The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair Loss
I am only 25 years old. I have been losing hair at an alarming rate. I have done the following tests:Hormone Test: Normal
Thyroid Test: Normal
Diseases: None
I do take daily vitamins. I lead a pretty decent lifestyle with a good balance of healthy food 98% of the time. I have tried every shampoo possible. I do not use any kind of chemicals. Please please please help me find a remedy to this problem. I am really sad about it and would like to lead a normal life as soon as possible.
Please help!!
tasha13 on 2008-01-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I think you should try Olive Oil massage on your scalp atleast 2 times a week.
Leave the oil on your scalp overnight , and then wash with a very gentle ph balanced shampoo in the morning.
If you do not have any other health problems, this should help you.
Leave the oil on your scalp overnight , and then wash with a very gentle ph balanced shampoo in the morning.
If you do not have any other health problems, this should help you.
sameervermani last decade
Hair Loss cases you also have an Allopathic Option
1) Finasteride 1 mg (Tablet name FINAX) - 1 dose per day. This medicine has been approved by the FDA
2) Minoxidil 2% topical solution, to be applied on the affected areas of the scalp.
I must warn you about Finasteride though, it works on your hormones and has been known to cause side effects like breast enlargement, sexual dysfunction etc in some men. This tablet should not be touched by pregnant women as it may affect the foetus formation too.
I'm not sure if Homeopathy will be of much help in a Male Pattern Hair Loss case. You can try it out though, no harm if you stick to the right dosage
1) Finasteride 1 mg (Tablet name FINAX) - 1 dose per day. This medicine has been approved by the FDA
2) Minoxidil 2% topical solution, to be applied on the affected areas of the scalp.
I must warn you about Finasteride though, it works on your hormones and has been known to cause side effects like breast enlargement, sexual dysfunction etc in some men. This tablet should not be touched by pregnant women as it may affect the foetus formation too.
I'm not sure if Homeopathy will be of much help in a Male Pattern Hair Loss case. You can try it out though, no harm if you stick to the right dosage
RishiRishi last decade
In some cases Staphysagria is indicated, but I'm sure there are others... Best to work with a homeopath though, to hone in on your constitutional issues, and the hair may be a secondary thing affected, priority though it might be for you at the moment!
fifthworld last decade
Thank you for your replies. I have tried the oil massage and such. No help, in fact i lose more hair when I apply oil.
I am not exactly sure where this is stemming from. My parents (lineage) is actually pretty good too...
If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.
Thank you!
I am not exactly sure where this is stemming from. My parents (lineage) is actually pretty good too...
If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.
Thank you!
tasha13 last decade
Oh I just realized that you're a girl. In that case, Finasteride, about which i spoke in my previous post in this string, won't work, it's only for male pattern baldness.........but you can still safely use Minoxidil 2% or 5% solution, it can arrest your hair fall by inhibiting the damaging protein in your hair follicles
RishiRishi last decade
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