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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nasal congestion

Dear all,

I'm a 31 year old suffering from severe nasal congestion. It started last year around september but few drops of Pulsatilla 30 x worked at that time. This year, congestion came back but pulsatilla didn't work. It gets worse at night and after a couple of hard nights, I started using a nasal spray. I don;t feel sick in any other way. I have mild hypertension which is controlled by muktavati.
Please suggest something.
  ruchika on 2008-01-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please try Sang.Nit-30 ( 5 drops thrice a day for 2/3 days ) and report.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
insuffficient description

give general symptoms and particulars which is peculiar in nature like stoppage of nose at sleep, immediately after lying down or after some time. any nose blockage due to growth inside nose.

Rhinitis or sinusitis history.

allergic to any external things
mazharmhm last decade
I don't have any history of Rhinitis or sinusitis. I don;t know if I'm allergic to anything. this problem only started last year around this season. I can't breath as soon as lie down to sleep. Sometimes I'm able to sleep for an hour to so with my mouth open but eventually my mouth gets so dry that I can't sleep. I am otherwise healthy except for mild hypertension. I feel fine most of the day. Congestion builts in the evening.
ruchika last decade
Read about Grindelia. It has got the dry catarrh, which stops breathing while falling asleep.

gavinimurthy last decade
You can see the prominent symptoms here.


gavinimurthy last decade
dear Dr. Murthy,
My problem is even falling asleep due to congestion. As soon as I lie down, Congestion becomes so severe that I can;t keep my mouth open. Sometimes congestion starts in the eveneing also while walking around. Not much cough comes out.
ruchika last decade

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