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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Frequent Urination

My father is 63 years old and for the past 3 years he has noticed a frequency in urination at night. On average he wakes up every two to three hours. If liquids are taken after 7 pm then the frequency is every hour. Would anyone have any suggestions as to what he can be treated with?
  Asela on 2007-12-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please get a test done on his prostrate gland.may be some enlargement.

what other symptoms is he having,


- waiting too long for the urine flow to begin,

- urine dribbles in drops,

if its confirmed that the prostrate is enlarged, then suitable homeo remedies would bring down the irregularity in the initial stages and surgery can be avoided.
rishimba last decade
is he suffering from diabetes or using any diauratic medicine?

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
thank you both for your replies.

rishimba- in regards to the additional symptoms, it is a positive on both the waiting too long for the urine flow to begin as well as it coming out in dribbles and drops sometimes.

dr.mahfooz- He is am extremely healthy man who does not have diabetes nor is under any medication.

my father tells me that in Mexico, which is where he lives, they did a test called PSA (?) and it came back 0.0. I'm not certain what this means.

He is visiting me in the U.S. and I would like to help him. He is a stong believer in homeopathic medicine and does not want to visit conventional doctors.

Thank you for your continued help.
Asela last decade
dear asela,
please try SABAL SERRULATA-3c (5 drops per dose) thrice a day for a week or so and report.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
The The Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test is done to rule out prostate cancer.

However the prostate gland normally gets enlarged in old people without becoming cancerous.

Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) normally helps to estimate the size of the prostate gland.

gavinimurthy last decade
sabal serrulata will take care of enlarged acute condition of the prostrate.

however, to stop the tendency you need to be treated on totality.
rishimba last decade
We will try sabal serrulata and report back. dr. mahfooz

rishimba- How then, can it be treated on in its entirety ?

We will also look into getting a TRUS but he hesitates getting near any formal medical institutions.

thank you
Asela last decade
my father age 65, having good health condition except pain in legs, little fatty body...

kindly suggest me for his urine problem as when he feels urine he can not stop and it gets leaked..
maaqm last decade
do you father suffers from prostrat problem or not.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade

How to know that my father suffering from prostrate problem or not?

Do I need to do a test?.

maaqm last decade
please get a test done on his prostrate gland.may be some enlargement.

what other symptoms is he having,


- waiting too long for the urine flow to begin,

- urine dribbles in drops,

if its confirmed that the prostrate is enlarged, then suitable homeo remedies would bring down the irregularity in the initial stages and surgery can be avoided
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Prostrate enlargement test is done through 'Ultrasound'...and one has to go empty stomach for it.

Any good hospital in your vicinity will do it for a nominal charge.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Doctors- We ordered sebal sebalata and were waiting for it to arrive. Meanwhile, I took my father to try to get an ultrasound as well. He could only get one for the abdomen there but we got it anyway. They found a 2.5 inch movable stone in the gallbladder, thickening of the lining and they said that was the least of their worries. Later the doctor checked his prostate and he said it was enlarged but not too much. But the fact that they also found blood in the stool and also a great deal of gas in his abdomen yet no pain, leads them to believe that he may have come sort of cancer somewhere other than the prostate. They recommended a colonoscopy, which he can't get in the US for lack of insurance, but he still is very hopeful that he can cure himself through homeopathy.

Besides the sebal sebalata, could he take anything else?

Thank you.

Asela last decade
Normal prostate produces a low level of psa so it can't be 0 you should do it again in other clinics labs.
adazae last decade
thank you for your response adazae, we'll have another PSA done. Meanwhile, he started taking sebal sebalata yesterday.
Asela last decade
It depends on a very very lots of things but in adition to sabal i had find useful baryta carbonica (specialy in hipertensiv, chimapila umbelata, coculus. opium etc.
adazae last decade
sorry for late response, following is my father prostate report, as mentioned above that my father when feel urine he can't stop for reaching bathroom sometime:


1] Echographically normal Right Kidney.
2] Renal Calcus - Left Kidney.
3] Enlarged Prostate. (Approx weight = 39.2gms.).
4] Approx. residual urine = 40.8cc.

Kidney, Urinary, Bladder & Prostate.
The Right Kidney = 10.5cm.
The Left Kidney = 10.7cm
Normal Values = 9.0 to 12.0cms.

The Kidney measure within normal limits, demostrate normal renal parenchymal echogenecity.
No evidence of fragmentation or displacement of the core of central echoes.
A calculus measuring 0.7cm is seen at lower pole of the Left Kidney.
No hydronephrosis or renal mass is evident.

The Urinary Bladder wall demonstrate minimal thickening & irregularity.
No bladder stone, mass or diverticulum is evident.
Approx residual urine = 40.8cc.

The Prostate is enlarged.
The prostate = 3.8 x 4.3 x 4.4cms.
Approx weight of the prostate = 39.2gms.
[Normal upper limit = 20.0gms]
The capsule of the prostate is intact.
No discrete mass is seen in the Prostate.
Calcified foci seen in the Prostate.

>>> Report End
maaqm last decade

Please try R-25 ( a product of dr. reckwege, germany) 20 drops per dose, four times a day for 2 weeks and report. Though it is a combination of some medicines but in practical experience I found this medicine very useful. I hope and expect that the problems mentioned in the above report will gradually solved.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade

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