrow disappears.
I have itching in my eardrum, that is relieved by using a Q tip.

I tend to feel self pity, and victimized, have a defeatist attitude. My parents say that I don't see reality too often. I still haven't grown up.

I have to think about it first when people ask me about how I'm feeling.

My parents need to ask me somtething two or three times
before I hear them.

Also quick family history:

Do you want a family history of illness? I'll try and come back with that later.
Mark21ny 2 decades ago
Marky !

Itching in which ear L/R ??
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago

I believe right ear, but it could be both, I dont remember, it doesn't happen often...

Also I read KAKA420's post...I have some of those same problems. I definitely have an endocrine imbalance, yet all testing comes back normal (except for hypothyroidism).

Maybe I have a problem with my thymus too, caused by autoimmune problem caused by encephalitis from Lyme? That's what I've read, but haven't treating it, except for treating hypothyroidism.
What about the rest of the endocrine system?

I do have lots of food allergies which are a sign of autoimmune disorder right?

I'm thinking I need to see a doctor about this.

Anyway, take what I say for what it is worth.


Mark21ny 2 decades ago
what are the reports on hypo-thyroidism ??

Do you sweat a lot?...which parts of the body ?
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
what are the reports on hypo-thyroidism ??

Do you sweat a lot?...which parts of the body ?
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
I don't think you like eating eggs !

Were you eating chalk in your school time....from the teacher's board? (if your teacher was not using markers).

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
haha, why would I do that??
Mark21ny 2 decades ago
Doc said I have sub clinical hypothyroidism...I don't remember the numbers

No I don't like eggs

I sweat alot in the armpits
Mark21ny 2 decades ago
It was a blood test...and my basal temps are average of 96
Mark21ny 2 decades ago
Do you mean your eyelids muscles are weak-and R more than L?
There is a lot of info needed -accord to the Kent (see site) - I gave it to you so you'll have some ideas.
Are you always warm or chilly?
What is your thirst?Appetite (except that you have weak dig. and crave sweets)?
Is there any time of the day/weather/season/activity that you like best/worst?
What angers you the most?

Probably most homeopaths do not put much trust in medical industry. Are you healthier now than when they started "healing treatments"?
Astra2012 2 decades ago

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