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Arsenicum Album:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Antidote Arsenic....

Dear homepaths….
My wife has taken a few too many doses of Arsenic 10M and she is having aggravations. How can I antidote the I’ll effects. Someone has suggested Nat Mur 1M….

My wife has been getting headaches daily for the past couple of days which begins at 12 midday and last a couple of hours and she is getting it again today. With the headaches come depression, anxiety, heavy head and a lot of fatigue.

She cannot hear from the right ear and today she was getting pains in her left ear.
  eurostar on 2008-01-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give her strong coffee a few times to start with.

Give a dose one of the following in 30C or 200C.

Chin, Sul, Camph, Ferr, Hep, Ipec, Merc, Nux, Nux-M, Op.

I prefer Camphor or Nux Vom. Some say smelling and burning Camphor will also do the trick.

Good luck.
srisri last decade

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