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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair Loss Problem

My two friends are suffering from hair loss, one is almost lost the front whose pic is attached herewith and other having major loss of mid, so my question is, what information is needed for both so i may asked them and put here for your reference...

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  maaqm on 2008-01-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try weekly one dose of Syphilinum 200 and rest of 6 days continue LYCOPODIUM 200 DAILY one dose early in the morning empty stomach.. continue for 3 month and report me..

dr.d eoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Lyco 200c daily for three months???

Hope he will not become impotent.

gavinimurthy last decade
I was waiting for your comments on the statement of Murthy, why he has more objection on prescriptions.

Murth, pl you also explain, we are here to seek solution not contradiction.

maaqm last decade
dear doc, all drug store and homeopath suggesting me not to use lyco200 for continues 3 months, specially when my friend is un-married.

suggest what shall i do?
maaqm last decade
pl use it for five days then weekly dose for one month and then monthly dose three month j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
Dear j k mohla,

I believe you are suggesting me weekly one dose of Syphilinum 200 also alongwith lyco200...
maaqm last decade
If in case all of their suggestions doesn't work. You can try hair replacement.
undetectablehair last decade

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