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Late Stage Lyme Disease and more... Page 3 of 3

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Arg n. is Aries.
But I promised myself not to mix the two because I get biased too easy.
I think now that Mark is not Sag-but it's psychology rather than mystic arts-he would say if he was. But he is nice and thinks (wrongly!) that it would hurt my feelings.
Never went into Tarot though-I like this stuff too much and had to put a lot of barriers not to get involved in it over my head.
Rajan Sankaran's books have remedies pictures that one can easily compare to sign signs. Do you have any of his books Pankaj? Recommend any?
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Hi astra,
can you tell me which Sankaran book you are speaking of in particular? I am very interested in that connection.
Do you know what sign Kali C is? And Nat M?
saltOftheEarth 2 decades ago
I was hoping Pankaj knows Sankaran's books. I don't know a single one-just heard that he writes a "personality profile" for each remedy. Then it would be easier to make that connection with astrological profiles.

I don't think such a book is written YET.
I have no idea about kali-c and nat-m--I'm doing my best to keep these 2 (astrology and homeopathy)of my interest separated and select the remedy exclusively on the basis of disease symptoms not a sun sign ---although I must admit it is hard (on the other hand I'm sure there is some connection-I just do not know it well enough).

If you decide to write such a book I want to buy it!
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Hi Astra and Pankaj,

I AM a sagittarius, born in December.

I looked at remedy pictures for causticum and argenticum Nit. and they do not look that similar to me.

What other remedies besides Merc. Sol and Ledum are listed against Lyme?

I did see syphillinum, and I shared some symptoms with that remedy.

"Obstinate constipation for year; rectum seems tied up with strictures; when enema was used the agony of passage was like labor"

"Loss of memory; cannot remember names of books, persons or places; arithmetical calculation difficult. Sensation: as if going insane, as if about to be paralyzed; of apathy and indifference. Terrible dread of night on account of mental and physical exhaustion on awakening; it is intolerable, death is preferable"

I also forgot to mention I took Nux V 30C 10 days ago. How long does that last because I developed some new symptoms. I kind of feel like I'm in the "Nux V state of mind" remembering back from when I was on it two years ago.

Now will you develop the symptoms of that remedy if it is not right for you? I thought that this only happened with the original substance. I don't understand much.

I will look up Syphillinum on ABC right now.
Mark21ny 2 decades ago
There must be a connection...
Mark21ny 2 decades ago
I looked it up...It doesn't look like my constitutional remedy but maybe it could help with my reaction to lymes. Seeing as I have already tried many constitutional meds. I also have some similarity with medhorrinhum.

I am so weak right now I wouldnt want to take anything too powerful, maybe nothing at all.

I also have pretty bad hypoglycemia, along with the thyroid and adrenal problems. Lyme apparently screws up your endocrine system.

Your thoughts...

Mark21ny 2 decades ago
The "problem" is that you are NOT a Lyme disease (or any other) but Mark. And the remedy has to fit you not any particular disease. Murphy (2nd edition repertory) lists for Lyme 3 remedies: arsenicum, mercurius and thuya.This means that people who were given any of these remedies (because the remedies FIT THEM) were cured from their ailments and Lyme disease happened to be among them.
I have no idea if any of them will work for you-it could be another one, or other few.

I really believe that your healing should start from diet and supplements. Did you read "Patient heal thyself" by Jordan Rubin? You will like it.

Because you are very sensitive you can develop symptoms of a worng remedy,unfortunately. but-fortunately-they don't last long. Actually you'll prbably be over nux this week.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
I am reading all the posts here .

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
So, Mark, I'm sure you thought you're off the hook here. No such luck.

Despite appearances I'm not checking if you followed any of our (BRILLIANT!) advices, but if you did anything towards your health.
Diet+supplements (based on Jordan Rubin's books)and homeopathy are only two steps. Prayer is talking but did you try listening too? In meditation when you still your body and fix your mind on something (like your breath)- maybe you can hear something? try it.

Breathing is the only activity that can be totally conscious or totally unconscious-spend few minutes a day watching your breath.

and drink a lot of pure water. Accord. to dr Day we need even 10 glasses of it every day.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
hmmm... Could it be that you just don't want to talk to us?
(I can't get a hint. Too subtle).
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Hi Mark, I have very similar symptoms with you, I had right eye twitching first and then it became glued like in the mornings, sticky, hard to open, my hands and arms also got numb and stone like at nights, I have diagnosed 1.5 year ago and I had the syptoms at least 3 years before that. I took more than a year antibiotics therapy, and I have used soo many different homeopathic remedies, it is hard to tell them all. My eye symptoms are still there and wider area now, with my cheeks and all right face but my fatique is gone and the pain in joints and muscles. The best thing you could do is to find a person who would test you for remedies and supplements, because each person's body is different with lyme, by the way I have the babesiosis and bartonella and mycoplasma too.
But there is hope, i have seen it. I am functional now.
I couldn't even go out before.
Other than the remedies you mentioned, you might try Lachesis, Oxygen, ferrum, iodine. Since you say that your endocrine system is having hard time and I had the same. Eventhough my thyroid readings were normal, my lyme doctor prescribed me armour thyroid medication which helped me a lot. My suggestion is find a good hemopath who can do kinesiology or muscle testing, because lyme mutates constantly and you have got to be changing remedies and supplements and medications continously to show that bug that you are on top of things.
Goood LUCk
reyhan last decade
Mark, also,even if you feel like you sleep fine, get tested for sleep apnea, central or obstructive, because that can trigger a consistant 'fight or flight or freeze' state of mind which can cause brain fog and make it feel like there is a wall between you and the rest of the world.
lightfoot500 last decade
i was found positive with Lymes,
(and probably sleep ap although i have yet to do the sleep test) for the Lymes, i am seriously considering doing the Salt/C protocol. Salt/c can be done along with other protocols, herbal, homy, etc. it is not an overnite cure, but i beleive it works well.
lightfoot500 last decade
lightfoot500 said Mark, also,even if you feel like you sleep fine, get tested for sleep apnea, central or obstructive, because that can trigger a consistant 'fight or flight or freeze' state of mind which can cause brain fog and make it feel like there is a wall between you and the rest of the world.⚠Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread.   Report Post     ♡+Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. Click the red button to endorse.Endorse Post  

It turns out that I DO have sleep apnea! Good catch! Thanks for posting. Didn't see your post until a couple years ago :)
Mark21ny 5 years ago
Astra! I still remember you to this day. I have always thought back on this conversation fondly :) Even though I didn't keep up with it, I can tell you it was so helpful to go back and forth with you. It helped just to know someone cared :)

I hope you are well :)

I found this conversation after doing a random search for my old email lol.

Mark21ny 5 years ago
Hello Mark

:) A nice memory it seems and it's really hilarious how one finds out one's own post from previous years when searching for something else.

For a long time now, I have not seen Astra around.

Unfortunately Pankaj Verma passed away a few years ago.
maheeru 5 years ago

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